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Everything posted by Zo

  1. yep the only aq since a while in PA atalogue that really got my interest and succed my test , fast respinse is funny , but to my ears , i like it ....
  2. This one a beast for real .. but 79 for an upgrade is the price of a new synth ...i ok with v2
  3. Waoah , this one so solid .... shame it s in kontakt , but imho the best production ready presets and a fantastic design station
  4. And of course my FEb vaucher doesn't work , because we all know tha FEB end before 25 !!
  5. I usually don't care but 15 sec of demo and i was sold ! spot on my area !
  6. yep conclusion is that they should allow demos like they do with ezkeyz
  7. Do you own hip hop or dream pop ? indenpendant to the style they clam to serve , the amount and diversity of content makes them some of the most solid ezx imho
  8. Like ya said same old scheme just modern tools .... the world is moving forward , sad thing is that we're not in the good side , we will have to fight for our right and fior a better world , in any form , we , as artist have a great power , we need to use it wisely and use our "voices " to good use imho ....
  9. Usually in summer , if ya own a full bundle , ipgrade price is worth , if not , wait until you see all ya need . The other factor is what do you own , for my part buying the bundle could allow me to get some money back by selling doubles , BUT , softube used to be a brand with great resell value , not any more imho ...if i have to sell under their sale , with ilok fees , it s like 20 bucks for synths and a little more for he rest , amp are no go ext .... sad ....only way is to find a buyer that goes for a bundled offer .
  10. So let s be equal ,in that case us citizens , french ´ uk ect should be boycotted since 2001 ... serbia , iraq, affganistan, lybia , syria , boyoctt of arabs for yemens , boycott of israel for not resoect un resolutions ect ... I learned to juge people on whta they do. , not where they from ...i know americans are not their gov , same as isrealis , french ect ... This double standard and hypocrisy .... the whole world exept the west knows and sees it .... As for energy crisis ...ask Biden , the sanctions were ready before war , and to be sure EU and Russia divorce is longtem , he just blew up north stream witch is an attack on an allies infrastructure ... with the help of norway ...i didnt say an german flag in solidarity ,...all we had during 5is info was the ballon scam to cover the info up ...
  11. i own 80 % of the plugins in the bundle and the price i stupid , not buying anyway from them .... until they stop their discrmeination against Russians ..
  12. I had the midi input issue , and i m on studio one ...
  13. Yep exactly so as a sample addict i know how to sample synths with velocity layers to get this filter /velocity modulation when availlable .... and if not present i crate it in sampler ....(maschine auto sampler here ...) i m actually thinking of sampling it with a filter in the equation (moog one of course moogerfooger)
  14. Ya know i like limitation , and EW option sounded superb. .... my point is that if somebody want a string machine coollection. It s not the one.
  15. Some great stuffhere https://synthmagic.co.uk/all-products/ Also in my soncicouture attic thingy ... would love to see IK multimedia doing us a string machine. ...
  16. But it s limited , it great but the amount if strings sound sources isn t on pair with gforce ...
  17. Gforce sounds superb and the collection is the biggest BUT presets management is catastrophic ... sound designing in this could be superb but the simple brosing to parts is a pain ... xils 505 is exellent as well as quadra from cheerry audio , the east west could be great , not a fan of the uvi at all , that said i have the first version ...
  18. really if it was a 40 $ thing ok but at 79 $ i'll buy a korg opsix , pigment , uhe or Poly KB (xils ) any day
  19. I propose a game , let's make the presets on our synths ....Roland / UHE what ever ....eheh could be fun
  20. Testing the ez keys stuff , and it sucks , zero velocity to filter reaction (a minimum if ya ask me for bass at least) and the filter sucks .... , sounds are great ....to bad
  21. So ....what's the verdict ? Funny i was lurking Waldorf for a bofield synth ...still one of the few multimbarle around highly underatted
  22. interesting move it was a HW already , nope ?
  23. I wonder if anybody tried to get the update without having the previous ... lol
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