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V vocal x3? Or before?

John Vere

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25 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

I upgraded my SONAR X3 Melodyne Essential 2 to Melodyne Essential 4, then bought an upgrade to Melodyne Editor 4 pretty quickly because I wanted polyphonic editing ( I've got this nasty habit of fingering too hard on the guitar pulling the strings slightly out of tune - Melodyne sorts this out!).

IIRC I authorised on my laptop first, then managed to use my 2nd authorisation on iLok... I was lucky, 'cos if I'd have done the iLok first, it would have taken up both authorisations.

I later upgraded my Studio One Melodyne Essentials 4 to Editor as well, and put that on my other iLok.

When I upgraded to Melodyne 5, it merged both Editor licenses into one.

Apart from the initial install of X3's Melodyne, I think all the upgrades were done via Melodyne itself.

So you are saying yours Is on your iLok. Is that a dongle or the software iLok. I have the software version and find it odd that Melodyne is not listed there. It always works.  I will probably spring for Editor someday too as my guitar playing is getting worse as I age. I have pain in my right thumb so it's hard to manage a pick.  

I am using this for the first time and might be getting carried away!! I realized my pitch was so bloody off until I started looking at it this way. You have to be careful as it can get a bit crunchy in there. But so far I have heard nothing but an improvement to vocal tracks.  Especially falsetto harmonies. That's another reason chords would be nice as you could correlate the harmonies just like messing with a piano chord in PVR.  In the past if there was a guitar boner in a solo I was forced to redo that part or get lucky and copy and paste. Now its- split it out- and put it right, takes less than a minute. 

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2 minutes ago, John Vere said:

So you are saying yours Is on your iLok. Is that a dongle or the software iLok. I have the software version and find it odd that Melodyne is not listed there. It always works.  I will probably spring for Editor someday too as my guitar playing is getting worse as I age. I have pain in my right thumb so it's hard to manage a pick.  

I am using this for the first time and might be getting carried away!! I realized my pitch was so bloody off until I started looking at it this way. You have to be careful as it can get a bit crunchy in there. But so far I have heard nothing but an improvement to vocal tracks.  Especially falsetto harmonies. That's another reason chords would be nice as you could correlate the harmonies just like messing with a piano chord in PVR.  In the past if there was a guitar boner in a solo I was forced to redo that part or get lucky and copy and paste. Now its- split it out- and put it right, takes less than a minute. 

I'm using iLok dongles.

Melodyne gives you the choice though.

IIRC, if it's registered to your PC (i.e. not using iLok at all),  you can authorise/de-authorise and move the authorisation about as you please, but once you've authorised to iLok you can't go back.

My main reason for using iLok is that I've got 4 operating systems on my boot menu ( 2 x Win 10 and 2 x Win 7).  Most software sees that as 4 separate machines, so having it on the iLok saves me messing about with swapping auths.

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1 hour ago, John Vere said:

@abacab   @msmcleod

So here's a question: Did people have to go through the steps to upgrade to Melodyne Essentials  5  or did the last update of CbB take care of that?

Melodyne Essentials installs and upgrades have always been handled directly with Celemony and your user account over there. As far as I know, CbB not involved, other than providing ARA2 support.

I recently upgraded to Melodyne Essentials 5 (have never had a higher level installed), and running the latest version of CbB.

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3 hours ago, msmcleod said:

If you're running the latest CbB and the latest version of Melodyne 5, you'll get a dialog asking you to choose the algorithm. 

Thanks for your reply.  I ran a quick audio-to-midi conversion test, and for the first time ever I got the algorithm dialog and for the first time in months the conversion placed midi data on the track.  ? 

I will have to check the date I cancelled my Melodyne 4 account and traded it in for Melodyne 5, but it was fairly recently, possibly after seeing recent upgrade offer buzz in the forum. It is entirely possible that while the conversion stopped working while I still had Melodyne 4 I never got around to trying the conversion under Melodyne 5 before today. 

So, thanks for the clue about about the algorithm dialog.  

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Regarding my Melodyne account and update: On December 7th, 2020, I tried to update my existing Melodyne Essentials 4 which used to work with CbB.  It had been one of two Melodyne Essentials 2 I had through SONAR purchases. One had been previously updated to 4 from 2 (I'm not sure when).

