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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access 3 [Updated 5-Nov-2020]

Morten Saether

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[Updated 5-Nov-2020] 2020.10 Release Candidate (RC) installer now available!

We plan to release version 2020.10 very soon, pending any last minute critical issues reported by testers. In the meantime, we wanted to make an updated build available to you immediately in case you are affected by the following issues in EA3. Please especially check recording and verify that arranger and articulation menus and commands now work properly.

Articulation Maps:

  • Crash when undoing Apply Articulations with transforms & no MIDI events
  • Articulation chase mode is overwritten on save
  • Articulation transforms don't always chase correctly
  • Articulation transforms don’t always work properly with CC events
  • Articulation map and Arranger labels don't display Unicode characters properly
  • Undoing apply articulations with transforms with no MIDI events could crash


  • Updated to VST3 SDK 3.7.0
  • Support MIDI CCs via VST3 MIDI output (allows generative MIDI out VST3 plug-ins such as the Reason Rack plug-in to send MIDI CCs to Cakewalk)
  • Support channel aftertouch sent from VST3 plugins


  • Support ASIO devices with a single mono input such as the iRig Pro
  • Setting multiple tracks to the same input can cause record to fail if Allow Arm Changes during Playback/Record is enabled
  • Arranger picker fails to open after clicking away from menu
  • Arranger picker fails to open after clicking away from menu
  • Arranger and articulation map menus could fail to dismiss resulting in multiple menus stuck on screen
  • Arranger menu and articulation dialog commands could sometimes fail to execute
  • Arranger section move should include data during playback 
  • Arranger section move is now blocked during record
  • Arranger and articulation map labels now support Unicode characters
  • When automation lanes are visible in the Bus pane, the drop target for reordering gets interfered with causing misplacement
  • BandLab Login can appear on incorrect monitor
  • Installer should now automatically relaunch application after an in-app update

Download Cakewalk 2020.10 RC installer


Our sincerest thanks to those of you who have provided feedback on Early Access 1 & 2 - your support this week has been fantastic! We've addressed all issues reported by Early Access 1 & 2 testers and found opportunities for additional refinements as well. We invite you to try out the latest updates in EA3.

Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2020.10 EA3 build, you must be on the latest public release of 2020.09 or 2020.10 Early Access 2. The 2020.10 EA3 build can be downloaded and installed from within Cakewalk by going to Help > Check for Updates, then clicking the Download Now link in the "Early Access Available" toast notification.


Should you need to revert from the 2020.10 EA3 or RC build to the public 2020.09 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.09 Rollback installer.

If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating.

Thanks again for your participation!
The Bakers



New in Early Access 3

Articulation Maps:

  • Articulation key switches with high note values were sent after MIDI clip notes when chasing
  • Drag moving a clip that contains a partially selected articulation section fails to move all articulations
  • Dragging a clip with Select Track Articulations with Clip enabled causes selection to change unexpectedly
  • Articulation Map Editor changes:
    • "MIDI Events" section has been renamed to "Generate New MIDI Events"
    • "MIDI Transforms" section has been renamed to "Transform Existing MIDI Events"
    • Generated note events have option to follow the track's MIDI channel
    • The Transpose check box now ONLY affects the ability to transpose pitch

Articulation Maps.pdf



  • Crash when drawing controller events in the Piano Roll view


New in Early Access 2

Behavior Changes:

  • Piano Roll view Note drawing now automatically switches direction as necessary during the gesture (left to right or right to left).
  • Open Piano Roll view when double-clicking white space on a MIDI or Instrument track.
  • The Display Muted Takes in Parent Track Track view View menu option defaults to ON (it was OFF for Early Access 1).


