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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Waoh so glad i waited so long , instant buy , i encourage you guyz to not sleep’on thatb, i bougth PI witch is unique and superb , but i also need a lot of alignement tools ,, the more you play with laryingvtechnic and stack ... Notice my dears friends that imho 80 % of your eq moves are due to phase issues , witch is why you emphase certain freq !!
  2. Zo

    $25 UAD Gift

    Capitol is ia pure beauty , i grabed the motown one one and i m not impressed as i was and am withb capitôl i didn t tried the new one , but to be honest , if someobody can t get enougth from cpaitol chaamber , it s not a plugin issue lol minimoog question. : answer is yes imho , it is the best emu imho in the sens of faithfull, recreation sonically but also , behavior , specially enveloppes and alll witch for exemple i found strange o; the softibe , to narrow sweat spot it is limited while minimonsta is a best of flexibility as is arturia ones .... if i want moog sound , this is the one i will fire , if want dirty , model 82 , if if i want moogish vibe in a 2023 style , the two others ...
  3. I Do think the new skins is worst ... one thing that made never use it in the past was the interface and lack of resize , it has been then updated with several skins but with resize options implementation made kinda messy ... I started re using it once i had a serious controller to have fun with it ( korg minilogue xd module) but then even so , too many parameters and gui never inviting even when you master its structure . My point and my concern , is that i love the sound , the maker and i do think this is one of the best plugin around , presets are top quality ... but totally unphased with the reality of the market , niche product for conoisseurs!! Goal ? Choice ? Personnaly i would love to see anybody with it , a more inviting interface , with adavnced OPTIONS , would make it good for conoiseurs AND people that want an easy and fun interaction .... Simplicity , isnt a lake of power , but the definition of « justesse!! » , tha a bility to make what has to be , with the optimal amount of component .... just my 2 synths
  4. Worth the pedals alone , a great set of useable ones ....
  5. Code meter , i think iseen this crap once or two on some crahes , isn t it related to synchrosoft keys steinberg key stuff ?
  6. Zo

    Update: NI - Maschine 2

    Guyz i noticed ( i didn t updated yet ) that now madchine won t allow erase while holding the pad ( corresponding to sound) , was this a bug known to be introduced at one point ?
  7. Buy it and sell me minfreak for 49 ...you ll get your upgrade lol
  8. Guyz , we all know it s like that with arturia relase : 199 fiest sale : new plugin + collection : 149 and then final sales : 99 patience is key , i biugth v collection 9 one week ago , asked for a grace period , doubt i will have ...and i really don t care ...i will libe without new stuff easy , nothing exiting exept minfreak that i can get alone if really needed ...
  9. Here we go , at one pint you'll get the uad and see it's enougth .... heheh and probaly negligeable on cpu hit versus softube
  10. Larry is back ... thedow jones jumped 2.5 today lol
  11. Hit the support , since their update with the wrapper and resize it doubled !! Liteeraly , might be oversampling or some but i asked them , and finally tolled back to old versions ... Amproom also , i m stiking with the old one , as for synth i skipped for cpu hit also, old ones are ok
  12. By the way guyz @jngnz Here i explain how to use it for all your plugins (and don't forget synths ) For synths , guyz i need your help to find those kinda stuff we can make on demand : I wanna make some for C1
  13. This was one of the best investment i made BUT beware , i'll get loked in the ecosystem ..... sounds is superb (and i could mix with it only ) but CPU will increrease fast .... so my advise for exemple is use the API as a test , and drop it on all channles and buses you wanna control and see how things goes .... it is more cpu hungry than the Neve and SSL 4000 ,on par with the SSL 9000 and Chandler if i recall well ...the most consuming being the Weiss witch is usually on my master or during mastering (a pure beauty)
  14. If you own console 1 , this might be , but if not , i do think the UAD is superior , PA is a joke ... strange to be honest .... The softube versus UAD has this ability to get you non stepped values if important .
  15. lol didn't even knew form was granular ahahah thks for the thread .... Pad shop is great , or grab something like straiglight from NI (i did to drop my samples in and it's superb)
  16. Zo

    Plugmon sales ?

    I went back to zebra the other day just to check , and it's sublime , how well it aged , i'm selling my hive licence because basically i tend to graviate around emultaions and for serious sound design , i went hive instead of pigment for cpu prupose , but i foun dmyslef still going old school way ... Designing complex stuff is less and less and i rather grab an hydrasynth or a blofeld if i need that to add to possibilities , hands on controls ... You should give zebra some time , once you get to master it it is imho , a pure beauty and something that paved the way for a lot of others ...
  17. Zo

    Plugmon sales ?

    35 euros for a skin of a synth we buy 75 is a litlle too much the wavetables for hive are interesting ...
  18. Zo

    Plugmon sales ?

    IS plugmon ever doing sales ? https://plugmon.jp/
  19. Zo

    FL studio LEGO

    Theres a gearlsutz version with a license of plugin doctor offered ....lol
  20. Yep you need to play actually or it goes idel (if vst 3) Some synths don't allow sleep if audio is not generated they anyway keep max loads on cpu , last moog is like that
  21. You need to give us cpu hit in daw , in task manager it doesn't means a lot since , in your daw , if only one core is loaded , you get droppoed or crackles starying to appears , even if you 30 % overwall in task manager , hence the pressure we put to dev , to code optimise for Multi core use (thk you UHE !! , UVI , MOOG are you listeneing , Roland ? lol )
  22. lol the mogg was an easy pass for me , 40 % cpu on my laptop witch is more powerfull than my desktop is enougth to skip (for reference , the softube model 72 is 12 % on this one)
  23. If they provode a good MS 20 filter (maybe two versions) this could be something solid imho and enougth !!
  24. Taking the time to say that i really dig Venus's videos ....for UVI ... never boring and straight , less detailed than some others but enougth to get crucial infos ...
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