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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Ok so fender collection serial is the one i ll have to give to the guy for him to get fender 2 also ?
  2. Thks Larry but some were in a bundle , fender collection for exemple i had it with the 2 but only the one have the transfert button , so how to handle this i can resell synthronik , lursen , fender collection , ik 81 , precicsion limiter , amplitube leslie
  3. Tell me if you succed , basically the only thing i will get if i go that route is amplitube max from my deluxe version ...the rest i already have it but i m not sire to be able to resell any ik stuff , like PA ...hard to sell
  4. Friedman is on the cursor
  5. Might be usefull for sample normalisation also ....
  6. First time i miss yhe fact i don t have thu version ...
  7. Zo

    NI Ignition Code

    Same i cliked on it like yeah a vaucher lol
  8. Lindel 80 , ssl 9000 would be stuff that covers the widest range combined ....
  9. I have collective on my acount , 20 mb ? Must be the fx nope ?
  10. Gas on ... that said , i still think about getting myself areal bass and learn the basics ...
  11. My goto for springs ...when i want that boing , of not the sunset akg is a beauty
  12. A must , this soved several issues specially on the zener bender c1 version that didn t appeared on c1
  13. We reached a point where sales are interrupted by regular prices , not the opposit lol
  14. lol i swear i heard you like this on your answer lol
  15. Oncle L , did ya tried it ?
  16. Thks Larry , plan B if we don't have a better deal on the full strip ..
  17. yep Craig , for real sunset is for me the best release this past months , unlike a lot of fx , its impacts is direct and inspiring , already used it on the last 2 tracks i'm working on : pure pleasure ....
  18. Zo

    SSL 9000

    yep they will then propose like usual uprades witch will incitate people to get it ....but so far if i didn't had the xl 9000 from softuibe and the duende witch is close , that would be a smart move : 4000 + 9000 ...
  19. Zo

    SSL 9000

    i don't know , nothing new exept it sound better than a 4000 , but same features ..
  20. Zo

    SSL 9000

    Beenbeta testing this , now i can say it's beautyfull
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