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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.05 Early Access 1

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2 hours ago, scook said:

Like this?


The gif shows

  • clicking the mouse wheel to bring up the HUD
  • selecting clip gain
  • making a selection with click-drag
  • changing clip gain for the selection using click-drag

Perfect, except I asked if we can do:

  • without extra clicking the mouse wheel to bring up the HUD
  • without extra selecting clip gain
  • yes, make a click-drag selection
  • yes, changing clip gain but just the selected portion (for now we can only move the whole envelope at once), supposedly using ctrl+drag (while keeping edit filter for clips)

That's just two moves altogether without even changing the edit filter. Say you're working with focus on clips (to keep the waveforms perfectly visible) and want to make quick gain adjustments just for short areas, let's assume to lower the breaths of a vocal take. Would be great to have it done with just selecting the breath waveform and ctrl+drag only the selection, no additional clicking needed. We can change the whole envelope with ctrl+drag already, but I'm missing the ability to affect only a selected clip portion. I guess that's a feature request.

Also at the end of your video, I see you don't loose your selection. Can you then move the same selected portion of the envelope second time? For me, the second time I'm moving the whole envelope.

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1 hour ago, winkpain said:

Important to note here as well is:  if you have Maximize Waveform chosen (no header displaying) it seems to be necessary to have the SmartTool cursor in the lower half of the clip in order for this to work.

Ah yes, thanks! I have Maximize Waveform, of course :) 

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6 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Sounds like you're clicking the clip header instead of the main body of the clip like this:


clip gain.gif

That's because I have Maximize Waveform selected... thanks @winkpain!

Jonathan, can we have the same you do on your video but instead of moving the whole envelope, can we make a small clip selection and then ctrl+drag the clip gain of just that selection? I mean, if there's nothing selected, the whole envelope will be moved, but when I select a portion of the clip I'd love to change only that portion of clip gain instead of the whole envelope.

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For now, with a combo of the suggestions above, you can fairly quickly:

Select to edit Clip Gain once

  1. Shift+Right-click back to Clips mode
  2. Select your area > Shift+Right-click > Ctrl-drag gain env. > Shift+Right-click
  3. Repeat from 1. as needed

It's not as quick as what you're looking for, but pretty good once getting the muscle memory down.


video here:





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I don‘t know what you guys did with the new thread scheduling #3 but it worked GREAT.   My CPU graph on #2 & #1 looked like a sawtooth wave form!   Now all processors are running the exact same level!  No more crackles and pops on heavy loaded projects.  FINALLY  perfect!  Best ever.  If you guys experiment more can we keep #3  and just add #4 as a new experiment versions????


Max Arwood

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53 minutes ago, Max Arwood said:

I don‘t know what you guys did with the new thread scheduling #3 but it worked GREAT.   My CPU graph on #2 & #1 looked like a sawtooth wave form!   Now all processors are running the exact same level!  No more crackles and pops on heavy loaded projects.  FINALLY  perfect!  Best ever.  If you guys experiment more can we keep #3  and just add #4 as a new experiment versions????


Max Arwood


39 minutes ago, Greg Wynn said:

Agreed completely.  I’ve been running on “3” for hours tonight with no issues.  It used to cause weird glitches.  

That’s on an i9 9900k with 32 gig DDR3400.



Thank you !

and as apposed to all that we have

On 5/21/2020 at 8:36 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

Aggressive thread scheduling model still doesn't seem viable with this version.  When I enable it and playback a project I just finished the output constantly studders.  Switching back to model 2 and everything plays perfectly smoothly.  This is with a 16 core/32 thread i9-9960X.

Computers, so many different configurations etc, I'm surprised they work as good as they do, it's voodoo.

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Well thread scheduling #3 is great for me now on play back ,  but now cakewalk freezes up on export audio.  I guess for  now I will just swap back and forth.  We might need thread scheduling for mixing and another for bouncing tracks.  It will only be a minor annoyance for  now. 

It will be just a minor annoyance.


I am still having lockups with Lexicon PCM Reverbs.  It

keeps locking up  saying cakewalk does  not have permission to speak to the Lexicon pcm reverb in “  “ ilok.

Any help would be appreciated. 

Thanks Again,

Max Arwood       

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11 hours ago, chris.r said:

Agree. Still, would be shame missing the opportunity for a super quick workflow, since we already can move the envelope in clip edit with ctrl+drag.

There is a quicker way by just keeping the filter in Clip Automation Gain, then select at the bottom half and adjust from the top half.  No modifiers involved - just left click:


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7 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

Well thread scheduling #3 is great for me now on play back ,  but now cakewalk freezes up on export audio.  I guess for  now I will just swap back and forth.  We might need thread scheduling for mixing and another for bouncing tracks.  It will only be a minor annoyance for  now. 

It will be just a minor annoyance.


I am still having lockups with Lexicon PCM Reverbs.  It

keeps locking up  saying cakewalk does  not have permission to speak to the Lexicon pcm reverb in “  “ ilok.

Any help would be appreciated. 

