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  1. Zo

    Moogerfoogers 75% off

    By the ... way i had fun ....
  2. Zo

    Moogerfoogers 75% off

    Don't know why people are hating those , but for me it's one of the best FX around ...... probably because people don't know no more how to be creative , the need instante waoh zillions fx chain things or what *? Not perfect , but a superb play ground that can make any synth sounds spectacular or interesting ..... Personnaly i do think those are exellent for those spices , sounds you put in production to enriches them , transitions , hits , sweeps ect ....those things that brings life to sterile satic sequence ....
  3. The only way imho is to resell stuff ..i considered this but the market is so f... up^that i skipped several time even if softube stuff are keeping their valkues usually
  4. guyz , ther's no more amp room ? you have to choose vinatge , bass ect ? wtf ?
  5. The only thing that is keeping me from jumping on it versus using old amp rooms witch i love is the cpu hit , same setting is like 3 x the cpu hit And some sounds aren't even the same ....but the fact that they're dropping suppport for old one making me rethink .....last think i needed , droping 50 to an amp
  6. the 505 is at 39 $ if i recall well and enougth ... Fleer can you give me the HDD gb taken for this one , i can't find those
  7. And here trhis is a lesson :
  8. Don't know how i eneded upo watching this , it's in french but basically he analysis the composition it's superb .... He starts with superb composition to analyse how crap started to be introuduced (the end of music like he said starting at 40 min)
  9. This great to have the preset and compare to lowdonw;)
  10. Putin's fault ....i say ...
  11. Ucx here , fireface 400 back then ....i will not contradict ya at all ... Rme : peace of mind .
  12. Dan make a great point , but i think his video is dangerous for non educated people ... and i think even he , was kinda off ... i discovered since years that a great digital eq can reproduce 90 % of analog ones but the real question is would i have made those curves without A/B and the answers was abvious ....and why greaat analog eq or eq s that bring workflow enhancement (claro ect ...) are always worth ... and i ll’ take my 1081 , 32c or pultec over my pro Q 3 in a lot of scenarios ....beacuse on a kik it take me 3 sec , on a snare , 3 sec ect .... and the results are here .... i do think analog eq are really pedagogical and fulll digital eq s are for more advanced users that understand their role .
  13. For those that don t have it , bx digital is one of the few PA i consider a classic and must have , it can replace and surpasses any PA eq ...
  14. Aren t those developped by overloud ? i was inter sted by their monitoring control rack satori , but skipped the jump ...
  15. Larry , have you ever tried those ?
  16. Don t know the two others to tell the truth , but bass pedal is 19 $
  17. By the way guyz the xils 505 is on sale , superb for strings and those bass are stupid good , warm wit that grwoool yeah .. also updated with gui resize !!
  18. Yeah the wavealchemy is superb as all wave alchemy stuff , but to be honest any good Minimoog emu can get you close
  19. Still waiting âtiently for the trichorus and pan thing on uad platform to go native ..... this one , i didn't geled with .....
  20. By the way wafter playing with it (the WaveAclhemy ) , it's super dope , way more capable and fun than the cherry , but i remeber why i'm not using : kontakt crap ....boy no mouse scroll tiny controls ect ..... bravo NI for making a 20 years old soft still looking like 20 years old .... https://www.wavealchemy.co.uk/product/bass-pedals/
  21. Unless you're super hungry ....
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