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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Not those versions , the made mkii of the 1176 , la 2a , fairchild , pultec ..ect ... you have se version and legacy in the original bundle , dsp based . if you buy it now i think you ll get only the new version .... old version not only soounds still good but are super light on dsp .... hence their utility .
  2. na if i hear one more bad vocals around here , no excuse !!! lol
  3. Sonicouture here but yeah hollow sound are superb gems .
  4. It s the 29 + 29 + 29 ...trick ... At the end people could have bougth a prohet and an ob 6 .... lol
  5. Not to be harsh or anything but Slate Digital without Fabrice is dead to me ...
  6. I think they skipped it for a year or two if i recall well ...
  7. So if i understand , to be entertained , alchool need to be in the equation ? lol don't know if that validate your statment ..... since at one point everything is entertainement in that state lol /...
  8. Oversampling on a per plugin basis is dope in my book !
  9. 10 % ? Lol it doesn t even cover inflation. Lol
  10. lol just to be clear , i really know this style , and have friends doing it .... i also worked with a lot of death metal artist back then since we were working or voices in horror core rap like crazy .... My comment was for fun , and as for material , judging plugins subtilities on those mixes is an instant pass for me , not because of the style , but it's inability to realyy disaply plugin impact ....as simple as that .... Still laugthing at my own joke , can't help ....
  11. He doesn t need plugins but exorcism lol ...
  12. Zo

    WTF lol

    Lol you made me go visit , indeed ... for me the website is worst than pics that in fact contrast with the windows 98 html style ....
  13. Fleer , you have to choose : Uhe Dawesome Roland Korg Xils Gforce omnihere falcon ( was about to fire kontakt just for laugth) one choice ... go
  14. Zo

    WTF lol

    lol i try but Music is even worst lol
  15. Zo

    WTF lol

    But she gotta have a great headphones , crucial !!
  16. Zo

    PA NEOLD U2A out

    Eusebio , does it at least sounds great ?
  17. Zo

    WTF lol

    Lol seems i am the only one thinking : a girl in combat clothees with ammo and grenade , on a desktop in desert wearing headphone like audeze ... playing video game .... nothing strange ....
  18. Zo

    WTF lol

    Was looking for headphones + mic fo son (gaming) , we bougth a beyerdynamics MMx 100 and it's really noissy when it come to cable resosnance when moving htose (son don't care , i do ) but looking on website i saw i this pic and can't stop laugthing since Clown world level 278 !! lol People get paid to provide this ? Anyway any suggestions is welcome , around the 100 euros area , second option is DT 990 pro and i give him a mic ...
  19. This might be the less impresive softube i ve use , maybe withe thier lofi reverb ...
  20. No more limitations when using Analog Lab Intro What ?
  21. Zo

    Kawai K1 vsti

    SX 240 is the only one for me !!
  22. Rule number one with roland : never update from day one ... wait !! Rule number two : stick with rule number one , it never fails to be the fact ...no matter the years passing Rule number three : don t take rule number two like a joke .... Rule number 4 : back up everything if you re nasty enougth to violate previous rules Rule number 5 : don t complaint we told ya !!
  23. Zo

    Look what i found PA

    You will grip nothing and you will be happy ....
  24. yeah the had a cumulativ discount , they stopped it .... fair enougth , 50 % imho is really honest for 3 amps at least with pedals ect ... it's on pair with nembrini / ik ect prices wise even cheaper ... cheaper than Pa when you count what's for exemple in plini ..ect .... IK is unbeatable then when you go full amplitube , but individuals are even more expensive at hte end than neuarl dsp
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