For grins I did a quick calc. I own 85 PA plugs. There are roughly 148 plugs available. In 63 months @ $31/mo I will have spent $1,953 to own the current full list. It would take me (obviously) 5+ years to own everything and in that time at least another 20-50 products would become available.
FOREVER 29 (actually 31 hyuk, hyuk) really means FOREVER. ?
Food for thought: Would my $75 loyalty vouchers suspend while I'm on the FOREVER29 plan?
I almost bought into that ecosystem. That was when I only used SPlat. Then after the Gibson's shutdown and I began researching (aka buying) other DAWs I settled on my RME interface and Presonus FP-16. No complaints yet, except I have to manually go into Mackie mode for the FP-16 to work in CbB whereas I do not have to do that for most of my other DAWs.
I never got the eSoundz linbs to work because according to eSoundz CS they need to get the hooks from InMusic/BFD3. I would think may never happen.
Same with any non-BFD expansions too (Chocolate Audio and one or two more IIRC).
TBH I upgraded but have not done a deep dive into the usage of this version vs the old BFD3 which I owned.
What drum VST is the absolute best? Why, it's the one that fits the piece best. Sometimes AD, sometimes SD3, sometime SSD5, sometimes EZD2/3, sometimes CW Session Drummer and sometimes BFD3 and sometimes ......
You mean like this?
It was great idea until after a few major releases it became a bit more and more incomplete because the software gained more controls that the hardware could not handle.
As of BandLab taking over and OS changes IIRC a unit like this may not even work without updated drivers (which do not exist).