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Marcos Kleine

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We have confirmed MODO DRUM works on Cakewalk by BandLab (that's what the other thread referenced above mentions) and Sonar.  Looking further into Sonar now though to verify versions etc.  Thanks!

Edit - just retested MODO DRUM in Sonar with latest version and it works fully there too.  Please open a ticket with IK Support.

Edited by Peter - IK Multimedia
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@Marcos Kleine, just installed MODO Drum this morning.

There does seem to be an issue when using the VST3 version of MODO Drum. I loaded the VST3 into a new empty project and it worked fine BUT I got the exact same crash message you indicated above. I am going to try using the VST2 and see what happens.

I have submitted a ticket as well and hopefully to follow up soon and forward the crash mini dumps to support in hopes they can see what is causing the issue.

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49 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Hi @Peter - IK Multimedia we've received a few crash dump files from users that confirm that the crash site is within the Modo Drum plugin.
If you don't have a dump file contact me and I can send it to your developers. The problem also occurs in all prior versions of SONAR and is not specific to CbB.

Hey @Noel Borthwick! Thanks for the information and chiming in. We appreciate the offer for help looking into this! I'll make sure the team sees this thread.

While this does not seem to affect all users, we have been able to pass this information, as well as some crash logs to the team. They are looking into this behavior as we speak. For those users experiencing issues, please feel free to use the VST2 instance in the meantime to avoid any possible issues.

Edited by Ryan IK Multimedia
Missed a word! :)
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On 8/18/2019 at 10:38 AM, Marcos Kleine said:

How did you load Vst2 On Sonar?

@Marcos Kleine,

*Go to the MODO Drum VST3 install location (which in most cases should be found at C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3)

*In my case I dragged the MODO Drum VST3 out to my desktop

* Go back into CWbBL, open Plugin Manager and perform a VST scan and the MODO Drum VST2 should now be available. 

Hope that helps?

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@Marcos Kleine so glad it is working for you.

There is also an option in Preferences - VST Settings where you can "hide" the VST2 if a VST3 version of the same plugin is installed.  I still need to work on creating some custom menus so you could have a VST3 folder and VST2 folder to help distinguish things a little better.  Here is a great explanation from @Ryan IK Multimedia


Edited by Simeon Amburgey
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