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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Looks like you need to do a clean install of Cakewalk. Make sure you back up your projects before doing this. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  2. Or just get a better compressor where side chaining just works with out all the fluffing around.....
  3. It will be a sad day when the average listener will not even care that lyrics are written by AI.
  4. By default, specific keybindings can be loaded from Workspaces. Because of this, for any Workspaces I use, I configure those Workspaces not to load their specific keybindings. Under “Manage Workspaces”, you can configure individual Workspaces not to load keyboard shortcuts. I prefer keybindings to be global. You have to be careful when loading Workspaces. If you load a Workspace that has been configured to load their specific shortcuts, these will overwrite your global keybindings. I made that mistake once and had to restore just my keybindings from a registry backup I make of my keybindings. When ever I change a keybinding, I also export my keybindings to a KBN file for Justin.
  5. I did another download and still got the 590,811,736. Might be due to slightly different disk sector allocation. As long as it runs and installs. As far as the activation of CbB in concerned - I think that will be possible for quite a while yet - at least until the Bakers decide to pull the plug on CbB (I believe that's a long way off). The new Cakewalk Sonar will be well and truly released and established before that happens.
  6. Do a fresh install of Cakewalk by Bandlab on a PC that has never had Cakewalk installed. Do this using the web installer: https://downloads.bandlab.com/cakewalk/setup/CakewalkSetup.exe When the installation phase has started and completed, the full installer exe should be in the following folder: %userprofile%\Downloads\Cakewalk The filename is “Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Setup_29.09.0.075.exe” with a filesize of 590,811,736 bytes
  7. Here is one of mine. If a MIDI track is set to a specific MIDI channel rather than “none”, then PRV controller lanes for those MIDI tracks should display a given controller regardless of what the MIDI channel individual controller events are set to. This is because a MIDI track’s specific MIDI channel overrides any MIDI channel that individual events are set to when sending that MIDI event to a synth. This is similar to CPA9's “ALL channels” option where one defines what channel to display. In CbB, the “ALL channels” is missing when adding a controller lane in the PRV. Also, a patch change lane in the PRV would be nice. If I was a BETA tester for Sonar, this is one thing I would mention in the closed forum.
  8. If you have set up a MIDI device’s MIDI port to use ACT, then that MIDI port becomes unavailable elsewhere. Because of this, many controllers have two virtual MIDI ports therein. I know the PCR-800 does. Have a look in Preferences - MIDI - Devices and make sure more than one is selected under “Inputs”. Determine which one you’ve configured to use ACT. Then use the other elsewhere.
  9. I just signed up with Discord anyway, just in case.
  10. Run Native Access to update. Release Notes: ADDED Preference to disable "New Instruments for you" panel in Options > Interface IMPROVED Some info bar help text updated FIXED QWERTY keyboard and mouse events intercepted when Kontakt is hosted as a plugin in Logic Pro FIXED Keyboard shortcuts not working in standalone mode FIXED Visual glitch when resizing Kontakt whilst hosted as a plugin in Logic Pro, and running at 75% zoom FIXED Crash when replacing loaded instrument if currently focussed instrument is in edit mode
  11. Sorry, I flubbed my original post (now corrected). If program changes are important to you with plugins, then choose the VST2 version of a given plugin (if available). Program changes will not be guaranteed with VST3 plugins (regardless of DAW or host).
  12. Some plugins might get around it somehow. AAS VST3 synths definitely do not respond to program changes, where as their VST2 synths do.
  13. Depends on the synth. For instance, with Arturia synths, you can assign CC values to go to the next and previous preset. With Sampletank, you can do that as well
  14. The Former Host is irrelevant. What ever host you use, VST3 VSTi plugins do not respond to program changes
  15. As per title. Downloaded from here: https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads
  16. Menu > Project > Insert Time/Measures See: http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x201F7
  17. And then there is the issue that VST3 does not support program change MIDI events. VST2 does.
  18. Select Smart tool. Select clip. Hold ALT while hovering over selected clip - pointer becomes pair of scissors. With ALT still pressed, left click. The clip will split where the pair of scissors mouse pointer is This has always worked for me.
  19. This is why I am so glad I can hide specific threads on here.
  20. Just to clarify. Do you want to adjust all selected note's velocities so that their range converts from what ever the minimum is to what ever the maximum is to go from 110 to 127? If so, then read on. To do that with Find/replace, you would need to know what the minimum and maximum velocities are in the selection. Then enter those values in the minimum and maximum velocity fields of the first Find/replace dialogue box. Then in the next Find/replace dialogue box, enter 110 and 127 in minimum and maximum the velocity fields. If you know how to write CAL scripts, A CAL script can be written to do this for you - including the finding of the minimum and maximum velocities of the selected notes.
  21. Maybe this is the issue you are encountering? https://forum.bome.com/t/korg-nanokontrol2-driver-on-windows-10-not-working-how-to-fix-it/3047
  22. No, because I do not have the user guide LX25+ Hopefully someone who has one can help you.
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