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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. ZIP has been updated with v.1.0.1 containing revised Mix Module images for Clear Write Automation, and slightly enhanced white-on-black text on other Control Bar Module buttons.
  2. Learning about Ctrl-Shift-C in Paint.NET really sped things up for me, to the point where I keep my sources as multi-layer, with the bottom layer retaining the original Mercury image, marked as hidden. Not that I'm planning another theme (I have too many already!) but my workflow is very optimized now. Re: Clear Automation Write Huh. Thanks! How did I miss that. Not the white rectangle - I did that deliberately because I couldn't see how the image was used. I even wrote a note in YLIP about it. But it is pretty obvious that it IS used, now that you point it out. I will fix this in 1.0.1. Re: Prev/Next on Black It looks OK to me but I'm using Windows 10 Display Scaling at 125% and it may be obscuring some artifacts. I'll take a look at refining the options I used for the white-on-black text on those buttons (Including Snap, Punch, Select, etc) and see if I can improve it. Incidentally, Mercury and Tungsten use the same button style for these Control Bar modules, but I made some choices about whether I used a black+LED push button or a light-em-up indicator based on whether the button-push made a change or was merely an On/Off indicator for a feature. I think it is intuitive, and works interactively. Thanks again.
  3. Verified compatible with Cakewalk 2021.04 Update #1. ZIP refreshed just in case.
  4. Verified compatible with Cakewalk 2021.04 Update #1. ZIP refreshed just in case.
  5. I've released version 1. No theme is ever complete. This one is in pretty good shape. Have at it, and stick the landings.
  6. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, Please return your seat to the upright position, and ensure your seat belts are fastened. Or alternatively, come and join me on the FLIGHT DECK. Crisp, clear, and all business, with twin engine power. You'll KNOW you're in control. Along with the usual appointments from the House of Colin, we have some additional fettling work in the areas of Piano Roll View Track Pane, Icons, and Send UI. Inspired by a Cessna CJ4 in MS Flight Simulator, but based on the Mercury theme, so if you're a practitioner of the dark arts, this one may not be for you. But please. take her for a spin - you may be surprised at the performance. FLIGHT_DECK.zip Updated 2021.12: refreshed Folder Archive button
  8. Check your theme. Are you using a custom theme? Does this happen when using Mercury or Tungsten, the default themes?
  9. Updated 2021.05.18 Revised for the changes in 2021.04 Update 1 (build 175). The Add/Delete/Properties buttons from the old Tempo View that were re-used in Meter/Key, Markers and Events views are now under Meter/Key. Images and documentation revised to match.
  10. Your screenshot is not available to me and I don't know what element you're referring to. Try using the Windows Clipping tool to paste an image directly into your forum post - it works great for small images
  11. All the themes posted here are cool. Try them all. Let us know which ones you think are cool. Search for the #theme tag
  12. Oh, um, nothing specific. Just greater contrast I think. I love me a light theme but it does make it harder to push things into the foreground of awareness.
  13. This isn't going to be terribly helpful, but I figured you'd want to know. Cakewalk build 155 just up-n-vanished on me, leaving the application visible in the Task Manager but otherwise absent. I was working in the PRV (as I have been a lot this week), select note events and moving them to align them with a previous performance. I click on a note to select it, and instead of selecting it, I get the spinning frisbee of death followed by... vanishing application. This has happened twice before but in both previous cases, it was the earlier build (release 2021.04). I got a dialog saying that the app had crashed and there was a minidump available. After the second time, I decided I should install the EA build 155 so that if it happened again I could report it with the dump. Alas - it is not even creating a dump file in 155.
  14. You can press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy a merged version of all current layers. This means you can edit a multi-layer graphic and copy and paste directly into Theme Editor without having to do a layer merge down first. This has saved me a lot of time and I wished I'd learned about it 12 months ago.
  15. Sound On Sound goes out of its way to NOT mention Cakewalk these days. There's no money in Free, I guess
  16. @msmcleod, forgive me for overloading this post but while we're on the subject of PRV and Ctrl-Scroll behavior.... Observe: Often (but not always) when I scroll and then select a note in the middle of the note duration, and try to move, the note events move spontaneously to the right under the held-down mouse, almost as if to get the start of the note event under the mouse pointer. This capture shows selecting, moving, scrolling, repeat - until suddenly the selected notes jump to the right under the held-down mouse: I know, hardly a show-stopper, but very annoying.
  17. Yes. You can change them on a clip by clip basis, or you can change default colors using Edit > Preferences > Customization > Colors for defaults, or you can investigate Theming.
  18. I'm pretty sure it isn't a sticky control key because if it were, Cakewalk would indicate this with the [+] tag on the mouse cursor right when I click on the target note event. But it doesn't. Thanks for checking the code, I appreciate this.
  19. This has been driving me crazy but finally I screen-captured it. It is happening to me a LOT but whenever I tried to reproduce it, it wouldn't happen. It comes and goes. A real "heisenbug". I am working in the PRV, frequently scrolling back and forth in the time line, using Ctrl-Mousewheel. I select notes with a normal mouse click or click-drag to move them. If I have just scrolled to the right or left using Ctrl-Scroll, then there is a good chance that when I select the next note, instead of clearing the current selection and selecting the sole new note, Cakewalk will keep the previous note selected (even if it has scrolled out of view) and extend the selection to INCLUDE the new note. It is acting like the CTRL key is depressed, even though it is not. IF I DON'T NOTICE the super-long selection bar in the Ruler, I can EASILY move the previously adjusted note, along with the current one, thus messing up my edits. Here's the GIF: What you see: First, I demonstrate what a single mouse click to select a new note SHOULD do - it selects the new note, clearing the previous selection. Then, I attempt to Ctrl-Scroll and select a third note. The PRV behaves and only the new note is selected. Then, I scroll again using Ctrl-Scroll and select a forth note. THIS TIME IT HAPPENS - see the bar in the Ruler. The previously selected note is included in the new selection! Imagine it is off-screen to the right and I move the note, unknowingly moving the off-screen note as well. Observe that, if the CTRL key were depressed, the mouse cursor should show a little (+) icon indicating it is extending the selection. It does NOT show this because it should NOT be extending the selection. Forgive me, @msmcleod, for tagging you but I want to make sure you see this.
  20. Hell, if we can have "Instrument Tracks" we should be able to have "Bus Folders"
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