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Everything posted by Zo

  1. anybody want to get rid of it's SPL Desser (Dual) ? bing bing !!!
  2. Solid , keep in mind that the opto comp rolls off high pretty obviously , but makes wonder on sibiliant vocals or harsh guitar , the vca is better than the old one imho , a sloid all arounder imho ... getting it for this damn album it will be less exepsnive than going HW lol witch i'm more and more considering !!
  3. why not lol since it's Lofi hip hop , crap could be great
  4. imagine a saturn in a jupiter !! that would be fun !!
  5. Guyz looking to get Shadow and the Lindell but i also need the millena eq , anybody don't use its licence of it and want to share i have to go : Elysia Museq Elysia Nveloppe BX console E BX Saturator Engl Amps Lindell 1176 emu and preamp Looking for Millena EQ and SPL viatlizer (gotta master my fuking album that i don't want to master like crazy !! funny how your own work is hard to stay objectif on !!)
  6. Wake me up when the comp is on sale ....
  7. Younreally should Simon , i will choose this over a 1176 any day
  8. Yep this is what i noticed ... too bad ...
  9. Larry is faster than myself ... this guy is Tom Cruise ...!!
  10. On a serious note , even if you guyz don t plan to use softube plugin , buying one second hand is worth this alone !! will do one on how to do it in cubase ...
  11. Hi guyz in this video i show how to use console 1 with 3rd party plugins in studio one , i'm posting this because to use it in sonar it's exacttly the same , just create an act midi controller instead of what i do in S1 I will do one ofr cubase and maybe one for sonar if you guyz need it ...
  12. No probleme homie i was just sharing this to everbody , not at all specially pointed at you , your concern is legit !
  13. It's agreat one , if you want that glue , go hard knee , sideahcin on and flirt with 1 db of gr max with this setting !!
  14. The booth are just wiked , i love using those to beef up lows , will try to show it if i review those ... also to give that intmate proximty to sources .. check around his voice
  15. Just been playing with ik stuff , mm i think i m gonna skip spaces , spaces is exellent for big spaces and orchestral works , but in that case spaces one is enougth for me , i m more in intimate stuff znd when i need long , i go algo or blackhole 92 is still a lot for justvan upgrade .
  16. By the way after a small 30 min test , smile on my face , one word : CLASSY !!!
  17. Peter , there's a small bug in S1 4.6 , when you choose for exemple Chamber studio 1 , then you close the gui then recall it , pic get different (the one by default ) while impulses i sthe right one :
  18. I really didn't catched up with those peamps emu's ...
  19. Thks , now i remeber i have those ...lol
  20. Don't skip niow you have to spit some lyrics on , just one sentence and i will chop it lol Edit : Pretty sure @cclarry is like "ouf , a chance i didn't wrote anything or i would have to spit some also lol !!
  21. Same pattern diff kit fun as politics !! i know you gonna love that bass Carlos dos.wav
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