Articulation Maps:

  • Articulation Map Editor changes:
    • Articulation Maps section has been renamed to Articulation Map Library.
    • Remove file icons to preserve horizontal space.
    • Horizontal scrollbars for list boxes and tree view to accommodate long names.
    • Tooltips for map, group and articulation list items.
    • Ability to specify the chase mode for each triggered MIDI Event.
    • Folders with empty subfolder were not shown in the Articulation Map Library section.
    • Table rows should not be selectable while "Add From MIDI" is waiting.
    • Some expression maps were being imported properly if they contained a mix of Cubase v10 and legacy entries.
    • The Import command now imports maps into the global library instead of the project, and you can import from files or folders. The logic is as follows:
      • Import From File: You are presented with an Open File dialog, followed by a Choose Destination Directory dialog (defaults to the Articulation Maps folder).
      • Import From Directory: You are presented with a Choose Source Directory dialog, followed by a Choose Destination Directory dialog (defaults to the Articulation Maps folder). The folder structure of the source directory will be replicated in the destination directory, with the destination folders containing the converted articulation maps.
  • Fixed various crashes.
  • When drag/dropping clips with articulations selected, articulations ended up in the wrong stream.
  • New Select Track Articulations with Clips option to Track view Options menu. When enabled, selecting a clip will also select any overlapping track articulations.
  • Articulation section Merge command was available when only one articulation was selected.
  • Ability to set the MIDI channel of articulation events via the articulation context menu.
  • Inconsistencies in the MIDI channel being set for triggered articulation events between normal play, chase, MIDI file export and the Apply Articulations command. The rules are as follows:
    • If the triggered event has Transpose selected. then the MIDI channel should be set to the Track's forced MIDI Channel (if set), or the MIDI channel of the Articulation Section event. 
    • If the triggered event does NOT have Transpose selected, then the MIDI channel should be what is set for the triggered event as defined within the Articulation Map Editor.



  • Localization: Resources have been updated for all supported languages (still English text).
  • Crash when loading project with Melodyne via Play List.
  • Crash when deleting Vienna Synchron.
  • Track view would steal focus back after clicking on an Arranger section.
  • Pressing F2 to rename Arranger sections does not always work.
  • Unable to edit MIDI Channel in Event List view.
  • Disallow Step Record during playback.
  • Step Record can glitch with instruments that have long tails when Auto Advance is enabled.
  • Random crashes with dead pointers when step recording.
  • Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes wave file creation when adding certain VST3 plug-ins.
  • Temporary files for Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record can be created in wrong folder.
  • Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record causes Synth Track audio to fail to record.
  • Add performance warning when disabling Only for Inputs in Project option in Preferences > Project - Record.


View list of updates in Early Access 1


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That's odd.  I just exited and restarted Cakewalk and re-loaded the project with the Pitch change and now it plays correctly (without requiring it be applied).

So I did the process again.  Start with a new Kontakt project (I have a Kontakt 6 template).  I load in the MIDI Transforms and the Chord Triad Articulation maps.  Then using the Chord Triad I add two chords.  Then I shift drag to make copies of those cords to get the four chords you can see in the screen shot in the first post.  I play this and it sounds great.  I then do a right click and "Apply all articulations to track" and so I get actual chords.  I then go and add the pitch articulation for +12 to the second chord.  When I play this it doesn't change the notes sent to Kontkat.  I save the project and close it and reopen it.  The re-opened version plays correctly with the pitch being increased.


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I'm just watching from the sidelines here letting the more experienced CbB users do the hard testing but have to say this commitment from the development team and users is quite inspiring. Well done everyone! I wanted you to know that and say how much I look forward to getting my hands on the final release

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Thanks for the EA3.   It's almost there.    (Thanks for fixing the Crash upon entering CCs in PRV BTW)

I think I have found just one tiny baby thing with Articulation maps.

If I configure an articulation's Chase mode to "Full" and then save the project, the following happens:

         For those articulations where "Transpose", is selected , the Chase mode reverts to "Note"
         For those articulations where "Transpose", is deselected , the Chase mode reverts to "CCs"

ie, the articulations do not retain their Chase mode setting if set to "Full"

As the "transpose" no longer changes MIDI channels (I use articulation's "Follow" under Channel instead), I have deselected "transpose" for my articulations.

