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Everything posted by Zo

  1. I don t know but number 5 looks like one that sold a lot of strange stuff and is escaping a forum ..... lol
  2. Last infos say he works for Churchill ....
  3. Hks Peter will try this one. , i still have the first one on play station one lol , will let son disocver this one lol
  4. i see it more like a tone finalizer than a regular comp ...it's abale to compress , eq and tame highs via de esser in a very great way ... if you need a really good Bus comp nope , if you need a really great bus or tracks swiss army knif for fast tone and dynamic shaping : bingo
  5. Zo

    Banned from KVR

    Yep alot going on in this series, interesting social and political stuff Glad you got it sorted , personnaly , being banned from kvr isn t something that crazy , since this forum looks like a complete mess for me ... i don t knowbut i go there only for selling stuff witch i gave up now ...
  6. The overloud 495 is superior , the noiseash also ...
  7. Zo

    Banned from KVR

    He s now he boss of the peaky blinders , he got banned form kvr because he s dangerous for their district bizness ...lol
  8. Zo

    Overloud Gem EQ495

    Echo son ? or the over delay ?
  9. Just went for the softube , afraid to test that one lol !
  10. Zo

    Banned from KVR

    Waoh .... speechless
  11. Zo

    Overloud Gem EQ495

    This one is a superb eq guyz ....
  12. I would get it if last versions of their plugins wouldn t erase all my presets , support was unable to help .
  13. Lol i don t pay attention to that all lol since cakewalk website anybody tried this against true iron or vpre 2c from fuse audio labs ?
  14. @Sergio @RSMcGuitar said it in the most accurate way .... PA done this beautyfully lol
  15. I'm watching this , and guyz this is EPic @ 1h27 he states about viruses produce to sell vaccin .... lol in the green book he states that Medecine should be free , cures should be free ..it will solves everything ... and discourage bizness around it (In lybia No taxes , health and school was free ... no intresets , what a dictature !! lol capitalsim nightmare for sure !!) Take the time guyz and listen , don't be fooled by propanganday , some serious questions asked here that should be taken in consideration (climate / capitalsim regulation / constant wars ...ect ) Grab ya balls and have the courage to watch ./... you don't have to like the man , just imagine anybody going there and adresses those questions
  16. i didn't went for that one last time ..still don't know and demo other .... LArry did ya went for it last sale ?
  17. It's all good guyz , just have fun in your houses and do what you have to do ..... history is the best teacher ...and history isn't in favor of either UN and all western media , know fact , nothing to debate ..... starting from there , being sceptikal other the official version isn't something to be labled conspiracy , just memory at worst lol Personnaly time to finsih my last project and maybe start another one .... maybe we could start a common one ?
  18. Lol France was moking China at start , with quarantine and army in the street , we reached the exact same situation today ... You judge my friend , comunism has nothing to here ... just facts , objectivity , curiosity and time spent to make my own opinion that of course i don t consider as the absolute truth . Cheers . And stay safe guyz .
  19. I don t think so , all the roads ends up in uk and usa ( no surpirses) , china is actually one of the most organised and efficient country i know man .... the handle near to billion people like no other while we struggle with 60 millions here ..lol
  20. Sorry to hear that homie , here in France its covered by the partial inactivity indemnisation , and that s why we fight every year in the streets , to try to keep our rights each time they fuked up something ... (they re trying to play us like the did to you guyz for retreats ...forcing people to go on private investement to have money after job) If we can do some here just ask .
  21. Woah waht a thread aahahaha there's a life outside Deals section ? I didn't read deeply what all have been said but like everything if you spend a little time , you will understand pretty fast ... A lot of people focus on the virus , but it's just a tool ... if they wanted to kill us , believe me , they would have !! The main objectif of this weapon (yes i said weapon ) is croud control .... 