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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.04 Update 1 Release Candidate [Updated to build 170]

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[UPDATE 14-May-2021: Cakewalk 2021.04 Update 1 Release Candidate 1 (build is now available]

We plan to release 2021.04 Update 1 in the near future. Please test recording in this build and verify that normal, loop, punch and combinations thereof are working as expected. We appreciate users helping make Cakewalk better by reporting crashes to us as well as plug-in vendors when necessary.


Update May 14 2021:

2021.04 Update 1 RC1  (build


Improved Error Detection

Using a DAW with many plug-ins can sometimes result in stability issues and crashes. It can be a difficult to troubleshoot issues like this. To assist, we have made several improvements to our error handling.

  • Enhanced error detection is now integrated into the DAW. This feature is opt-in for now and may be enabled by adding the ExceptionHandlingSeverity value to the Cakewalk.ini initialization file. We appreciate users helping make Cakewalk better by reporting crashes to us as well as plug-in vendors when necessary.
    • To control the error detection sensitivity, you can now add a new ExceptionHandlingSeverity value in Preferences > File - Initialization File. Valid values for this setting are:
      • 1 - Unhandled errors are caught  (default)
      • 3 - All access violations are detected and unhandled exceptions are caught
      • 5 - Unhandled errors and heap corruption is detected
      • 7 - Unhandled errors, all access violations and heap corruption errors are caught (this is the strictest error detection mode) 
  • The error detection dialog has been redesigned and now has links to the crash dump file as well as a link to log an error report with Cakewalk directly.
  • In addition to the crash dump file, a text log of relevant data specific to the session is also listed. Please include the log file as well as the dump file when submitting errors.
  • The error detection dialog has a direct link to log an issue with customer service. We encourage you to report issues and include relevant information about the crash including the log and dump file.
  • When applicable, the crash dialog allows you the option of continuing after a crash. Please note that the behavior after resuming is not guaranteed and is provided as a last resort to access project information when a crash occurs. It should only be used in cases where the crash is known to be continuable.

If you have enabled ExceptionHandlingSeverity, to go back to the default value you can delete this variable. To troubleshoot problems that may arise when using plugins we recommend users set this value to 7 which provides the highest error detection capabilities.





Bug fixes


  • Recorded audio clips placed late on timeline by the ASIO record latency.
  • Punch recording writes wave file data past the end of the punch region.
  • Punch Recorded clips punched out too early in projects containing containing synths.
  • Punch in recording occurs late with Aux or synth tracks.
  • Last take punches out too early when loop and punch out regions coincide.
  • Various improvements to punch and loop recording.

BandLab integration:

  • Instrument tracks upload to BandLab as separate audio and MIDI tracks when frozen.
  • Track Mute state does not persist when uploading to BandLab.
  • Revision description not setting project notes when downloading a revision.
  • Browse BandLab Projects dialog does not display Unicode double byte characters.

Tempo track:

  • Process > Fit to Time supports Tempo track when Tempo Map is selected under Modify by Changing.
  • Tempo track tempo not being set by New Project dialog.
  • Tempo nodes are selected when selecting an Arranger section, even if Arranger Exclude is enabled on the Tempo track.
  • Loading pre Tempo track projects by default will not attempt to create envelope shapes from the tempo map. 
  • Tempo node delete can delete selected clips.
  • Deleting Arranger section clears the tempo envelope.
  • Tempo nodes being added past the end of the project when loading older projects.
  • Offset Tempo Map doesn't respect time selection.
  • Default envelope shape for tempo track should be Jump (when using Clear All).

Arranger Tracks:

  • Deleting multiple Arranger sections doesn't work after changing section colors.
  • Unexpected behavior with overlap threshold when not using Split MIDI Notes Non-Destructive MIDI Editing.

Articulation Maps:

  • Articulation selected unexpectedly in some cases.
  • Selecting a clip with articulations should partially select articulations outside the clip extents.
  • Unexpected behavior using CTRL + right button drag articulation selection.
  • Cut & paste articulation can cause overlapped articulations.


  • Misc. menu issues on multi-monitor systems when the monitors have significantly different resolution/scale settings:
    • Menus not appearing.
    • Menus appearing on the wrong monitor.
    • Incorrectly sized menus
  • Track view no longer visible in Keyboard Shortcut category dropdown.
  • Piano Roll view Aim Assist line slightly off when left is scrolled beyond zero.
  • Staff view not updating after nudging nodes.


  • Preferences > File - Initialization File saves a blank Cakewalk.ini entry which prevents adding new options.


Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2021.04 Update 1 Early Access RC1 build, you must be on the latest public release of 2021.04 or 2021.04 Update 1 Early Access. 

Download Cakewalk 2021.04 Update 1 RC1 installer

Should you need to revert to the 2021.01 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2021.01 Rollback installer.

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  • Morten Saether changed the title to Cakewalk 2021.04 Update 1 Early Access
On 5/7/2021 at 6:58 AM, Morten Saether said:
  • Recorded audio clips placed late on timeline by the ASIO record latency.
  • Punch recording writes wave file data past the end of the punch region.

