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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.04 Early Access 2

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8 minutes ago, Broken Moon said:

@Noel Borthwick Okay, I guess (^^;


For comparison, here's one  where I do the same with a different option that has the older dropdown (the latter half is me mousing over in comparison)

Click on one of the instrument submenus and see if it opens, then try your scrolling again, but slower than what being shown in the video clip as you're scrolling too fast for a menu with dynamic content to refresh.

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2 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

Click on one of the instrument submenus and see if it opens, then try your scrolling again, but slower than what being shown in the video clip as you're scrolling too fast for a menu with dynamic content to refresh.

It does show when I keep my cursor there for a good second, but clicking doesn't make it go faster like it does in the second gif. And I was definitely clicking very fast in both gifs. Which is the point I'm making.

Edited by Broken Moon
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21 minutes ago, Broken Moon said:

It does show when I keep my cursor there for a good second, but clicking doesn't make it go faster like it does in the second gif. And I was definitely clicking very fast in both gifs. Which is the point I'm making.

FYI, on my system I honestly can't tell the difference in behavior between the two different menu styles. They both seem pretty snappy and self-revealing to me. How many plug-ins do you have installed? I have ~250

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1 minute ago, Colin Nicholls said:

FYI, on my system I honestly can't tell the difference in behavior between the two different menu styles. They both seem pretty snappy and self-revealing to me. How many plug-ins do you have installed? I have ~250

I would guess the same amount more or less (probably less)

Though I've gone through the motions enough that I've been able to click through and navigate the old menu pretty quick and the instant response it had was a very neat thing to have. That speed I developed is now basically useless since I now have to hover for the submenus to open up because clicking doesn't seem to do anything (for me at least, no idea about you guys).

It might just be me though since my main input method is a drawing tablet?

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1 minute ago, Broken Moon said:

Though I've gone through the motions enough that I've been able to click through and navigate the old menu pretty quick and the instant response it had was a very neat thing to have. That speed I developed is now basically useless since I now have to hover for the submenus to open up because clicking doesn't seem to do anything (for me at least, no idea about you guys).

Okay I do see what you mean, now, about how the menu styles differ in behavior. Personally, it's not an issue for me, but I can see where you're coming from.

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I have close to 1500 plugins and there is no issue. I think what you are trying to say is that you want the delay before the submenu auto opens to be shorter. 
This can be done but the reason for the delay in the first place is to allow quickly scrolling through a menu. If it tried to open every sub menu immediately it is very flickery and slower as well on systems that have a lot of plugins. We'll see if the delay can be reduced a little. @Ben Staton may have some tips on this.

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23 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

I have close to 1500 plugins and there is no issue. I think what you are trying to say is that you want the delay before the submenu auto opens to be shorter. 
This can be done but the reason for the delay in the first place is to allow quickly scrolling through a menu. If it tried to open every sub menu immediately it is very flickery and slower as well on systems that have a lot of plugins. We'll see if the delay can be reduced a little. @Ben Staton may have some tips on this.

That would be nice I guess. But, I was more trying to say that maybe clicking something should open it right away, like clicking a button. I understand if that's not possible though (^^;

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I'd used Sonar for years, and migrated to CBB (is that the acronym?) a while ago, but this is the first time that I've been motivated to write or post anything in the forums.  Great great update guys, very smooth.  So far no hiccups whatsoever.  And is it me, or did you guys do something about the gui resolution scaling? My screen isn't the best or biggest, but I swear everything looks sharper and crisper. Text, wave forms, you name it, just looks a little clearer and sharper to me.  Tell me I'm not going crazy here? lol.  Anyhow, great job as always guys.

Edited by L.A. Gonzalez
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23 hours ago, chris.r said:

I'm getting inconsistent results when dragging a few lasso-selected nodes in tempo track. Let's say I have added 3 nodes:

  • 90bpm at 1:2:000
  • 150bpm at 1:3:000, and
  • again 90bpm at 1:4:000

Now if I lasso-select only these 3 nodes then drag them, let's say, exactly 500 ticks to the right, I'm getting these results:

  • 90bpm at 1:2:485
  • 150bpm at 1:3:682
  • 90bpm 1:4:456

Also I've noticed the nodes will change their relative position already while moving them.

I too am seeing this. And the inconsistencies propagate with successive drag/move actions.

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Just to note...


First, thanks for listing the vst/dx version. At last I know which I am using. I have long wondered why so many items got posted twice in the lists. At last I understand! ?

I posted an item about this in the feedback loop as I have the option in Preferences selected to hide VST2 when VST3 is also available. Was this a misunderstanding on my part or a bug?

