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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.04 Early Access

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Thanks for the new features!

I really like the new thinner automation envelope, flat node points, and the node value display.  ?

One thing I noticed, though: a selected node does not differ much from an unselected node. Maybe a selected node could be larger or have a different shape; a circle around the dot, or a "hollowed out" dot?

Keep up the good work!

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About a year ago I watched a tutorial on Groove3 where the instructor used Logic Pro X. At one point he gradually slowed the tempo down visually in the project's outro using Logic’s tempo lane. And I thought to myself, now that would be a cool feature to have in CbB. But I also realized that the the probability that would ever happen was almost non-existent. How wrong I was - here we have it in CbB 2021.04, a tempo map with curves and values displayed next to the nodes just as in that tutorial. Pretty, pretty good. ?

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20 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

A integração da área de trabalho com bandlab.com não foi traduzida.


@Milton Sica - we almost never translate for Early Access.

Scheduling the translators' time requires a lead time, which is difficult when we're still developing / changing things. The only stable window we really have is between EA and general release.

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2 hours ago, Promidi said:

I think the confusion is that when you lasso select ordinary automation nodes, they do actually become available for cut, copy and paste operations.  However, when you lasso select tempo nodes, they only become available for delete operations.

In this respect, tempo tracks differ slightly from standard automation lanes.

Maybe you could make tempo nodes that have been lasso selected also available for cut, copy and paste operations.  The time range can be derived from the time of the first selected tempo node to the time of the last selected tempo node.

A difference I'm seeing is that when using the right-click lasso select method vs. left-click, the paste results are different even for a track envelope.   The left-click method seems to add nodes to capture the ramp values for the time-line selection before and after the actual nodes being selected, while right-click does not.  I'm guessing this is important for tempos?   It's early and my brain isn't fully loaded yet, but since the graphic results are different I'm assuming there's a purpose.    ;)

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4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

FYI - the main differences between the PC2A and the CA2A:

- CA2A is a regular VST, so you can use it as a normal effect and also in other DAWs, whereas PC2A is Pro Channel only.
- CA2A supports side-chaining, PC2A doesn't.

In all other respects, they're exactly the same.


We can't exclude prochannel effects in the plugin manager, can we? Yes, both the CA2A and PC2A do appear on the list simultaneously. I don't think we have any way to exclude one of them, well I couldn't find any.

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@Milton Sica we will look into your issue but keep in mind that this issue is not related to the EA release and should be posted in a different thread.

As per the details in the main post:
Please keep responses specific to problems or comments on this release. Unrelated bugs or feature requests should be posted in other threads or the feature request channel.

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Hi folks,

There are a lot of new exciting features in this release. A reminder to please also take some time to also evaluate the new integrated BandLab library capabilities.

Not only can this feature be used to publish to BandLab and collaborate with other musicians, you can also use it to save stem mixes of your project and play them anywhere, which can be very useful when testing mixes or trying to get opinions from other folks on your mixes such as in the songs forum. This is much more powerful than posting a stereo mix to your song, because if you additionally provide stems others can offer more constructive advice feedback on your mixes. (there are options to provide a full mix in addition to individual track/bus stems)

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5 hours ago, SteveC said:

A difference I'm seeing is that when using the right-click lasso select method vs. left-click, the paste results are different even for a track envelope.   The left-click method seems to add nodes to capture the ramp values for the time-line selection before and after the actual nodes being selected, while right-click does not.

I'd like that idea of copy/past just the lasso-selected tempo nodes. But on my system I can only confirm that lasso-selecting (right mouse click) just the tempo nodes don't make them available for copy/cut/paste operations at all. What's weird is that I'm getting unexpected results when trying copy/paste lasso-selected nodes of a normal volume envelope in an audio track: I lasso-select a group of envelope nodes and copy,  but then only the last node of all selected gets pasted. I'm trying getting familiar with working with the envelopes in general here, so I beg a pardon for this.

EDIT: actually I was wrong, in a normal volume envelope I can paste just the last node regardless of how many I select, if I select a few and without the last node than nothing gets pasted at all. Don't know if it's a bug, I just discovered that behavior while learning how to work with the tempo track envelope and comparing it to a volume envelope on the occasion.

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2 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

There are a lot of new exciting features in this release. A reminder to please also take some time to also evaluate the new integrated BandLab library capabilities.

I was just about to do exactly that.

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8 hours ago, Promidi said:
9 hours ago, msmcleod said:

@Promidi / @Esteban Villanova - when using any envelope, there's a difference between Lasso select (which selects only the envelope nodes for deletion) and a time range selection which selects the whole envelope for that range.  You need a time range selection to copy/cut/paste envelopes:


I think the confusion is that when you lasso select ordinary automation nodes, they do actually become available for cut, copy and paste operations.  However, when you lasso select tempo nodes, they only become available for delete operations.

