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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Price is so last decade lol
  2. Larry , no more at plugin alliance ? what is the copy protection then if so ?
  3. Guyz how is the cpu hit ? was waiting for the SSL one to be in promo but this one really great or amybe someo,ne can tell me bewteen this one and the Fabfilter one ...can have it aslo cheap
  4. I do have an issue with Poly kb vst 3 not displaying gui propoerly ... you reminded me why i don't used it lately
  5. CPU Hit ? is it stupid like 80 % of last release from plugin makers (with zero sonic benefit) ? (kinda rude but i'm tired of the result of the alisaing police that makes plugin makes obessed on it in cost of actual usuability of their tools)
  6. Zero vaucher here never seen one from them in my account !
  7. If the cpu hit wasn't that hight , that price is more than fair , sure the diff bewteen regular price and for OB stuff owner is a shame ... at 29 they would sell like crazy for exemple ...
  8. Watch before buy or try if you don't wann lose one demo period .... specially on the comparisson with ob x and cpu hit ... Jump on chapters Hope it helps 00:00:00 Intro & Plugin Tour 00:05:27 Raw Tone 00:08:17 Vintage Knob 00:09:25 Controller talk and Mapping 00:16:10 Raw Tone / OSC woosh !! 00:19:09 FILTERS 00:23:07 Some CLASSIC TONES 00:32:16 VCO : Waveform Morphing 00:50:24 Enveloppe Cycle 00:53:00 Versus OB-X 00:58:55 CPU Hit 01:02:10 Differences with OB-X 01:05:36 Conclusion If you want me to add some or cover somthing else tell me
  9. So basically buyuing it full price form shops is less expensive than buying the discounted price for previous ob owner ?
  10. An,ybody has this resize button up right ? ( i see that on videos ) ? Browser is oldschool also lol
  11. Dowloadded , installed and tried , nothing special , no resize , don't know why ... cpu hit to high for my staste //.... compared to other boxes .... Trying VHS as well ,n same thing , nice drive but the bit reduction is stepped and no sweet spot , iot goes from zero to too much in one step ..... suitable for really lofi stuff ....
  12. Output Portail : any infos on the cpu hit ? is there a way to demo it ?
  13. Looking at zebralette it looks great on the future ... One big strength of zebra is tha ability to draw it's waves forms , i try to recretae analog ones that are lest than perfect , it amkes a whiole diff , but the still the editor need that up^date that zebrallette already has ....
  14. I know that's why i'm was talking about zebra , and hoping it will also
  15. Diva sales are rare , while repro , hive ect .... are quit often .... Diva is still imho the best UHE product to date , with ZEbra being still one all time classic ....cpu hit can be an issue on the later if ya go crazy , waiting for it to be multicore !!
  16. Superb bundle .... CPU hit can be an issue , but still solid bundle ....
  17. I tried it Larry , before posting , i even tried the upagrade wioth an expansion , it says not valable for promotion products .... my upgrade is for KU
  18. seem like everything in promo can't be applicable ....pffffff loyalty my a.....
  19. Tried it , no go , i don't think the vaucher applies on HW stuff
  20. guess what is 199.50 ? lol my uprgrade ...;
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