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2021.01 Feedback

Morten Saether

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I think it's a shame that criticism on the CbB development always gets that emotional! ?

But on the other hand I felt sympathy for the concerns of @loqand @Will_Kaydo, though I refuse the provoking tone of their complaints! I agree that there are still a lot of issues in CbB (although I rarely have crashes), e.g. clip manipulation in take lanes is nearly impossible that's why I always insert a working track that is empty for clip manipulation! This works so far! Actually I had also preferred more bug fixes than things like the Arranger and Articulation Maps, though I agree with @Noel Borthwick that it's impossible to satisfy all users (especially such ungrateful ones like me ?). If I go thru the bug fixes in the last couple of releases, then I also see that many fixes are related to the new features!

But after all I see it positive and hope that the new release is a turn and it will bring a lot of long awaited fixes! ?

Edited by marled
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>>If I go thru the bug fixes in the last couple of releases, then I also see that many fixes are related to the new features!

This is completely normal to the way we work. When we release a new feature we continue refining and making it as solid as possible before moving on to the next area. We also tend to fix issues by category. In every release we tackle areas like Plugins, editing, UX, workflow, performance and stability. So there is something there for everyone and the product gets better in every release.

I’ll be the first to say that we still have plenty of room for improvement despite the fact that focus has been very high on making the product more stable since 2018. We look at the forums social media groups but the best way to get attention to problems and solve them quickly is to write specific and demonstrable reports of problems encountered, include a project file or video demonstrating the issue (if necessary) and include dump files if the issue is a crash or hang. And of course send the case to support and get a ticket to follow up. Following these basic steps has a much greater effect than making general statements like “I run into issues on every project”, etc. Not everyone has the time to do this, but if you care about getting issues fixed this is the only way.

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video view disappeared in version 2021.01 build098, and doesn't work even if I right click on "open video view" on video track. "version2021.01.build098.png"  shows video view is absent in build98. I've got another machine installed an older version of cakewalk sonar "version23.10.0.build14[2017.10]" shows video view is exist and works. 



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I have the same problem with CbB/ Kontakt. I don't know where the problem is exactly, I have tried basically everything to fix it but no joy. The strange thing is that this problem with the Kernel. dll crash is that it's only in CbB, it works fine in FL Studio and Reaper. The only solution I could find was to use Reaper as a rewire device but this shouldn't be. Kontakt have been working fine in CbB up to about a month ago, then started crashing at random. Now it won't open at all. I tried reinstalling both CbB and Kontakt but still not working. Just wish there was a simple solution!!

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I've used Kontakt for years with CbB and Sonar. I have 3 instances of Kontakt in the synth rack of my template, so every song has Kontakt. I only have 1 of those 3 connected in my template. The other 2 I need to choose "synth connected" to use them.

For the last several months I've noticed that sometimes when I go to the Synth Rack open the Kontakt Synth properties, I get a message at the very top of the window saying "not responding" this lasts for about 10 sec and then it's ok. 

This only happens for 1 or the 3 instances of Kontakt in my synth rack and it's the one that is "synth connected" by default in my template. It is a multi with 3 synths I've tried reinstalling Kontakt to fix this to no avail. 

I'm not sure if this is related to the crashes, but I thought I'd post it in case it would be helpful. I'm not getting crashes.

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3 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@bertus weyers Have you reported these issues to NI? Also did you send crash dumps to us? If so what is your case number?

We have a good relationship with NI engineering and can forward any issues if any,

Hi Noel...

Sorry if my detail is below par. I haven't been too focused lately. I don't remember the case number but I will search to see if I saved any info.


NI? Why? Did you notice something leading or am I trampling a thread? I have no idea which (if any) of the plugins in this program are the crash cause. I also sent the template to support. I know they are not likely to have all the plugins, at least they can note which they are?


If you can give me any other instructions I'll be glad to follow them asap...


Edited by Keni
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On 5/15/2021 at 5:37 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

@bertus weyers Have you reported these issues to NI? Also did you send crash dumps to us? If so what is your case number?

We have a good relationship with NI engineering and can forward any issues if any,

Hi Noel, Found the problem. Got info from this site. Took some time (about an hour) but now it's fixed. Seems like the kernel.dll thread was broken/ damaged and had to repair. I didn't report this to either CbB or NI but will keep it in mind next time I have problems. Regards.


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On 5/18/2021 at 1:40 PM, bertus weyers said:

Hi Noel, Found the problem. Got info from this site. Took some time (about an hour) but now it's fixed. Seems like the kernel.dll thread was broken/ damaged and had to repair. I didn't report this to either CbB or NI but will keep it in mind next time I have problems. Regards.