However, on 12/7/2020, when I tried to update it to Melodyne Essential 5, Celemony wouldn't let me update.  At no point did I install CbB's trial version of Melodyne Studio, but somehow Celemony reported this:


At that point Celemony only gave me options to purchase a new license. I have no idea why it didn't pick up my existing Melodyne Essentials 4 license that used to work in CbB. 

So I ended up using my second SONAR Melodyne Essentials 2 code to update first to Melodyne Essentials 4 and then to trade that in for Melodyne Essentials 5.


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I should rename this thread the melodyne page.    

To recap what I think I understand is 

CbB comes with Aria and the ability to convert Audio to midi using some basic version of Melodyne. Those who never had a Sonar account won’t have Melodyne. No regional effect option.  No Celemony account. 
Those who had Sonar had a free copy of Melodyne that was not even Essentials. 
Some people over time have upgraded to higher versions and this is between you and Celemony. 

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CbB includes a time-limited trial version of Melodyne (I believe Editor 4 but it could be Studio 4). Once expired the editor stops working but monophonic audio-to-MIDI and tempo detection continue to work. This demo does not require creating a Celemony account.

SONAR X3 Studio/Producer and SONAR Professional/Platinum included a license for the regular commercial version Melodyne 2 or 4 Essential. One license for Melodyne was issued. Those upgrading from X3 Studio/Producer to SONAR Professional/Platinum did not receive a second license. Since it was the regular commercial version of Melodyne Essential, users were required to create a Celemony account to register the product.

When Celemony released Melodyne 4 the upgrade from Essential 2 to 4 was free.

CbB supports ARA2 (not Aria). This is the technology behind Region FXs.

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@scook CbB supports ARA2 (not Aria). This is the technology behind Region FXs.   -- Sorry stupid auto correct on phone keeps doing that.   

Thanks Steve that clears that up.  I was wondering what was included with CbB that makes perfect sense to just get the demo.  And that explains @User 905133 issue. Seems they need to fork over some cash to continue. 

Yes I remember at one point being offered the upgrade and paying $99 a long time ago so must have been when I went from X3 studio to SPlat . I also seem to remember the free upgrade to 4. 

This is the first time I've had to pay them any money for a long time so it's been a pretty good deal.  


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On 1/6/2021 at 11:06 PM, User 905133 said:

So I ended up using my second SONAR Melodyne Essentials 2 code to update first to Melodyne Essentials 4 and then to trade that in for Melodyne Essentials 5.

On 1/7/2021 at 11:31 AM, scook said:

SONAR X3 Studio/Producer and SONAR Professional/Platinum included a license for the regular commercial version Melodyne 2 or 4 Essential. One license for Melodyne was issued. Those upgrading from X3 Studio/Producer to SONAR Professional/Platinum did not receive a second license. 

Just to clarify my previous comments, my second SONAR Essentials 2 code/serial number came from the cash purchase of a second version of SONAR X3  (I bought the second SONAR X3 for a computer my children used thinking they might get into using it.)   At no point did I get two Melodyne Essentials codes/serial numbers from the purchase of only one SONAR product or a second code from an upgrade to SONAR Platinum. 

 Thanks for giving me an opportunity to clarify what might have been misinterpreted.


On 1/7/2021 at 12:46 PM, John Vere said:

. . . I was wondering what was included with CbB that makes perfect sense to just get the demo.  And that explains @User 905133 issue. Seems they need to fork over some cash to continue. 

Well, I am not sure it explains how/why Celemony detected an installation of Melodyne Studio Demo 4.x version 4.2.4. I did not download it as part of CbB or separately. 

It does not explain why my first update from Essentials 2 to Essential 4 from 10-2019 couldn't be updated to Essentials 5 but an unused Essentials 2 license was allowed to be updated on 12-07-2020.  Maybe it was because I did the updates on the same day as opposed to more than 12 months apart?  I read all of the instructions and followed them.

In any case, I now have the ability again to do audio-to-midi conversions in CbB. My gut feeling is that something changed sometime between 10-2019 and 12-2020.  One of many mysteries!!! ? Who knows?  Maybe it was a Windows 10 update that wiped out or reset something. That has been known to happen.


Edited by User 905133
to add "more than"
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