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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Thks Matt for the details ... this is my most used uvi library .... last video on the chandler , the sea sound you hear with the brushed drums comes from it ...
  2. Zo

    Wadorf LE

    Any words on attack ?
  3. Zo

    PA Survey

    True at least for licence transferts !! I had a 50 euros vauchers and 62 euros for 4 licences transfert znd no way to use it , vaucher went lost ...
  4. The weak point for me is browsing ... and interfacing , with the amount of expansion , still some work. To be considered even after rescent updates imho ...
  5. When i need strings machine this is it , and not only !! @simon yep still after those years , i do think gforce stuff are highly underrated , mainly due to no hype and few releases ...
  6. Did ya guyz tried it ? I know a lot of you use acoutic based drums , this thing is just a beauty on those ...
  7. lol Here we go guyz , a fast one lol (40 min ahah) 1) Plugin Tour (fuking crucial lol) 2) All curves 3) Drive Feedback section analysis 4) Dual mono test 5) Conclusion Thks for watching NB : Add to cons : No A/B and not easy to master / find the sweet spot / better mix in ...
  8. Guyz stop joking lol and be absolutly sure to not try it .... or be ready .... i spent 90 euros on PA , wish i knew lol not that PA stuff aren't great , they kill it but this is MY all time fav ...so much that , i swear , and you guyz know it i spoked about it few dayz ago , was literraly about to get me a HW of a 33609 or a Zener clone (33609 : Heritage audio 609 )
  9. i love it but don't used it ... so i share my mistakes a good tools sin ot the one that sounds good , but the one you love to use !!
  10. HG 2 , faster , less easy to fuked up your material lol VSM 3 is deep , maybe too much when you want something fast ...
  11. i have the bx Console E witch quite the same (some even prefer it) if you need you will more than enougth ... For the multiband it wasn't toward you or anybody , i was just analising the wow from the guy (witch i love by the way , really cool guy) , if you compress diferently the bands (settings and gr) , you'll have an impact on the dynamic differently , giving that eq is a change of volume at a specific band , this will have in some ways the same feeling as an equalisation (but it is not at all since the dynamic is changed so it's not even a dynamic eq also lol ) , i'm talking here overall genral eq of the material (tone ) , add to this the density compresion gives , it's a common fx of multiband . Lol funny how i try to explain stuff it gets more complicated , can't help myself in english guyz even after those years lol a chance i master French for students lol
  12. Default setting on the video half reduction on lows and highs means more body and brithness and mids controlled , npthing extraordinay exept when you fodn't know how to use a multimband lol @Carlos hey homie i remeber you wanted the bx console E right ?
  13. I m actually testing lindell 354 and its dope , don t forget that one ... Is the old time based one a ssl ?
  14. i was like dammmmmm then saw it wasn't the price lol
  15. Good news because a lot to test lol , for what ever reason the dsm V3 never did it for me but i read a lot of praise around , so it might be time to try it if it's really something crazy good or it was at the time it was out ...
  16. Any love for the lindell 254 .?
  17. 50 $ Fev vaucher availlable here thks to rasure
  18. You know that i always learn some with your answers ahahah !! Thks
  19. thks , yep i have that one , i have those disto to authorise , gift from cool cat ...so i need toauthroise those and don't know witch one to start with I think i will start with the opto , more usefull /...
  20. By the way bewteen Black disto and and Bx Metal , witch one would you consider the best fro a crunch bleusy guy lol
  21. This one actuallybsurprised me ...in good
  22. Anybody has a 25 $ feb vaucher that he didn't used (im talking monthly loyaty vaucher ) i still have some transfert fees remaining lol ....
  23. nice move , my eyes on the reverbs , but lesson learned from last purchase from TC , i'll wait !!
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