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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. Big thanks for your efforts! Trying to understand what you're saying here. By saying "only strum patterns" are you referring to articulations? So is there no musical content in them? Say I'd want buy a latin, reggae or this jazz pack, I hear some melodies or chord progressions there. Where would they be placed then? If they are in the MIDI files, just playing all in C key only, then that's fine for me.
  2. Doug, are you sure the soundpack installs MIDI files there? That was exactly my concern because I was thinking that everything comes inside the GS-2 soundpack bank file and you have to drag&drop the MIDI sequences from the plugin GUI. If you're right though, then that's exactly what I was looking for.
  3. That's two different paths. Not sure how much it would be useful with GS-2 dedicated soundpaks.
  4. Oh right, the AAS Player, Will have to check if it's sending MIDI Out or not, that could be one more way.
  5. If I have only Strum Session, is there still any way to utilize the AAS soundpacks (for GS-2)? Like for example do they come with MIDI files included or it's just proprietary GS-2 bank and I can do nothing with it? I would me mostly interested in getting the MIDI out of the styles to be able to play them with another guitar VIs.
  6. I think, even if we did all that, we still won't be able to post the deals even before the vendors post them. That's what Larry used to do. Lol
  7. I'm getting plugin crashes ever so often across multiple Cakewalk updates so that's a constant for me over the years. Mostly plugins from big vendors like Waves or IK Multimedia. Actually Amplitube is crashing a bit more recently, every few consecutive loading of same project, crashing Cakewalk or screwing synth outputs. Or maybe I'm simply using it more than I used to. But I'd imagine this one would be extremely hard to nail down as from my observation there are more factors involved crossing the same project, plugins from Waves and UVI, all ending up in same track template etc. As to envelopes I think they had been going through some rewriting recently. Maybe you stumbled onto an new bug with your older songs. Could be worth sending a sample project with your issue to the support.
  8. http://www.dontcrack.com/
  9. In these Windows 10 times, posts like this are very precious.
  10. That was just too quick fix to be real. Probably fixing some regression introduced in 1.1.2... a very common pattern nowadays.
  11. Seeing v1.1.3 update available. Nobody talking about it, think I'll have to just go and download the whole 6GB shebang myself only to find out whether the preset buttons are fixed or not. Or not.
  12. That's already a great way of starting a new project. Or even better a collaboration. The only thing about an integrated sampler though is that some of us would like to drop a one-shot sample right onto it directly in Cakewalk and play like a synth (think 808) or drop a few and play as a drumset. A 3rd party plugin will always compromise the workflow. I already bought Cubase Elements for it.
  13. Great to see some privacy improvements there. Also impressed with the addition of a sampler, something we Cakewalk users are watching with envy 😂
  14. I've reported my issue along with the dump files already months ago but they (support staff) are always kindly asking me to update Cakewalk to the latest version, as if it makes any difference. The problem is, on my production machine I'm not updating Cakewalk every time new release is published, I just can't afford breaking compatibility with ongoing projects, so I'm constantly lagging a version or two behind the most recent release. So I'm stuck in a kind of loophole with it, bumming.
  15. Commodore Plus/4 late 80-ties... my first computer to take the first (and last) attempts in programming... so proud of it (lol)
  16. eh... they are always making it so hard, I mean we're not talking software from the $29 price tag, right? so are they having such a good sales figures that the're expecting you to impulse-buy €150 software...? 🤔
  17. In second half of the 90-ties I had a monochrome 286 laptop 2MB RAM, 40MB HDD and Windows 3.11 for workgroups. But as it had no MIDI/Joystick port, the only way to get MIDI off it was through this proprietary Yamaha cable and I had to devote my only RS-232 mouse port for it 😱 (no ps2 ports yet on that time lol). So I had to learn how to operate Windows and Cakewalk Professional 3.0 all solely from the laptop's keyboard. Can you imagine I was able to edit notes or CC# events in the Event List on the gig if I had to...without a mouse?! 😂 Those times LOL
  18. @Peter - IK Multimedia they should try and test once in a while on a crappy Windows.. I know everyone in the music industry is using MACs. LOL and on a serious side I could volunteer with some testing, I like IK stuff Btw, are you in position to say anything if there's any group buy in the making this year?
  19. MSpectralDynamicsLE is the smaller brother of the mighty MSpectralDynamics, a true revolution in audio processing, which can flatten the spectrum, prevent collisions between tracks, remove noise, and open up myriad new creative possibilities. MSpectralDynamicsLE is the same, but it doesn't let you access the edit screen. Buy Now €50 Modern listeners crave extremely tight and punchy sound. MStereoSpread uses psychoacoustics to bring your tracks closer to the listener and make them as wide and tight as physically possible, while keeping the sound natural and beautiful. Buy Now €40 A limiter is an essential tool for every mixing and mastering engineer. If you are looking for the big guns that can make your recordings sound louder while keeping transparency, but add character if you ask for it, MLimiterX is the weapon for you! Buy Now €50 Whenever you need to add some movement to an otherwise static sound, a filter is one of the first processors to try. MFilter can probably do more than you could imagine a filter would be capable of. Buy Now €25 https://www.meldaproduction.com/emd
  20. Thanks, that's exactly what I see here since v1. Maybe I wrongly assumed it was already reported a million times, LOL.
  21. If anyone know what is 'next TR holiday' please enlighten me 🙏
  22. It's 7/07! Today you can grab the 707 From Mars for just $7.07 The 707 is a classic, sample-based drum machine from 1985 and continues to prove itself as one of the hardest hitting machines around. Plus, our 707 is modified with knobs that control the sample rate of each voice, allowing us to multi-sample a huge amount of twisted tones and tunings. AND we sampled it through the SP for added 12 bit grit. The deal will run until the next TR holiday 🙂 LEARN MORE Enjoy ! Teddy Samples From Mars
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