Hi Noel,

Just an update: I downloaded the CbB update this morning and it worked fine for a while, then crashed again. The previous fix I mentioned only lasted for a while as well, then it crashed again and wouldn't work after that. This morningCbB/Kontakt worked without an issue until I wanted to replace one of the libraries in my project with Kontakt. First time it worked, but when I wanted to do it again later it crashed and wouldn't reset on it own, even after restarting.  This time it created a dmp file #122540. I have sent this to CbB complaints but I'm not sure how long I'll have to wait for a reply.

This is extremely frustrating and, after working with cakewalk for about 3 years I',m thinking of changing to another DAW which I don't really want to do. I do hope that between CbB and NI they can sort this out. 




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I think my time at Cakewalk has come to an end!!!!

Refer to my previous posts re: Kernelbase, Kontakt, etc  issues.

Now coming back to Kontakt again when I opened it in CbB (WHEN IT DECIDES TO OPEN I MUST ADD!!) it opens as Kontakt player instead of full version 6.5.3 which is the installed one. The problem isn't with Native Instruments, it lies with Cakewalk!!!. NI works fine in other Daw's, no issues whatsoever. ie Reaper, FL Studio, Ableton.

Now a new problem in CbB: Rewire device not working. It worked fine until the last update (as it was with Kontakt) but now it's worse than before. I sent this complaint to Cakewalk but still no answer.

Wish I could go back to previous version of Cakewalk, where things worked most of the time. Now it's unusable!!


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On 5/23/2021 at 8:12 PM, bertus weyers said:

I think my time at Cakewalk has come to an end!!!!

Refer to my previous posts re: Kernelbase, Kontakt, etc  issues.

Now coming back to Kontakt again when I opened it in CbB (WHEN IT DECIDES TO OPEN I MUST ADD!!) it opens as Kontakt player instead of full version 6.5.3 which is the installed one. The problem isn't with Native Instruments, it lies with Cakewalk!!!. NI works fine in other Daw's, no issues whatsoever. ie Reaper, FL Studio, Ableton.

Now a new problem in CbB: Rewire device not working. It worked fine until the last update (as it was with Kontakt) but now it's worse than before. I sent this complaint to Cakewalk but still no answer.

Wish I could go back to previous version of Cakewalk, where things worked most of the time. Now it's unusable!!


I have Kontact player whit " orchestra " - " Guitar Player" and many "Synth" but I haven't any problem with CbB as you?
I tryed to work intensive in Rewire with FL without problem or with Waves Tune Plugin but I never looked any problem.

do you tryed a clean uninstall of CbB from C.// ... and regedit too ? 

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It has not changed in years and is in the documentation.

When documented features appear to be missing, the first thing to check is the Workspace setting.


BTW, 2021.01 has been superseded by 2021.04

There is no reason to post to this thread.


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On 4/23/2021 at 4:52 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

You are using a workspace that doesn’t show video view. Choose a different workspace like advanced and you will see it.

Noel, sorry to piggyback on this, but is it a bug that the Video view is still available even after using a Workspace that has removed it? It doesn't appear if you press "V" obviously, but you can still drag down on the separator accidentally and reveal it. Of course "V" doesn't make it go away - you have to drag up on the separator to hide it.

I would have expected the view to be completely unavailable. (and ideally, free up that strip of real-estate in the Track View header)

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1 hour ago, Colin Nicholls said:

Noel, sorry to piggyback on this, but is it a bug that the Video view is still available even after using a Workspace that has removed it? It doesn't appear if you press "V" obviously, but you can still drag down on the separator accidentally and reveal it. Of course "V" doesn't make it go away - you have to drag up on the separator to hide it.

I would have expected the view to be completely unavailable. (and ideally, free up that strip of real-estate in the Track View header)

I fir one eould be very unhappy with that.


I do not use workspaces (my own reasons), but I do work with video and do not wish to be forced to use workspaces to simply open that view.


I believe a toggle of it’s visibility (default to visible) would be a more reasonable change if such is needed.


These days I'd simply suggest getting a larger monitor as they are not by and large expensive. I don’t even notice the item on my screen.


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1 minute ago, Keni said:

I do not use workspaces (my own reasons), but I do work with video and do not wish to be forced to use workspaces to simply open that view.

I used to feel the same way but I'm warming to them. Anyway, your comment makes no sense. My suggestion in NO way would force you to use Workspaces in order to access the Video View.

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1 hour ago, Colin Nicholls said:

Noel, sorry to piggyback on this, but is it a bug that the Video view is still available even after using a Workspace that has removed it? It doesn't appear if you press "V" obviously, but you can still drag down on the separator accidentally and reveal it. Of course "V" doesn't make it go away - you have to drag up on the separator to hide it.

I would have expected the view to be completely unavailable. (and ideally, free up that strip of real-estate in the Track View header)

Its not a bug, Workspaces hide access to commands and menu items. They don’t physically remove features like the prochannel and splitters which show tempo strip, video strip etc, today.

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