1) Zo what makes you say it's weapon : well several things A) History , the used several time viruses THEY CREATED to kill pop , HIV being of them : Study the murder of Dag Hammarskjöld by French Mecannries (a sample of the interview of one of them is spectacular here link below ...in french , he eexplain that fake vaccinary to kill the more poeple they called it non military lethal weapon .... with the ability to kill people without structures ...) B) In Wuhan you have 2 Specialised in virus and deadly biologic weapon , and one of this laboratories belong to the Soros fundation (this names comes in several Croud control experiment the most famous being the fake revolutins we saw here and there (with other evils ) funny video made here but all is documented in it ...do you researches ... it explain how those social media were used to created those revolution and how those pseudo revolutionnary kids were formed and paid by the same team .... C) Several professor have analysed the virus , and several things are to point out : /// known virus , worked on since 1982 /// the actual form has a structure that can not be natural found ....understand here : human manipulation (i will try to put the name of the studies and proffessor , i put you the patent and you will see in 2015 deposed also the vaccine lol beautyfull nope ? In this patent we can see the laboratory (UK of course) and i'm trying to find the link between this lab and Bill gates who just quite Microsfot few days ago (remeber no coincidence in politic) Also check this book "eyes of darkness " ... everything is the same .. (more on that later if you want guyz) 2) So why : The problem like a lot of time , is people anaylise and react to event , with an isolated view and think nothing is connected while EVERYTHING is connected ... This is why a lot of time if not always it doesn't makes sens ... During my studies in mathematics , we had several way to proove things : 1) If prooving something is real is tuff , try to proove that the opposit can't be true . 2) You take the starting hypotehsis (each possibilities) and see witch ones will let you go further in a the more error free evolution of the equation So while people focus on the virus , it's just the XXXX tools used for the plan ...this plan is not a secret , it was the same from Rome and Cezar to Alexander ect : control other people , while the grand Khan , Alexander or Ceazr wanted to unify people under a geat flag , the goal since the begining of the 20 th century is the control over people for private interest , not their quality of life ... anyway let's move on ... The number one problem is mind control : and the main enemy was the religion !! and its implications in family structure , societal impact and laws .(think 1905) In the book of Erthzel (sionism fundation) it explains how they will start WW1 to ends the biggest christians influence aka Russian Tsar (to create communism) They will start WW2 to create Israel state and populate it with Jews killing at the same time the very essence of Judaism (last real Jews can be found here and there in NY and in orthodoixe places in arabs conutries) , Iran being one of them (lol strange hein ?) and to create also what's needed for phase 3 = the war on Islam . Understand here that i 've seen a superb documentary in US that explain how some people think Israel is manipulating USA (and a lot of people thinks true) while in Fact they demonstrated that USA needs Israel under CONSTANT threat and NO PEACE to keep legitimate agressif moves in the Region . Last TRump's move in that direction is a perfect exemple ...everything he proposed in the plan was exactlty to create the opposit of peace (pure beauty in this move) anyway i degress ... The other war will be on Family structure and this explain a lot of crazy things happened lately i mean crazy stuff , that they don't only want us to accpet , but they want to REDIFINE what THEY WANT US TO CONSIDER normal (and so the opposite start to be siolated , nope ?) ....the perfect exemple was my own Son coming back from school , and talking about gay mariage ect ...he wanted my take on this i replied : "this is their right and no man have the right to dectate another what to do but this is not natural ". He asked "why , my teacher said so ".... i replied " because they can say this today with medecin actual state , but let me ask you some , if everybody was gay 3 centuries prior to now , what would have happened , he replied : no more human ! oh dad you're right ...i said yes and Nature don't kill itself , it's actually fighting to do the exact opposit .... it's just an exemple of several weird moves ... nightmare for race kind , evils dream to control population number and dna /. So why those move other family and religion : Control , education via school and media ....weird stuff happening in society like extra cop violence or crazy things in family side is testing point to evaluate the level of acceptance of the population . So those are just quik exemple of the problematic they face and funny how everything gets together even after that . Churchil said "control the currency and debts , you'l control the nations , control the food , you'll control the poeple" ain't that a cold mf ! Come tha fun parts (im skipping a looooooooootttttttt of stuff to jump here) So WHY the virus , The main problem in fact is the management of the other TOOL of control and weapon : MARKETS .... After several crashes and the 2008 being the last one , it was evident for more and more people that the system was not meant to be benefical for peoples and nations and on the contraries impacting everybody in the most bad way . Kadafi wrote the Green book long time ago about that , and when he decided to create a currency based on GOLD and no specualation and usury and paper that can be fabricated by anyone , you know the rest . Study was done in oxford after 2008 and they called the solution "Green economy" , and when the journalist