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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Are selling each by each ? or a bundle ?
  2. Will give it a listen , i don't find the preset on pair with other xlis labs stuff some are exellent but nothing existing like on poly M or others ...
  3. I know ya a wise man .... San Fleer
  4. Ask them a re activation , i'm serious ..... And re sell them another time ahahah (joking here ..... or not lol )
  5. I§s it me or Waves just go back all sales in house without having to justify it to resellers and contracts ...
  6. S1 imager witch i use a lot is replaced by the exellent SSL fusion one .... zero cpu and exellent
  7. Clown world happened lol Just learned a new english sentence by the way today : "your monkey your circus " lol (India to USA about ukraine lol )
  8. The only good news here is that i hope people realise that when we speak out , and even youtubers do it , it has an impact .... Is the funny scotish guy released a video on it ?
  9. Exact , just bougth myself a minilogue XD module , it's so beautyfull to have knobs and "perform" sounds .... but integration is reminind me why i went all ITB ...; that said it forces you to commit and fvalidate / finish stuff .... @Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann WUP never been a bad thing , people got emotional to much , in fact , it was why i bougth mercury , was about to upgrade few dayz ago and while having a major update on all my pliugin (resize , new menu ect ..) i would have at the same time like 20 new plugin s .... (hence why i waited also) Wup sucks for small puchases , but imho for mercury they should keep it .... as most of pro studios have mercury and will wup anyway each time osx will have a new version ...
  10. use Was thinking about that , but nah .... (all) bizness became crap , they all want revenu with zero risks ..... Lesson learned .... hardware still rules ..... i'm gonna back up all my software , keep those with hardware auth (ilok , keys ect) that don't need internet (baecuse we're at their mercy) and gonna minimise set up as much as possible .... It reminded me Plugin alliance move , their were like fuk we do it , after several weeks ok deals are back ..... lol NOW in this cases i swear waves is losing customers , but for life , like people ain't gonna come back .... Thgey way they treat top bundles owner and pro's is just something we will not forget ....period !!
  11. I feel like they want to go out of bizness and don't know how to say fuk it we're done , gonna spend my money .... ala Dirk ...kinda so they create their own death lol kinda EU ahahha I was speaking with a rep today , asked him my case because iwas still on windows 8.1 and was about to wup to get plugin resize ... He answered you can now sub and always be on date and have new plugin ..... i said i don't want to be update i wanna v 13 mlinimum and as for new plugin i went mercury because i wanted to be set and done .... and i added giving what's happening in the world .. ... subs are the last thing people needs / wants .... ... Never mind , i'm still amazed that Englosaxon think the whole world has the same mindset ....i talked about that to steven slate when i stsrated it ...and explainedhim that french are not like US guyz , we buy stuff ...we don't rent .... it's societal ... Anyway waves for me is a tool box (S1 imager here, de esser there , api eq on production stage here ect .... ) but now with uad Going native , some red rock stuff (best native api around imho with uad) i will not cry . I should have boycoteed waves when some friends did so because of appratheid and illegal occupation , ya know what we 're doing nowdays with every russians , but at that time i said "i judge people dids , not their gov crap" ... but anyway , not the end of the world , i'll put this in my stock pile of "regrets investement" and i have plenty lol ..... they served me well , and i cna't imagine OSX guyz omg , next years it's other with nex os lol at least i can use my plugin until windows 12 lol
  12. Will i be able to wup my mercury once i go windows 10 finally lol ?
  13. if anybody updated it , can you report on stability and cpu hit versus now ....? Thks In the midlle of a project , not to confident to tryt hings out like that lol
  14. Be sure to check the SH 4D from roland , it's basically a zenology on hardware !!! with several engines (like expansions) and the drums !!
  15. i hope that wup still an option , i avoided to by indiv plugins to wait until i wup my V9 lol so it's been a long time and i will get like 20 new plugins
  16. UAD going native without sub , waves going sub will be a suicide ....
  17. Download last off line installers of your plugins and put licences on a key ..... move on and cross finger .... Doing it as i type
  18. No probleme Jeslan , i usually use Studio one for my patches since my atom can do program changes it's more convenient for me that buil in stuff jusually , also my S1 files are on my second SSD so no matter waht i do (reformate ect ..) when i install new install it's up there ...
  19. Ok i check and same fro me ckick on all and you will see it , i might have mess up tags lol or some
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