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Everything posted by Zo

  1. MixBix SE Modules AMPS British Tube Lead Flexi Amp Preamp SVT Classic CHANNEL STRIP Channel Strip DELAY Digital Delay DISTORTION Distortion Lo-Fi DYNAMICS Limiter White 2A EQ Parametric EQ FILTER Env Filter Filter Phaser Wah 47 MODULATION Chorus Electric Flanger Ensemble Phaser Slicer REVERB Ambience Digital Reverb Plate Reverb SATURATION Saturation X
  2. Thks Simeon , on the video i understood this but when you opened some programs , i didn t saw where the layers were and how to access each to modify those , hence my question.
  3. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/softube-marshall-plexi-super-lead-1959
  4. @Simeon Amburgey when loading a program (FM lab) , how do we know and control the Rom used ? or program simply means new presets ? (same architecture as rom)
  5. I really wish they would update their padshop and others to 2023 standars (resize ect ...)
  6. Watching FM LAB as i sip my coffee .... @10 min he dropped those "Don't stop believing chords" , i'm now hyped for the day lol Thks Simeon , as usual superb content ...
  7. Lol it escallated quik ... like ballons up in the sky ....
  8. Is the b3 it s taking from native only also ?
  9. This one is a beauty in all term , once you understand how it operate , the FM tones i get from it is superb , notice that we have an analog engine with the FM one ...
  10. His body here , but his mind still on the boat !!! Normal behavior i see here ...
  11. For me it s the best synth in the cheery audio line .... but can t understand why the extra strings don thave a filter for them cpu hit made me skip it ...
  12. English version ? wanna hear that one !!
  13. The balllllloooonnnnn !!!
  14. Mores eriously , Bandlab should provide themes for the forum ....
  15. say thks to EU and NATO .... go learn to ride horses .... i do ....
  16. it works here here's a keyz also my first preset Flute.ffp Keyzo.ffp
  17. i was doing a flute sound ....this is your gift !! Need to tweak the expression , if ya do it you send it Active high quality to make it less lofi Flute.ffp
  18. done thks but can we schoose the sites it's on or is it always on?
  19. All is the title ,; it's killing my eyes at night !!
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