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Everything posted by pwal³

  1. i have the first couple of chapterhouse eps, and the first lp i think, good stuff the global communication is also a classic ambient melt fest
  2. let's not forget sun electric
  3. old timer would be a good alternative to vintage warmer, if that comes up
  4. it's a fun plugin
  5. that's the current offline installer version (link above), full 35sp1pointwhatever, it doesn't need any previous versions installed
  6. This just happened to me this week, give their support a shout, Antoni I think it was very helpful
  7. they're stuff's the dog's, i'm even considering installing bloody ilok to get the latest stuff/updates
  8. did you try downloading the full offline installer package?
  9. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/enable-or-disable-windows-features-using-dism
  10. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/install/dotnet-35-windows-10
  11. i recently installed melodyne on a new laptop, but with issues due to it being an older version, and their customer support was top notch, all sorted within the day
  12. noel has hinted at such, but nothing ever appeared, assuming the hoo-har of business took over
  13. if you haven't seen the movie yet, do
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