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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Apple-polly-lodgies! 😬 That I did! 'Tis what I get for not watching TV anymore... 😕
  2. Not hard to see why their supporters would be faceless cowards! 😆 Heck, I bet that drink is decaffeinated.
  3. I recall being in Manchester near Halloween... I went into a costume store and asked a girl for help. She said "We don't carry Liverpool kit here, you'll have to go somewhere else." To which I replied, "I'm sorry, but you misunderstood me. I said I want to be a Count!" 😁 And, to get this thread back on track...
  4. 1. Bob is Notes. Notes is Bob! 2. thru 5. These are STILL facilitated through The Bouy, LTD. 😁 (Proper Endorsements Needlessly Interests Strummy!)
  5. Not bad! Dad would definitely be proud.
  6. Heh... We know where the term "Mad as a hatter!" comes from, but "Mad as a person with tooth fillings!" just doesn't have the same ring to it! 😆
  7. I believe that would be a Strummy Approved™ follow-up there Bob! 😆
  8. With the weather you're currently in, better make it a sled! 😁
  9. Heh, I was considering asking you if you were getting enough supply. I've started researching computer components so I'll have an idea what I'll eventually need (as if I can afford it during this weird time!). I'm definitely past due for a new computer... *Sigh...* 🙄
  10. Yeah, my PC is picking a bad time to be having video card issues! (An NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050.) It's old, getting streaks and going blank sometimes. Time for a new card, but there's about as much inventory as I have extra cash to buy something with! 😕
  11. On those I tend to right-click, get the URL, paste it into a new tab and it tells me what it was trying to play. Then, when I'm feeling really nice, I'll find a playable version and post it here. 😆 Like this:
  12. We'll give you eight, but 7 and 10 split! 😁 (Of course, I could just be a turkey and throw you in the gutter! 😜)
  13. 1 - We're in a known part of an astronomical cycle (part of the 25,800 year Grand Cycle) that naturally causes temperatures to temporarily increase. 2 - Within the Grand Cycle are four smaller cycles which mark the times that entire civilizations typically get wiped out (every 6,450 years). 3 - When the water temperatures in the ocean rise to a certain degree, the flow between the Atlantic and Artic oceans stop. 4 - When the flow between the Atlantic and Artic oceans stop, we enter the next ice age (NOT some extended hot green-house!). 5 - Excessive CO2 happens at the end of the warming cycle, it does not cause the warming.
  14. So, if a cow doesn't produce milk, is it a milk dud or an udder failure? 🤔
  15. It's but a flesh wound!!!
  16. Well, I suppose one could always have the extra cut off, but why? 🤔 😜
  17. Still wondering why Bill stays in that neighborhood... Summer season: Hot with lots of falling rain and flooding water! Winter season: Freezing with lots of snow and frozen water! Is the only reason you're still there due to the fact that the roads are never "dry" enough to drive??! Yikes! 😮
  18. A LONG time ago, there was a poster available...
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