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Everything posted by Zo

  1. I say we lobby to get to choose another freebee or an extra rebate on the full version .... call them Fleer !!!
  2. Warm is superb , notice that essentials, not only don't have the ouput control but also the other controls (flutter ect ..) smart cause i went from "what gimmik release" like Waves to , "damn i need those controls" lol Will patiently wait to get those at 49 $ or for a vaucher
  3. Cubase pro 13 versus 12 ? Gui lifting but what else noticeable ? they just go studio one more and more witch i'm already on lol
  4. Indeed the upgrade price is high imho as for presets , like on mtron , it is not something i care about ... what i like about wsm is that ihas some nice breed in it , exotic sound even from synths ... but yep the xlis is really somehting you can get direct sounds from . the waldorf looks interesting as a concept , i tried it first , hated it ...then once more during a sale and actually like it .. I do think this update will maybe hive vsm its trie potential some light ...let s try it
  5. Did ya tried the east west thing , way more limited but from demos i heard some great tones .... on uvi , are you talking string machine from vintage vault ?
  6. I'm not a fan of those new interafces , i kinda linked old one , but one thing is i ndeed enhaced is the catastropihic brwosing experience v.... way better on new ones ...
  7. Lol yeah i was reading it and you posted it ...say thks to ua , you just avooded to buy other plugin you don t need guyz ... count me in ...
  8. 50 $ off in your card witch means you can get it at 49 $ Question : can we buy two bundles ?
  9. To be serious , the best manager , is the limitation .... i didn't it recently with my (finally) update to windows 10 , and will continue , at one point, i could do a whole album with omnisphere and ez drummer .....
  10. wake me up when they release Family manager ...lol
  11. Waiting for the release of Bapusphere
  12. What do you mean ? Gotta be online je to aithorise once or to use the plugin ?
  13. They will then propose a heavy discount for the bundle i guess Thks @cclarry
  14. Can we handle two profiles for two sets of monitors ...in the unit and call one or another like with a switch or temote or some ?
  15. Seems like my secret weapon not so secret lol....
  16. Hi guyz , i just received 2dayz ago a Syntakt .... I'm testing in two aspects 1) Sounds 2) Integration workflow It is in the second that i experience issues even after web search and manual diving so i humbly need you guyz help here . To be clear : i'm using it via USB (audio and midi) All hardware used in daw , Studio One 6.5 here . Questions : 1) Midi related : let's say i use my NI M32 as a midi controller , on the overbidge track i select it as a source , as for the manual , i understood that there's a auto mod (already switched on) that routes the incming midi to teh slected track : it doesn't work !! I can select for exmple track 3 on Syntakt , and i can control / play it if i select track 3 on my controller routing (via studio one) , the auto channel on Syntakt is supposed to be 14 but if i select 14 on studio one : nothing happens ... IS THIS AUTO THINGS sUPPOSED TO WORK VIA USB OR ONLY HW MIDI ? 2) Midi related : previous scenario , let's say i selected manually my midi track (in daw ) to control my soundon Syntakt (track 6 ) , i can play it , Syntakt play it , i enable real time recording and it doesn't record sh .... no matter what i tried ..... this isdriving me nuts .... 3) Audio related : FX track , on of the thing that made jump on Syntakt versus digi is the ability to route audio in the FX channel (external audio !) Of course this can be done via analog in , but i also know that we're supposed to be able to route a daw track (audio) in the de device via usb : i tried everyuthing even sidechain via studo one , not way i could set this thing up !!! 4) Pattern legnth versus track sequen,ce length : i need a clarification here : I modidfied a track length for an individual track to be 64/64 The pattern length for the whole pattern is 16 , is it normal that the track that has 64/64 is loked to first page (and doesn't continue its pages ? used to haev zero issue wioth muy keytstep pro) because it's supposed to be polyrthmic and it is if : IF pattern (main) length is set to 64 / 64 , then the track pattern length is doing his thing normallly and ready the 4 pages .... To use the pattern length of a track it has to be inferioir or equal to main pattren length ? 5) Midi related : how do you guyz record midi sequence of the Syntakt ? via overbidge ? you create an instruements defenition in studio one ? nothing in that aspect in manual (they could have covered something else than anbleton) 6) Multi out : just curious how ya guyz handle it .... basically if i route each track to its own channel (audio) , the volumes drop hard versus main our FX track , is there a way to bounce a track and it's fx and fx drive / filter without having to mess with mutes ? Thks __________________
  17. Zo

    Arturia Pigments 5

    Paly regular melody , not just hit 6 keyz .... if i hit keys it's ok , if i hits and play serval chords like usual it starts to stack ... I did n otice better cpu but no way full multicore this should easily divide by 2 while here i feel more like 20 / 30 % gain at abest /
  18. Zo

    Arturia Pigments 5

    yep , just try rainforest in the new bank and see .... wtf It's an exemple not a patch i would use , make . Just did another one using wavetable + piano sample , zero fx , and the relase ,+ 8 poly the cpu hit was after chord playing more near 35 ...
  19. Zo

    Arturia Pigments 5

    Exited , installed : meh ... cpu hit still riduclous , i used 2analog engine , a chours and a reverb , poly 8 , i can hit easy 35 % of cpu while other arturia even last one are around 20 %
  20. Zo

    Arturia Pigments 5

    Now were talking i pray for them to multicore all their stuff ..... UVI you re watching ?
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