I am not sure if this happened with EA2 as I rolled back due to the CCs in PRV crash)

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Thank you. Small Notice: I couldn't save the project I created in EA1, I got a "Freigabeverletzung" (German Language). "Save as" does it instead.  

I changed to English language: The Notice was: "Encountered a sharing violation while accessing C:\....\thema.cwp"

Edited by mkerl
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Yes I do. Ok, I look at it, yesterday I updated Steinberg Download Center. Thanks for the suggestion.

Edit: That was a Quicky ? I just updated Elicenser and this small issue is solved. Wow. Thanks to the community for the Workout you did before and thanks for your quick response,  Scook.

Have a good time, stay healthy

Cheers ?

Edited by mkerl
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Twice now I posted at the close of thread and received no response to the post.


when attempting to edit volume envelope on parent track (not lane or envelope lane) Switching edit filter to volume makes wav file images disappear with display muted clips unselected.


defeats my reason for editing there.


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3 hours ago, scook said:

Do you use Steinberg's eLicenser?

It was recently updated

It causes a sharing violation see page 2 of this thread


I worked with Steinberg to help them troubleshoot this.

I'm glad they released the fix. It was an issue with their licenser managing process states as far as I know.

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7 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

I worked with Steinberg to help them troubleshoot this.

I'm glad they released the fix. It was an issue with their licenser managing process states as far as I know.

It's Great how the community, you and finally Steinberg come together to fix this issue. Outstanding. Do you remember Canned Heat? They had this epic song "Let's work together" back in the days . . . . . marvelous

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12 hours ago, Promidi said:

Thanks for the EA3.   It's almost there.    (Thanks for fixing the Crash upon entering CCs in PRV BTW)

I think I have found just one tiny baby thing with Articulation maps.

If I configure an articulation's Chase mode to "Full" and then save the project, the following happens:

         For those articulations where "Transpose", is selected , the Chase mode reverts to "Note"
         For those articulations where "Transpose", is deselected , the Chase mode reverts to "CCs"

ie, the articulations do not retain their Chase mode setting if set to "Full"

As the "transpose" no longer changes MIDI channels (I use articulation's "Follow" under Channel instead), I have deselected "transpose" for my articulations.

I am not sure if this happened with EA2 as I rolled back due to the CCs in PRV crash)

Thanks @Promidi - the persist mechanism auto calculates the chase mode if you were loading project saved with EA1.  The bug here is that its auto calculating in both load and save - it should only be doing it when loading. 

It's fixed for the next release.

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13 hours ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

That's odd.  I just exited and restarted Cakewalk and re-loaded the project with the Pitch change and now it plays correctly (without requiring it be applied).

So I did the process again.  Start with a new Kontakt project (I have a Kontakt 6 template).  I load in the MIDI Transforms and the Chord Triad Articulation maps.  Then using the Chord Triad I add two chords.  Then I shift drag to make copies of those cords to get the four chords you can see in the screen shot in the first post.  I play this and it sounds great.  I then do a right click and "Apply all articulations to track" and so I get actual chords.  I then go and add the pitch articulation for +12 to the second chord.  When I play this it doesn't change the notes sent to Kontkat.  I save the project and close it and reopen it.  The re-opened version plays correctly with the pitch being increased.


@Matthew Sorrels - what are your chase settings in Project->MIDI->Other Options ?

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EA3's Articulation Maps are stable for now.

After adjusting the shortcut in the new function settings,
[F] [Ctrl + F] [Shift + F] [Ctrl + Shift + F] was not working properly.

[Alt + F] [Alt + Shift + F] [Alt + Ctrl + F] is working fine.

- A CAL file different from the set CAL file is started.
- The error that the set CAL file is "File not found."
- Change settings are not applied and the previous process is executed.

It may be another key, but I only confirmed F.
Even if I rolled back to 2020.09, it didn't fix, so maybe it was before Ver.2020.09.

How about other people?

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