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MIDI Sound on Sound Bounce to Clips

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Because I'm not much of a keyboard player I sometimes use sound-on-sound record mode when creating a MIDI track. For example, I'll record the left hand of a piano part, then add the right hand on the same MIDI track in SoS record mode. This yields two MIDI tracks (or more) sitting on the timeline, one in front of the other(s). They play back as expected, but here's my question: How can I blend these MIDI clips into one MIDI clip? Seems to me I used to select the track they are in and "Bounce to Clips," but this no longer works -- if it ever did (I might have been dreaming).

Thanks for any advice!

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I've found using bounce to clips on the whole track DOES work, but only once I've minimised the take lanes.

It seems to behave differently when the take lanes are visible.

[Edit] - I was doing exactly the same with audio tracks earlier today. I had exactly the same reaction as you, in that I was sure it worked before... so maybe something has changed in behaviour since the latest update. But anyhow, minimise the take lanes and see if it works for you.

Edited by msmcleod
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55 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

I've found using bounce to clips on the whole track DOES work, but only once I've minimised the take lanes

Take lanes closed. Bounce to clips after selecting the whole track. No love.

54 minutes ago, scook said:

With take lanes open try "Flatten Comp" from the parent track context menu

Honestly, I never even looked for take lanes. I didn't think I'd find any in SoS record mode. I'll check that and report back.

33 minutes ago, chris.r said:

Lasso select clips and bounce always worked best for me.

I think this might do it! The problem might be that the clips I can't see are not selected, thus don't get bounced. Lasso might capture all the clips. Will try this and report.

36 minutes ago, Lynn said:

If they're in separate tracks, then you can cut and paste from one track to another to combine them.

The clips are all on the same track. Sound-on-Sound record mode. ?

Thanks, guys! I'll try these and report back.

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Reporting back as promised:

@msmcleod - Nothing to report, as I've already tried this with take lanes closed, and it didn't work. I'm now wondering if something changed recently, because it seems to me that I used to just select the whole track and bounce to clips, and that made my various SoS clips into one clip.

@scook - "Flatten Comp" with take lanes open does what I want. Thanks!

@chris.r - Yes, if I lasso the clips I get the intended results just by bouncing to clips. This is marginally quicker for me than scook's solution.  No need to open take lanes. Thanks!

@Lynn - Nothing to report, as I'm recording all on one track.

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Glad to hear it worked! By holding ctrl key + selecting or lasso-ing clips you can freely select any clips you want for a bounce, this is very handy.

Also, if I'm going to use siblings, I often keep midi data in separated clips even if they overlap, for more freedom. For example in a one bar midi drum loop I tend to keep hihats, kicks, snares and the rest in separate clips. When I copy clips down the arrangement I make sibling copies, different for each section of the arrangement (I give them different names like verse1, verse2 etc). Then I can mix them freely to make the rhythm progressive and if anytime I want to make a slight change in the groove I edit only one of the clips and all the sibling clips will reflect that change immediately, no more need for tedious rearranging or copy/pasteing :D

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Why not just select the track by clicking on the number - that should select all the clips on that track. Then choose bounce to clips to combine them all.

This doesn't work, although I have a vague recollection that it used to. To be clear: I record a simple piano part. Then, in sound on sound mode, I record another piano part on the same track in the same section of the timeline. This yields two clips, one hidden on the timeline behind the other. I select the track by clicking on the number of the track and bounce to clips. I still have two separate clips, as if I haven't bounced anything. Two suggestions above (scook's and chris.r's) both work for me (the two clips are combined into one), though, so I'm happy.

Edited by Larry Jones
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