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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I can't tell the difference in my own recordings.
  2. What about Daryl's Uncle's giant..... nevermind
  3. If he was fired or left they'd both be Jose Dos Equis.
  4. Ah, it looks like they took the DF engine and added some other features. One notable is a "song builder". I've not ordered it, but it has some interest as I do own the whole DrumForge suite.
  5. We had a P.A. in our band that had dual power amps. One for the speakers and one for the horns. When we played Aqualung it was my duty to switch off the speaker power amp when we got to that point.
  6. What about Blodwyn Pig? We used to Dear Jill
  7. We did New Day Yesterday, For A Thousand Mothers, Bouree & Nothing Is Easy from that album.
  8. My band used to do My God & Acqualung from that Album.
  9. That's "Stan Dupp and The J Tillies" to you good sir. Had to do "J" as SC was limited size on username.
  10. That number is fake gnus (see wot I dud there?)
  11. Just remember that was me buying components and doing the build. Jim just guided me on the bios tweaks (O.C. etc) and did the cleanup of the obsolete drivers etc. And also remember that I already has a case, psu, rom burner and vid card that was not included in that $1700.
  12. Good cover Shane. Recording is clean. Mix is well balanced.
  13. You are allowed to have more than one way to skin a cat.
  14. Jim is great. I did my own build based on his recommended list of components basically the same as haydn12 (w/128gb of ram) that I put in my existing Antec silent case, 750w psu, silent vid card and cd/dvd burner. Total cost of CPU, mobo, ram and Thunderbolt 3 card was ~$1700 + paid consulting from Jim doing the setup remotely (we took all the drives from my current DAW, which were less than a year old, and put them on the new mobo/cpu/ram).
  15. Bapu


    BOC's Godzilla?
  16. Hmmmmmmm seems like it's outside of the Drumforge engine. IOW a VST in it's ow right. Strange.
  17. Aye haz know eyeDah wot Straummy iz awn aboot.
  18. This was a freebie for me. I'm a Harrison Plugged In Member. (wait, that sounds like I'm some kind of a tool)
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