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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. The 2 month thing isn't a given. In the past it has varied by quite a bit. I would wait a few more months before getting legitimately nervous. ?
  2. This happens to me a lot. Two things can fix it: 1) Changing the ASIO buffer size. Sometimes just toggling it back and forth can resolve the issue. 2) Okay this is actually the same thing. If I am mixing/playback, then I increase the buffer size to something ridiculous (1024 or even higher) and see if the problem goes away. It almost always does.
  3. Ignore the crap articles, read the source https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/cicada-apt10-china-ngo-government-attacks
  4. I recommend having this discussion in the UI Themes forum. Are you sure the problem persists between fresh launches of the application? There are some visual theme characteristics that don't refresh perfectly unless you re-open Cakewalk.
  5. Well, here's a challenge. I haven't found it yet. The KNOB is obvious but the elongated oval background graphic remains elusive. Also interested in the value text - I suspect these can't be changed in the Theme Editor. Note that these don't appear unless the Synth Rack is un-docked. Thanks @sjoens for the challenge...
  6. Page 123 of this document may help you out. There are some colours that can't be altered, and it looks like you've encountered some of them. Oh - and, nice theme!
  7. I genuinely wish you all the best, @AxlBrutality. As a favor from one Cakewalk Veteran to another, could you check back in here a in a couple of months and let us know where you ended up and how you're getting on? So many of these stories don't get a satisfactory conclusion.
  8. I sell my music on BandCamp. I don't know enough to know if the Epic deal is good or bad news. Promotion has always been a problem, regardless of platform.
  9. Switch to Tungsten and see if you see the same problem with the Archive button. The Archive button was recently extended from 5 impressions to 8 to handle nested folders, and what you are seeing is a 5-impression image being divided into 8 slices. Hence the cut-off image. Have you ever used any custom themes? Experiment with a few (see the Themes forum) and see if you still observe the problem (with Mercury RS for example) and then switch back. An application restart might help synchronize things also.
  10. struggles to un-knot coin purse Uh... does anyone have a knife?
  11. Hi @Sridhar Raghavan, this is not directly related to your request for tools to load Drum Maps from text files, but if you haven't already seen it, my article on drum maps in Cakewalk is here: https://prodigalsounds.com/blog/2021/05/04/drum-maps-in-cakewalk/
  12. @Sridhar Raghavan, Dimension Pro supports scala files but it may be difficult to find. It used to be bundled with SONAR Professional, and although I think BandLab have the I.P. for Dim Pro, its future is uncertain. This list might be useful to you: https://en.xen.wiki/w/List_of_microtonal_software_plugins I don't think Cakewalk itself has any specific support for non-western scales. SwarShala looks intriguing but I'm sure you're familiar with that. (Note: I'm not knowledgeable about it, just curious).
  13. 20 English Shillings say this poster will not return!
  14. It's a short way of referring to "The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer" to creating Cakewalk themes. I think you've already found it ?
  15. @Sridhar Raghavan, Clearly something isn't right, because the behavior you're experiencing isn't normal. We'd like to help you resolve this but I think we're going to need more information. Could you share some screen shots? I'm thinking something like Cakewalk's Preferences > File > Folder Locations page; The contents of C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes These may show up something we can drill down on to find the root cause.
  16. Is that equivalent to re-opening Cakewalk, or does it still have the problem where some theme elements aren't refreshed correctly in the UI? Not meaning to be "that guy" but curious.
  17. Have you reached your attachment limit? Check your usage under your account > My Attachments in the upper right corner.
  18. Hi there, welcome to the forum. Themes don't completely replace the existing graphics of Cakewalk; they just give it a "flavor". So, your expectations of what is possible through Cakewalk theming may not be met. I did a quick comparison between the latest "Logical" theme and some screen-shots of Apple Logic, and I think it would be possible to get closer to Logic's look and feel, particularly in the area of the Control Bar. But it would be a lot of work, and wouldn't change the basic widget shapes and placement from what they are in Cakewalk. I recommend trying a few different themes and switching between them, and you'll soon get an appreciation of what is possible, and what is not. "Same spouse, different clothes" is one way of putting it (okay I read that on a forum somewhere and it stuck with me)
  19. ZIP updated with version 2021.12.3 which includes some cosmetic changes imported from the Revised Standard Editions: Track and Console Phase Expand/Contract iconography Mix Module button polarity
  20. Updated to 1.0.2, Mix Module button changes.
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