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Everything posted by Zo

  1. OK guyz if you want the minimon,sta versus real moog check my post there , take time and try to recreate on any emu's ya have https://gearspace.com/board/showpost.php?p=16421539&postcount=92
  2. Hi friends. Need feedback on those if some owners are around ... I would love to know real use thougth and longterm feeling ... Thks a lot guyz !
  3. Here We go guyz , i consider this bad boy unique , i have the UAD and arturia as well as well as the IK and this one is just my fav when it come to caracter ... As i stated in the video , its grab , reminds me more of the portico or the 2254 ... witch is a plus for me... it'sb less sterile that regular emulation .... AT 15 $ it's simply a stupid deal ,and be sure to watch how i handle channels with it , the beauty is here also !! PS : I WENT REALLY hard on it (to hard to my staste) because it was to really show the timing on this versus the other .... be sure to try it !!! LINK : https://redrocksound.pro/en/c609-vst/ 00:00 Intro & Plugin Tour 03:59 On Acoustic Drums : Stereo 09:01 Routing power : Side problem solving 16:08 On Kick 18:13 On Snare 21:53 On Kick +Snare beat 23:37 Taste of the Saturation 28:36 : Conclusion Thks for watching . Congrats to RRS , the made another winner !! Superb !!
  4. I will ask in Bandlab forum what to do with it .... lol
  5. But prices are back to stupid ..... lol
  6. Seems like Fruity loops guyz want a return of investement lol
  7. You will have fun , the preset are exellent (be sure to check V1 witch are still solid ) , not those mordern wannabed stuff ... And the ability to create good sound is where you gonna have fun
  8. It almost makes me regret to have grabbed UHE Repro (i needed that raw analog sound in poly mod) i went polyKB and now this and i'm more than covered !!
  9. Here's a patch where i take advantage of the macros , didn't covered macros o,n the video , mistake i made here this will give a whole other dimension .... Feel free to tweak and repost , i'm not 100 % confident on the morphing to a brass thing .... Dreamer.xml
  10. here we go : In this video , you literally live my first contact with this bad boy , as a owner and user of the first version , i loved it and and stop using it because of the GUI being to small for my old eyes lol I really wanted to share with you why i consider this the ultimate moog , so it has this moog ability to be simple , direct , raw , primitif and at the same time , thks to Gforce goodies , able to go in complex territory , still maintaining a surpising level of simplicy .... 00:00:00 Intro & Plugin Tour 00:04:38 Extend Panel 00:10:05 First custom patch : BASS 00:18:04 Vintage knob 00:19:45 Second Patch : KEYZ 00:23:22 Create a Chorus with the delay 00:27:12 Third Patch : PAD (with aftertouch ) 00:32:33 Presets Tour : BASS 00:34:22 : KEYZ 00:38:51 : PADS 00:44:37 : LEADS 00:49:52 SEQUENCES 00:51:21 TEXTURES 00:53:33 KICK 00:56:35 CONCLUSION Thks for watching .
  11. wanted to make a quik review : results is more than 1h vid .... meaning 3 hours edition minimum .... boy i don't promise i will make it lol but anyway superb release makes me allmost regreting getting UHE repro , since it was exactly what i wanted a poly moog .....
  12. Pou pou pi dou ! Listen to it (beats i made at 6min 23 )
  13. lol wrong thread This happens when you 40 internet pages open with redundances
  14. You read my mind ... Archetype Bapu
  15. And revolution ? I skipped triaz ... don t know why to be honest ....
  16. hence ....my "no thanks" ... patiently waiting fir IK to fix the double cpu hit problem ..... Until then i'm go with neural dsp
  17. Just my 2 synth , but since they done their modular thing , i just see different architecture presets with gui's .... not real modeling imho .... (based on raw oscillator and filters)
  18. phase response i meant lol , noticed that 90 % of the time i'm writting in forums from ipad .... sorry !!
  19. it's what i paid for UHE hive or pro 1 and just 20 buk less than a bran new korg Wavstetate or opsix ( at 99 each)
  20. yep the only aq since a while in PA atalogue that really got my interest and succed my test , fast respinse is funny , but to my ears , i like it ....
  21. This one a beast for real .. but 79 for an upgrade is the price of a new synth ...i ok with v2
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