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One of the improvements is that plug-in menus now show color-coded plug-in types (DX, VST2, VST3, etc.). In my menu, all VST3 plug-ins show blue and only some VST2 plug-ins show blue. All others are gray. What are the rules that determine the color?


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29 minutes ago, Tim Elmore said:

One of the improvements is that plug-in menus now show color-coded plug-in types (DX, VST2, VST3, etc.). In my menu, all VST3 plug-ins show blue and only some VST2 plug-ins show blue. All others are gray. What are the rules that determine the color?

64-bit VSTs are brown.  32-bit VSTs are green. DX are grey. VST3 are blue.

These colors respected custom theme settings in EA1, but in EA2 they are hard-coded. I suspect this is to prevent folks from chosing theme colors which do not work on both dark (browser plug-in tree) and light (insert menu) backgrounds.

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1 hour ago, Keni said:

Just to note...


First, thanks for listing the vst/dx version. At last I know which I am using. I have long wondered why so many items got posted twice in the lists. At last I understand! ?

I posted an item about this in the feedback loop as I have the option in Preferences selected to hide VST2 when VST3 is also available. Was this a misunderstanding on my part or a bug?

Are you seeing VST2 plugins even when the equivalent VST3 plugin is available? Can you post a screenshot for that?
This logic for finding compatible VST3 plugins is defined by the VST specification. If the plugin vendor follows the spec for coding the ID's of equivalent plugins only then do we know that it is an equivalent VST3/VST2 plugin. 

i.e this definitely works with Waves plugins. However many other vendors simply provide a different version of the plugin with a different ID. If this is the case Cakewalk has no way to know that its an equivalent plugin and it will be listed twice. Also if you open a project with the VST2 version it will not auto replace it with the VST3.

Hope this clarifies the issue.

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18 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Are you seeing VST2 plugins even when the equivalent VST3 plugin is available? Can you post a screenshot for that?
This logic for finding compatible VST3 plugins is defined by the VST specification. If the plugin vendor follows the spec for coding the ID's of equivalent plugins only then do we know that it is an equivalent VST3/VST2 plugin. 

i.e this definitely works with Waves plugins. However many other vendors simply provide a different version of the plugin with a different ID. If this is the case Cakewalk has no way to know that its an equivalent plugin and it will be listed twice. Also if you open a project with the VST2 version it will not auto replace it with the VST3.

Hope this clarifies the issue.

Hi Noel


Having trouble capturing a picture. As I run win8.1 on a macpro via bootcamp, I run into issues. The normal widoes+Printscreen doesn't appear to work, but then again my keyboard is a mac keyboard. Maybe I'm pressing wrong keys as I don't seem to find any pics with my attempts.

I first tried to use  Fastone to capture as I usually do, but the menus disappear from screen as I attempt to switch apps.


I do understand your explanation. I'm also not troubled as it is better now than it was before. I honestly don't mind them both being listed as long as I can (as now) tell which is which. So thanks for the "fix" for me! ?



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23 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Great, good luck! ?

No, unfortunately I don't have a repro... but give me a couple of years and I might! ? I look forward to testing the 2021.04 final, to see if I still get issues with the preview bus suddenly changing.

Just out of nerd curiosity, what kind of error in the code - on a high level - caused the bug that made already listened to sounds always play through the same preview bus?

@GreenLight the issue was quite simple. The browser caches up to 16 preview "voices" so that its fast to toggle between previewing different files.
The problem was that when the bus was changed it wasn't resetting the bus for the cached voices.

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Are you seeing VST2 plugins even when the equivalent VST3 plugin is available? Can you post a screenshot for that?


Not @Keni, but FWIW I tested this using plugins from Applied Acoustics Systems which (on my system at least) have both VST2 and VST3 versions available.

For me, the pick list definitely respects the checkbox in Preferences > VST Settings, [x] Hide Related VST2 Plug-ins

When it is un-checked, I see both, and when it is checked, I only see the VST3 entries.

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13 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@GreenLight the issue was quite simple. The browser caches up to 16 preview "voices" so that its fast to toggle between previewing different files.
The problem was that when the bus was changed it wasn't resetting the bus for the cached voices.

Interesting, thanks. I can see how that slipped between through the cracks. ?

Keep up the great work, Cakewalk rocks! ?

Edited by GreenLight
Minor wording change. :)
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Dear Cake bakers, I have little problem with the new BandLab integration. Whenever I go File --> Browse BandLab Projects... the sign in window open way too large blocking the top and bottom area of my screen, I can not resize nor close it unless I hit Alt + F4. No way I can access the regular minimize, resize or close button on the top right corner of the opening windows. I'm using my native LED resolution 1366x768, but even when I set it larger the sign in window is still too large. Tried in 2 different computer, same result. Not a big deal for now, just to let you know about it and hope you can look into it and fix it. Thank you!



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