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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Is it also live via a plugin ? or do we send files .?
  2. Guyz just to share my experience , to day i 've found about "access analog" where you can book a 30 min session of analog gear remote them via a plugin !!! Had to try and what's better than a death with a real 1176 versus my plugins lol ... The streaming was catastrophic due to my connection i think , there's also an offline recording option on the plugin but i wanted to do it real time , i managed to get something and made small loops .... So great way to test stuff guyz or even process ...6 $ the 30 min session , i don't find it expensive unless you get 3 min of real time audio like i had lol https://accessanalog.com/
  3. Where's the "full version of kontakt needed " dude ? lol
  4. I just received this : Hi Zo , I am sorry for the inconvenience and just refunded $80.99 to your account. If you are no longer interested in this plugin, I will refund the remaining $24 and deactivate it. Please let me know how we should proceed! Best regards, -Nikolai I asked for a full refund after the fiasco so at least i'm back to POINT A but for the real price .... i might ask for a refund unless someone around here need it and have missed the sale So Far support seems friendly and efficient !
  5. vocalise serie is exellent and heavy used here !!!
  6. Yep done it Piotr , did ya got it by the way ?
  7. You guyz wanna hear the last one ? I wanted to place an order on this bad boy , thinking ok for 24$ it's a great deal .. Making the order , after going in paypal back to order , i guess proomo was other since several minutes or some , but amount was up now at 104 $ , i didn't placed the order and emailed support to say "hey could you process the order to get the promo or too late ?" Answer : "hey zo i just processed your order all good" Me " o cool ...." Cheked and yep he confirmed the order at 104 $ .... WTF !!!!!! I emailed them to get a refund , this doesn't smell good and it fuked up my day ...because i have their plugin in NFR already but as i beta tester , i try to buy when price is great to support and be independant ...so 104 $ for a comp i don't really need and already have !!! too much for me !!
  8. Funny how i never used those ... might give them a try ... but for reall paralax could be the only one someone need ...
  9. Guyz is it me of this bad boy is cpu exepnsive , i have like 3 times more than blackhole !!
  10. I prefer the ampitube , you can dial your tone pretty easily verus having to start with pre tuned presets , if you're a prest guy , this could be good , one thing to notice is that i 've found myself using amps on a lot ofsources , and as soon as it's a stereo sources i insert amplitude then i recall how a pain it is in stereo mode so i inseert a another brand (overloud , neural , PA)
  11. ouch nah jokes apart great purchase ....
  12. @Soundwise if you want that snappy 1176 stick under 3 db of GR for a drum kits when kiks kik in /.... lol The VU isn't that fast as others so you will not matched setting by looking at GR meter
  13. For that price you can't go wrong , i do find it's not a groovy one like Overloud .... alos cpu hit is on the higher note for a PA plugins but due to oversampling and quality I do think it shine on acoustic drums mastering the kicks andgiving that cymbals shine ..... and snap to snares ... Gonna try it aginst the overloud on electronic stuff ....
  14. Did ya got it at 25 $ ? It has a tendancy to exite the highs ..and attack lows pretty easy , exellent when need but just beware of that ... of course you can play with the sidechain for lows detections .... For me the key is that it sounds great from start , tweaking is fast .... the overloud being the one of that mojo and the Fet from softube still a beast ... Elysia Mpressor gets also underatted like crazy ... Testing testing for another video
  15. This purple is one of the best 1176 itb ....
  16. Not sure for this one , PA went strange since few sales ...
  17. I don t think you can cumulate both vauchers ...
  18. I have an engl 646 pluginfor sale by the way .... as well as elysia nvelope elysia museq millena tcl2 bx console E bx pan eq bx saturator x Voila just wanted to spam Larry s post lol
  19. it's a sign ...move on !!!
  20. I want to do a video on it Fleer but i know it s gonna last for ever lol
  21. I was talking about the waves ... i hope ik will not go convo on everything , the tapes are a pain because they sound great and can t be used that much until you prioritise or bounce .... can t afford to have amplitude and reverb doing the same , i skipped the brian may because of cpu hit , shame so it sounds great ...
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