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Is Cakewalk the best free DAW on the market


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I have never had a person ask me which DAW I used to create my little monstrosities. I write little rock songs with vocals and instrumentals where I have the space to apply my decades old composition and arranging education. I can say Cakewalk has never hindered the quality of my writing. I wish there were a 2021 version of Dimension Pro. Maybe BandLab could buy Spitfire and offer us a few free orchestral libraries. I’ve learned to make due with what I own. 

I would say I use midi 50% of the time. Recording my guitars is very time consuming. Nothing about this process is seamless. Laying down piano parts are a breeze. My playing could be better, but it is not Cakewalk’s fault. I wish the music staff was better, but I may the only one who feels this way.

This forum is incredible. I can, and have, spend hours reading through the threads learning new techniques. I just want to write, record, see if people like it, and start again.  If I were to read tomorrow that every successful rock/pop song was recorded with Cakewalk I would say, “That’s interesting.” I can’t think of what else it would do. I started with this program with floppy disks, tried a few others and thought if Hans Zimmerman, Adele or Taylor Swift asked me to move to another program I would. But in reality that’s not going to happen and this comparison game can be a waste of time.

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