In this respect, tempo tracks differ slightly from standard automation lanes.

Maybe you could make tempo nodes that have been lasso selected also available for cut, copy and paste operations.  The time range can be derived from the time of the first selected tempo node to the time of the last selected tempo node.

Confirming the same. I don't think that copy/cut/paste operations for just the tempo nodes, that are lasso-selected, is an available feature in Cakewalk at all. I agree this could be very useful.

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As I read through this thread the thing that jumped out at me was that no one was commenting on the Bandlab integration.  I have now downloaded a couple of projects I had created on Bandlab (band rehearsals) and it was very easy. Collaboration is going to much easier now.

This entire update is awesome. Wow!

Great job Bakers. Thank you.

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4 hours ago, Canopus said:

About a year ago I watched a tutorial on Groove3 where the instructor used Logic Pro X. At one point he gradually slowed the tempo down visually in the project's outro using Logic’s tempo lane. And I thought to myself, now that would be a cool feature to have in CbB. But I also realized that the the probability that would ever happen was almost non-existent. How wrong I was...

Same here! I'm right now on a project where I was wishing for an offset to the whole tempo line and my thoughts were exactly 'not going happen' :D 

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1 minute ago, Base 57 said:

As I read through this thread the thing that jumped out at me was that no one was commenting on the Bandlab integration.  I have now downloaded a couple of projects I had created on Bandlab (band rehearsals) and it was very easy. Collaboration is going to much easier now.

This entire update is awesome. Wow!

Great job Bakers. Thank you.

Nice that Bandlab's (Meng) vision for how CbB fits into the puzzle is starting to show itself. Yay!   Oh and thanks Cakewalk and Meng for making this great DAW live-on.

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20 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

A reminder to please also take some time to also evaluate the new integrated BandLab library capabilities.

Definitely going to check it out. I have a couple vocalists with an USB mic-to-a phone, that are waiting for a collaboration. I hope someone can make a short video tutorial for such scenario where one person creates a project on the phone and records just a vocal track (maybe creates a simple click track first there) then invites a producer to collaborate, and then the other way around. Any takers? :) 

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I didn't think this feature would be for me but I realized that I often record vocal ideas or rhythms using the Voice Recorder app on my iPhone. Last time I tried to export from the iPhone and import them into Cakewalk, the sample rate was strangely out of sync.

I don't know if BandLab would allow me to record audio fragments on my iPhone and then import them into Cakewalk without this audio syncing issue but it seems like something I will investigate.

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8 minutes ago, Colin Nicholls said:

I didn't think this feature would be for me but I realized that I often record vocal ideas or rhythms using the Voice Recorder app on my iPhone. Last time I tried to export from the iPhone and import them into Cakewalk, the sample rate was strangely out of sync.

I don't know if BandLab would allow me to record audio fragments on my iPhone and then import them into Cakewalk without this audio syncing issue but it seems like something I will investigate.

I don’t know if it is still available, but back in Sonar days, 12Tones released an ios app called Momentum (?) which allows 4 track recording and direct xfer of tracks to Sonar. I believe it still works but might not be available?


just a thought.

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21 minutes ago, Colin Nicholls said:

Two of my custom themes are getting reported as having a "Custom Theme Incompatibility" despite containing no changes to the default Inspector Tab button images. 

Is there any chance of a "Show details" report that could tell me what has been found as incompatible?

FYI: When I "edit" each of the Inspector Tab images and then save back over the default into to the theme (but without making any image changes), and then save the theme, I can now open the theme without seeing the Compatibility Warning.

Huh: If I then re-edit the them and remove my "custom" yet un-altered images, and re-save the theme, I can now use the them without getting the compatibility warning.

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18 minutes ago, Colin Nicholls said:

I didn't think this feature would be for me but I realized that I often record vocal ideas or rhythms using the Voice Recorder app on my iPhone. Last time I tried to export from the iPhone and import them into Cakewalk, the sample rate was strangely out of sync.

I don't know if BandLab would allow me to record audio fragments on my iPhone and then import them into Cakewalk without this audio syncing issue but it seems like something I will investigate.

It should be completely fine and I do this often. Just use the BandLab app on Android or iOS and record there. Your project should automatically show up the next time you open the library view in CbB. Then either directly open the project or import the track into your current CbB project. You can also use BandLab like a cloud audio clipboard this way to share audio between different PC's or mobile devices. The integrated cloud support is a very powerful tool.

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