Build 155 solves all the timing issues that I was having.


3 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

inspector window sizing issue

Glenn, I'm not seeing this. But perhaps I'm not setting it up exactly as you are. A recipe for what exactly you're doing?


Edited by DeeringAmps
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12 hours ago, Colin Nicholls said:

I bet that track is marked Automation: Time Base: Absolute   instead of Automation: Time Base: Musical.

Thanks, actually that could make sense if set to Absolute but for me switching to Absolute<>Musical here doesn't change anything. EDIT: ok I see it now, the audio envelopes behave accordingly to MIDI envelopes (time base set to musical).

Still seeing some minor quirkiness here and there regarding envelopes but didn't want to spam the thread with flocks of gifs.

Edited by chris.r
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Thank you for the update! But I still have menu issues on multi-monitor system. 

I have 2 monitors, monitor 1 scaled at 200% and monitor 2 scaled at 100%.

I put the main window on monitor 1, and the piano roll window on monitor 2, and then the menus in the main window still got wrong like this:


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This update seems to have fixed a problem I was having with 2021.04 as released, in which certain plugins (eg u-he Satin) caused a crash upon opening a project using them. I had to roll back to 2021.01 before I was able to figure out what was going on, but for what it's worth, this update appears to be stable again. Thanks!

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19 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

looks like the inspector window sizing issue from 141 is back in 155. the inspector is overlapped by the multi dock. and if i undock the inspector, the maximize and drop down (for docking options) partially overlap the PC icon.


Glenn, it looks like you're using a custom theme. It probably needs updating. You should get a warning message when you start Cakewalk or select the theme in Preferences, saying that your theme may be incompatible and it might need to be updated in Cakewalk Theme Editor.

If you're not seeing that warning, please PM me a copy of your theme file and I'll look into it.


Edit: You may also want to confirm you're running build 155 by checking the version number shown in Help -> About Cakewalk.

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13 hours ago, chris.r said:

ok I see it now, the audio envelopes behave accordingly to MIDI envelopes...

what I mean is that the tempo track curve has influence on the shape of MIDI envelope when dragging the nodes alone but not when the envelope is moved with the clip, but the MIDI notes stay intact when dragging either way - I'm only trying to understand the behaviour here, as for now I'm used to control synths exclusively with MIDI events because envelopes always played unpredictable games for me and now I'm checking if/what has changed

by the way please watch how the envelope get burst when I move just the notes, first it will get shifted slightly by one beat when I move notes to the left to 1:02:000 then it falls totally sideways if I attempt to bring the notes back either manually or with ctrl+Z or Edit>Undo menu (as on video)... there are more quirks as well... thx


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2 hours ago, apt said:

Thank you for the update! But I still have menu issues on multi-monitor system. 

I have 2 monitors, monitor 1 scaled at 200% and monitor 2 scaled at 100%.

I put the main window on monitor 1, and the piano roll window on monitor 2, and then the menus in the main window still got wrong like this:


Thanks for the report. Please confirm which build version you are using by going to Help -> About Cakewalk. It should say something like "Version: 2021.04 (Build 155, 64 Bit)". If the build number is less than 155 then you aren't running the latest version. You can download the build 155 installer here:


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On build 155 I get similar issues. The menu is above the FX bin and there's a ghosted border outside of it (red arrow in pic).

The mouse highlight acts goofy when the cursor is inside this border.

IOW, the highlight starts out above the cursor then aligns right when the cursor reaches the menu window.menu2.jpg.b65b6751fd6b9fd2543471f4219d5109.jpg

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3 minutes ago, sjoens said:

On build 155 I get similar issues. The menu is above the FX bin and there's a ghosted border outside of it (red arrow in pic).

The mouse highlight acts goofy when the cursor is inside this border.

IOW, the highlight starts out above the cursor then aligns right when the cursor reaches the menu window.menu2.jpg.b65b6751fd6b9fd2543471f4219d5109.jpg

Thanks. Clearly there are still some issues to work out. I'll keep investigating.

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Hi @Ben Staton - i get this with the default Mercury or any other theme . i first encountered this in build 141, then in build 147 it was fixed. now it's back in build 155. i'm guessing some bit from a 141 branch got put back into the main build stream...

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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23 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Build 155 solves all the timing issues that I was having.

Glenn, I'm not seeing this. But perhaps I'm not setting it up exactly as you are. A recipe for what exactly you're doing?

nothing special - i just install the update and look ?  it was there in build 141, then gone in 147, and back in 155 - likely something got branched and then re-introduced...

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9 hours ago, Ben Staton said:

Thanks for the report. Please confirm which build version you are using by going to Help -> About Cakewalk. It should say something like "Version: 2021.04 (Build 155, 64 Bit)". If the build number is less than 155 then you aren't running the latest version. You can download the build 155 installer here:


It is build 155

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