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Drag Copy MIDI Clips To Desktop Not Working? [FIXED]



Dragging MIDI clips to the Desktop used to work but not anymore.

1st clip copies over fine, named "clip(1).mid".

Then each successive clip wants to also be named "clip(1).mid and tries to overwrite the 1st one.

No option to change name when dragging over.

Ctrl+Drag gives same results.

Audio clips drag copy just fine and I can use the Browser to drag MIDI clips but this used to work, what's changed?

CbB 2021.09 141

Edited by sjoens
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With CbB 2021.11 015, I was able to drag MIDI clips to the desktop.  There were named clip(1).mid, clip(2).mid, clip(3).mid, etc.

I run CbB using an account that is a member of the local administrators group - but I cannot imagine you changed anything on your PC in this respect.

As a test, create a folder off the C drive and try dragging the clips to that folder and see what happens.

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Thanks, that works too since having no name results in each copied clip being named "clip" followed by a parenthesized number - clip(1).mid.

If I name each clip by it's track number, drag copy results in: 1(1).mid, 2(1).mid, 3(1).mid, etc.

So there seems to be a hitch in the numbering sequence when dragging them out of CbB. 

As mentioned, this doesn't happen when dragging them to the Media Browser window.

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@sjoens / @Promidi  FYI - I checked this on SONAR Platinum on Windows 7, and it has the same issue.

I tried it with SONAR X1, and it was fine... however the naming convention is different.  It prepends the project/track-name. Interestingly enough, changing the naming convention to ensure unique clip names fixes it for CbB.

I'll need to discuss this one with the team, as this change was done way before my time.  I need to understand why the naming convention for clips with no names was changed.


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Drag clip one to the desktop and it gets named "clip(1).mid as mentioned

Drag clip two over and it also wants to be named "clip(1).mid and throws up a "Replace or Skip Files" box, as mentioned

I found if you click "Skip this file" it moves the last file over. You can then repeat the drag & drop and clip two will get named sequentially

Repeat & Rinse for each clip. ?

Edited by sjoens
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Basic issue was solved, THANKS! But there's still an issue when a track name has a fractional number like 1.1 1.2. Apparently the naming process stops looking once a decimal is seen.

At least now the Replace or Skip window includes Compare so both files can be saved (sequentially) - tho w/o the fractional #s.

Example dragging track Piano 1.2 clip to the desktop after dragging track Piano 1.1:

replace.JPG.974d3a765fe81554e5e0f789dc4aa134.JPG  Clicking "Compare" results in Piano 1(1).midPiano 1(2).mid


Then this window pops up: (which ties up the entire system until the file is saved).

968253199_ServerBusy.JPG.1372ba820a2c3ac52dd21104e4b3a8c5.JPG  Clicking either button clears it.


The clips can be named 1.11.2 in the Inspector, but naming tons of clips is tedious.

Would be nice if MIDI clips could just be drag copied w/o incident.

Edited by sjoens
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Use a different delimiter in the track name, a dash, an underscore or a space.  A faction like 1/1 or even 1\2 (or other illegal file name characters like a question mark or pipe) may be used because they are automatically converted to underscores.

Avoid dots in any name that may be used by an export process unless the dot is used specifically to separate the file name from a file extension.

Here is a thread experiencing a similar issue with dots in project names


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