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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. Uh, thanks for "solely" 😄 Well, since you asked, It's all about usability, and preventing boredom. For me, it also needs to dissolve into the background. I don't want to be reminded of what theme I'm using, it needs to be invisible, whilst still providing a comfortable working environment. That means consistency, and for me, the best way to be consistent is to chose some constraints, and get creative within the constraints (works for music creation too). The constraints vary. STEAM PUNK was just me exploring theming for the first time, and deciding half-way along that I needed a goal, and it looked, well, steam-punky. POLAR BLUE 2020 is really SteveC's work, I just gave it a polish for my own entertainment. I learned some stuff. TUNGSTEN SLATE was a second attempt, this time starting from Tungsten but warming it up slightly, giving it a slate-blue flavor. I learned some more stuff. MIL-SPEC ALPHA was an attempt to make a mid-tone flat theme somewhat inspired by Ableton, avoiding "all grey and no play" and ending up in a khaki zone, hence the vibe. For FLAT WHITE it was, "how far can I go in taking MIL-SPEC ALPHA and making a really "light" theme?" For FLIGHT DECK I really wasn't planning on creating another theme. It was seeing a screen shot of an aircraft interior in MS Flight Sim 2020 and thinking, "that looks comfortable, like it would be hard to do the wrong thing". I have no plans for more themes. (I was considering 1960's NASA but it would just end up somewhere near MIL-SPEC ALPHA and FLIGHT DECK so I don't see the point) Honestly, I find myself switching between FLIGHT DECK and MIL-SPEC ALPHA every other week. Or FLAT WHITE (matcha).
  2. What's your windows display resolution? The minimum required is 1280x800.
  3. What type of audio file are you attempting to import? Could the filename extension be mis-asigned? What process are you using to import? Drag-drop from explorer into Track view? Or, select audio track and File > Import > Audio ?
  4. Is this AAS String Studio? VS-2 or VS-3? If you've reinstalled from scratch into a clean machine, you will need to enter a serial number supplied by AAS.
  5. This is definitely an area I prefer Cakewalk to take care of automatically, as opposed to offering up a dialog with a prompt along the lines of "Do you want to delete this object? Hint: Both answers are wrong"
  6. You are correct. If I save the project, then re-open it, the Aux 1 patch point no longer exists as a destination. Okay, well let me update my post above.
  7. Just to be clear, this is easy to duplicate from scratch: Set up: Create a new empty project. Add new Audio Track 1 Set Output of Track 1 to "New Aux Track". (Track 2 "Aux 1" is created) Delete tracks 1 and 2. Add new Audio Track 1 and open the Output selector menu Situation: Aux 1 is an available output destination. A) How to remove Aux 1 from the output destination list, according to @scook: In the new audio track 1, add a send to Aux 1. Drop down the Send destination menu and select "Delete Send" Observe: Aux 1 is no longer an available destination. B) How to remove Aux 1 from output destination list, according to @Lord Tim: Save the project and close it Re-open the project Observe: Aux 1 is no longer an available destination. Thanks, @scook & @Lord Tim, this was driving me crazy. Is it just me or is this counter-intuitive?
  8. I created an aux track and then decided I didn't need it at all. I deleted the tracks, but the associated new Patch Point still shows up in the input/output list. How can I delete it from the project?
  9. We're probably over-thinking it 🙂 Suffice to say, it's a good idea to tweak that muted clip not color.
  10. When the LUMINANCE value of PRV Grid Background changes from 119 to 120, the selected note colorization behavior changes polarity (White to Dark) . I believe it is built-in coded behavior.
  11. In TUNGSTEN, yes. I think that is worthy of a feature change request. In MERCURY, no. It is quite a reasonable default for the light PRV.
