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Everything posted by Zo
I'm tempted for the tascam , but cpu hit makes ik tapes witch are imho one the best around if not the bests unsable in serious scenarios ....
that said very few people still use desktop classic format
something new .... or the end of dsp ?
I don’t have up soundcard but yep , valid point
Isnt it like having already the comp and the pre s ?
Thks , still nervous about this ...
Yan the fact that it says Bitwig 5 upgarde plan , doesn't it linkeed to v5 ?
For people that grabbed an upgrade at JRRSHOP , i have a question , i managed to get one there but something bothers me , here's the invoice : Basically my question is : do i have to use it for withing studio 5 . x or can i use it for exemple to upgrade from 5 to 6 or 6 to 7 at any time ? Item name is making me suspicious , but maybe it is the Sku that is important ?
This might make me skip that !!
So basically it's like buying the option to use my plugin in prochannel equaivalent of UA ?
Waiting for the HW version !
If i own all the neve , api , tapes ....am i right to think that the only thing missing is summing extension ? What is included in what they call Luna extension?
Can we map knobs / switches / buttons to make it learn the conrtrollers ?
How does it hanle midi controllers ? mapping , focus on device ? ect ...
They keep thinking we're are 4 years old , they went from 29 $ a plugin to 39 -10 ..... wtf wrong with those marketing guyz
Do you own the extra or owning neve and api stuff will unlok those features in Luna
Exact , but cocnerning some daws , crucial feautures i'm waiting and are instant upgrade : In bitwig : 1) Ability to map more that 8 parameters and once one a controller !!! (ability to control one parmateer on one page and the other on another page ) !!!!!!! 2) Retrosepct recording (all daws have it now !!!) 3) Shortcut to hide all last openeed windows and unhide those (actually it s possible only on selected device ... so one by one !!! fuk) 4) FX on monitoring section !!! 5) Ability to hide some Sends possible fx routing (if i create a template with 10 fx busses but only use 3 , i wanna see only 3 on channels !! 6) Input quantize setting : per tracks !!! Just a few that arleady got on my nerves ...lol and the more i will go on serious work the more i know i'm gonna start being pissed off lol
ffffffff k
Is 50 % on upgrade comes often or once every anniversary ?
fuk , the sale is over ?
Answer from bitwig : Hi, You can indeed buy an Upgrade Plan for later, just select "purchase as a gift". Best regards,
Guyz is the a way to map for exemple my minilogue xd to parametters to diva ... and use more than 8 knobs !! Without hav8ng to change device pages ... this is something that is killing me , i robbed bitwig for pure production stage , and want to realise my next album on it ... mixing will be on S1 probably but this is a workflow killer ( and the lack of’ mouse scroll on paramter , my mouse moves is concstrainte bewteen a keyboards and my syntakt lol
Gui wise i still think S1 is the king .... refined ....Bitwig reminds me sonar back then lol some great stuff and some stuff unbelievable , like not track templates ? or audio track gain (have to use the tool lol ) For track templates if you have fx , you can save as fx prest the track , but not ALL TYPE ? I WANTED TO SAVE A FOLDER OF TRACKS ? So i create a project tempalte with tracks i use usually and drag and drop form there to the current project , it works lol