Thanks Again,

Max Arwood       

Can you please send me a dump file @Max Arwood

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I haven't had much time to try it but Thread Scheduling 3 with the stuttering only seems to happen when my ASIO buffer size is large.  Anything 256 or above I get the crazy stuttering.  But at 128 (and lower) it actually seemed to play just fine.  I normally run at 2048 though which really didn't seem to like the #3 setting at all.


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7 hours ago, msmcleod said:

There is a quicker way by just keeping the filter in Clip Automation Gain, then select at the bottom half and adjust from the top half.  No modifiers involved - just left click:


Boom! Just gets better and better!

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?Great work on the visual aspect of it team!?One step closer towards removing the use of Automation in visual clip gaining.

With the next two updates can we get this by just Highlighting a region of a word/phrase/sibilants - you know, those annoying pop sounds. By intergrading the ripple crossfade automatically when increasing of decreasing an isolated highlight region with a knob or slider? 

We not taking away Automation with that, we're just adding this feature. Creating Nodes with Automation to just focus on one pop sound, can consumes a little bit of time and be frustrating. ?

Example: Let's say we're working on vocals. You have a great recording take - no problems with it, just that one pop sound that is spiking the through the ceiling you want to tame. Now, with this you have to go to clips change to automation (thanks for the shortcut for it in this version.) Add two or three Node's - adjust it manually. The problem I've seen this do, some how as you progress in your project, coming back four times to the area you are taming, you forget to check the levels at the beginning and end of the waveform each time. ?

This cause then levels in the vocal increasing or decreasing ever so slightly, which is not noticeable. We want to avoid that. Hope I'm making sense with this. So a slider or knob to focus only on the highlighted area's volume you wana change, without affecting the rest of the waveform with "visual clip gain" envelopes done automatically by the DAW for us - will be GOLDEN. 

Thanks on reading my previous thread to introduce this feature in Cakewalk. 

Great work on this update guys. Will definitely test it later. A toast and a glass of whiskey is in order. ? 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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8 hours ago, msmcleod said:

There is a quicker way by just keeping the filter in Clip Automation Gain, then select at the bottom half and adjust from the top half.  No modifiers involved - just left click:


There is a problem in this case. After moving the selected portion of the envelope you loose the selection. It's not a biggie if snap to grid is on, but I often like to select a syllable or breath with snap to grid off for smooth selection, then if I'd need to correct the same region I actually have to select a few times around.

And of course the waveform is dimmed under the envelope after setting edit filter to clip gain, like I said not a biggie but sometimes it's not about working with the envelope, more often it's just visually inspecting the waveforms by listening and watching for inconsistencies in the take. Then we could quickly select a portion and ctrl+drag it up or down by visually estimating the amount needed. I realize it's a feature request :).

Edited by chris.r
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On 5/22/2020 at 12:15 AM, chris.r said:

Ok checked one more thing. In addition to what I said above I thought to check if plugin balancing is enabled in cakewalk and indeed on the desktop pc it was off, must have been switched off with an update at some point probably as I usually like to have it on. But on my laptop balancing is on and I have to raise buffers to 512 so yes, wavelab makes it somehow to play smoothly at 128.

Yeah. If you're running 1.0.3 and 1.1.0 yeah. CPU hungry indeed. I'm still on 1.0.1 and I can push it hard with know incidents. Another well known buddy has version 1.1.0 and he is sweating crazy on CPU usage with LURSSEN Mastering suite. There's forums out on this problem and everyone speaks one tongue on this matter. I don't have the new updates, so I cant speak from personal experiences. 

Hope this will shine some light into researching this. ?

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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8 hours ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

I haven't had much time to try it but Thread Scheduling 3 with the stuttering only seems to happen when my ASIO buffer size is large.  Anything 256 or above I get the crazy stuttering.  But at 128 (and lower) it actually seemed to play just fine.  I normally run at 2048 though which really didn't seem to like the #3 setting at all.


@Matthew Sorrels Very strange I can run it here with no issues at higher sizes. Tried 1024 and 512 with no issues.  Does it happen with any project?
May have to troubleshoot this on your system.


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19 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

I don‘t know what you guys did with the new thread scheduling #3 but it worked GREAT.   My CPU graph on #2 & #1 looked like a sawtooth wave form!   Now all processors are running the exact same level!  No more crackles and pops on heavy loaded projects.  FINALLY  perfect!  Best ever.  If you guys experiment more can we keep #3  and just add #4 as a new experiment versions????


Max Arwood

@Max ArwoodI'm glad its working well for you. Multiprocessing very system and load dependent and requires a lot of testing on different workloads so thanks for trying it out.
If you can reproduce the problems you had with export please contact me and send a dump file since I was unable to reproduce the problem.

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I'm having trouble Dragging folders around in Track View - I seem recall being able to do that in previous versions. It changes from small double arrow to selection arrow when I try to drag .  Can anyone confirm this ? OR  - am I mistaken about being able to do this previously?

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42 minutes ago, RBH said:

I'm having trouble Dragging folders around in Track View - I seem recall being able to do that in previous versions. It changes from small double arrow to selection arrow when I try to drag .  Can anyone confirm this ? OR  - am I mistaken about being able to do this previously?

I know I had this working a few days ago since I posted some images of some of the hot spots for dragging tracks.  Here's a hot spot for dragging folders.  I will test it again.


Yup--they move.  

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