  12. I initially reverted to 2021.01. Then I ran Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Download_Setup_1.0.0.013.exe. I thought I was installing the installer, if you know what I mean, but it appeared to go ahead and install Cakewalk By Bandlab twice. I ended up with two separate "Setup has finished installing Cakewalk By Bandlab on your computer" dialogs on the screen, simultaneously. I'm wrong, it hasn't finished. After I closed those two windows, it started a progress bar for installing Studio Instruments. I don't think I had those installed here on the laptop before so maybe that is expected. Still, apparently that install didn't start until I had closed the other two "finished" dialogs. I will try and reproduce this. UPDATE: I think it was a consequence of checking the Add-ins installation. When I left them un-checked (they are, after all, already installed) the installer seemed to work as expected.
  13. I think it is on by default. I have an almost-default-install of Cakewalk on my laptop and it is set to Hide, there. UPDATE: it isn't even persistent between launches of the application. You have to chose to in-hide mute clips, each time you run Cakewalk. The default white is actually more-than-adequately visible in Tungsten, almost too obvious. And in Mercury, it is just visible but, yeah, could be more obvious. So grey would be a good compromise and work in both default themes, to boot. I'll add a recommendation.
  14. Confirmed. Document updated to reflect, and uploaded. Take as many internet points as you can hold in your fist, from this narrow-necked jar.
  15. Okay this took some time to figure out. Using a new empty project: A new, empty track will show Impression 1. When you Archive it, it will show Impression 5. (You can't Freeze it, no clips) Recording a clip into the track with show Impression 6. A second, new empty track shows Impression 1 (of course). If you drag a clip from another track into it, it shows Impression 6. Archiving or Freezing these tracks will show Impression 6. So, I think this is explicable, expected behavior, and we can document it as such. HOWEVER. I have my Theme-testing project that, when I open it in Cakewalk, shows an Archived track, with clips, showing impression 5: If I un-archive it, it shows Impression 1 (but it has clips!!!!) If I freeze it instead, it shows Impression 5 again! This is the only track that behaves that way. So, for some reason Cakewalk is confused about the status of the track and is using take lane button impressions as per an empty track. I'm gonna go with "Cakewalk is confused about this specific track. See above for normal, expected behavior". I guess YLIP needs another update. Thanks for keeping me honest.
  16. Hmm, you might want to double-check that. My research indicates that impression 5 is used when the track is Archived. Frozen tracks show impression 6. However, I do see that the YLIP doesn't reflect this, so I'll update the doc, and award you 1 internet point.
  17. Hi Simon, Unfortunately Bandlab doesn't make these types of resources available. So the only way I know of obtaining such without actually putting in the work to create them yourself, is to ask nicely if an established theme designer is willing to share here on the forum. Personally, I have spent countless hours building libraries of multi-layered versions of many, if not most, of the Cakewalk graphics. Forgive me for not wanting to just give them away at this time. One trick you might find that meets your goals with minimal work is to find an existing theme with images that are close, and use your graphic editor's hue transformation tools. Paint.Net allows you to take an image and move the values through RGB space; along with gamma and brightness, contrast.... you can achieve a lot with just a flat image and comprehensive transformation tools.
  18. You misunderstand me. The colors of the slider (or text) for all controls can be changed to whatever color you like, so long as they are all the same color.
  19. Erik, your tweak for the clips is definitely working for the max.wave option. There's a lot to like in this theme, and as I've said before I'm loath to be critical but we all have to recognize the theming is intensely subjective and everyone is different. The clip background color is, to me, not quite right. In the context of the application UI, they seem "washed out" to me. If I wanted to use the theme, I would abandon the "dark on selected" goal and flip it so that the clips were normally quite dark, almost black, and then get successively washed out as they unsolo/mute/archive etc. I find the PC EQ Grid on console view strips too bright, especially on strips that don't have PC enabled. I'd go darker on the grid lines. But that's me. I'm not designing the theme, you are.
  20. I like your style. It would take some getting used to. I normally run with "[X] Maximize waveform height", though, and it doesn't work so well for that option. She's a hard road creating the perfect theme, boy. Good on ya, mate.
  21. If I recall, if you put a border/transparent row of pixels down the left edge, it stops this behavior - maybe you accidently did that?
  22. It's the first time I've needed to "zoom in" on an image when pasting it into the document. Usually it's shrink to fit. I realize that my running at high PPI makes spotting things like this very difficult.
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