asked what's is this term , they replied (specialists and economists) " do you want us to tell people that the soluton is the Sharia (islamic law , in fact same as what Jesus said and Moses also) (notice how funny dots connect nope ? and how making christianity looks dumb and islam looks dangerous makes full sens , it's acatually a deadly danger for the system) . I said once to a friend : look who the evils fights like crazy and you'll spot the threat to his very essence , consider this entity as you best allies . (yep sometime i'm inspired lol ) Since 2008 ALL specialist were expecting the real Wave witch is what we gonna talk now , a REAL BIG crash was to be expected ....and when you have crashes , you need solutions ....in case of Crash one solutions for nations is to lower interests (and so the cost of money by the same time the cost of loss) . 2 years ago , one UK prime minister decided , coming from nowhere to ask the people (what a joke) "hey guyz do you want to decide this time if you want to stay in EU " lol A move of pure beauty , as soon as My friend Steve (uk based ) tolde me that , i replied "somettthing big is going to happen , UK leaves the boat but don't want it to be noticed as a strategic move , wants to make people think it was poeples decision" : BINGO UK went out offically i think in JAN !! lol what a timing , nope ? because one week ago market started theirbig crashes since 29 , notice how is the media coverage = 0 !!! France and other EU were waiting for the BCE to reduces director rate , witch it decided to not do , guess who lowered his rates ? UK and USA , what a pure beauty !!! thing that UK wouldn have been able to do just few weeks before /.... So Why the Virus , ahahah yep i'm coming , the main tool as you all know is BANKS , national banks and what we call "bank d'affaire" witch usually are didvisions of national banks specialise in markets investiment . Investelment capacity calculated on their founds = YOUR MONEY when a bank has 1$ she can do moves like its has 8$ yep ain't that smooth ? anyway the very essence of the system is BANKS witch for exemple in France lost the last 48 like 20 % stock values , last crash in 2008 , the State saved them by giving them Billions (when i say the state is PEOPLE money !!!) So if people know that B*ANKs gonna go bankrup , what will they do : BINGO , Ask argentina or Greece .. Asking people to stary calm isn't an option , they need drastic moves to keep people under FULL control to have the time for what ? SAVE THEIR asss and the system ... UNderstand here that this IS one occasion to kill the system (hence the crazy move they done) , the problem with that is that if we kill it we will suffre also for a period of time , but personnaly i don't care if it's for my kids ..) I'ms sorry guyz for the long post and it's just 1% of what i can talk about ,i don't want you to trust anything i said , just do researches ... i done it , why ? to not become crazy liek TWF is this , WTF is that ... Notice how when you said to yourself (i was like that) no this can't be this or that (conspiarcy) , nothing makes sens and when you start considering the "absurd" everything connect and KEEP connecting years after years !!! The whole beauty of this moves is that in people mind , the crisis is due to the VIrus (omg lol ) while the crisist started way before .... so in people mind when they gonna take your money to save banks , it will not be perceived like "banks didn't learned the lessons and kept playing crazy on markets , but like OH poor banks hitten by the fact that i didn't went working during 1 month ..we need to save them " a pure ART i say . My real concern is that it's block out on monday , something can happen (skies lock is an indicator for me) maybe they gonna spread some (pure specualtions here , if anybody have infos) but like i said to friends few dayz ago , if needed they gonna say Virus mutated or si more resistant and they just said it (wife said) , and i said that when i said to them , they have another version witch is deadly as fuk and they gonna use it if needed ... so i'm bothered ...specially for Africa , witch is one of the big targer and market crash solver ... Africans are more and more educated , Frnace keeps tsruggling to keep the Franc CFA (witch is clean robnbery of states) and china presence bigger and bigger ... So take care of you guyz , you neighboor , and homelless , don't forget them guyz ... Resistance is easy , just keep safe what they want to destroy : Education / family / Values (Religious or not) / Life respect (any kind) / indepandance from state (food / water / exchange) ... they fight us global , we can kill them local ....local is too hard for them to handle . Video about Fake revolutions creation (when i talk about croud control) notice names and do research (it's a funny video with all documented This parts of the patent interseting i was talking about : Lab Study this case also to understand methods .... so you'll understand next weeks moves if there's some in that direction .... EP3172319B1 Patent.pdf
  22. Don t you have any issues ? Presets , manuals , or console 1 not finding vst3 components ?
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