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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I initially read that first line as 'undeserved' rather than 'underserved'. Thought that was a bit harsh about metal ?
  2. I got those in Total Studio 2 Max so that must have been after ST3 MAX
  3. Thanks for the heads up GS - V guys. Hadn't come across that issue yet. Wonder if there are any more?! I think the cost of the group buy was probably less than the electricity I used leaving the PC on to download and extract all the files. All done now though! I haven't checked this in detail yet but all the multis I have tried so far seem to be using Syn 1 patches as they can't be edited. I installed the multis we were given with the group buy. When I look in the multi folder most of them seem to have been created a while ago. Wondering if there's an installation glitch here as well. Anyone else had same issue. Just like to say thanks to everyone who has been so supportive to me and other forum members over the course of this group buy with their advice and solutions to issues. What a great place we have here!
  4. Glad I vaguely remembered and found Dave's post from 11 days ago as this is still an issue - thought I'd bump it up in case anyone has the same problems with Syner V. Thanks Dave!
  5. I seem to have installed the Syn 2 libraries & presets to the same folder as my Syntronik 1 data was - when I reinstalled this is where it appears to have directed to - I think it is overwriting the existing libraries but will need to check when I have finished. Were there any sounds or presets in Syn 1 that are not in Syn 2 as I will probably lose them if so? Not a huge issue as I'm sure there will be enough in the new one to go at and I haven't used Syn 1 in anything. From the above I assume Syntronik 1 is redundant once Syn 2 is installed?
  6. Further to the speed issues I mentioned above I've managed to change wifi channels on my hub and the PC now seems to be connecting with the 5Ghz and I'm getting 96mps ? The Product Manager has gone up from 1Mps to a comparatively blistering 5Mps! I assume it is slow because many people using it? At least this is bearable - got some biggies coming up!
  7. 96Mbps! Which I get occasionally when the BT Smart Hub 2 deigns to connect me to the 5GHz band. Unfortunately you cannot choose which channel to connect to so most of the time it is connected to 2.4Ghz. I believe also get a fair bit of interference from other wifis as I am in a terrace house and the BT engineer who came to look at the issue said that was the key issue. I will try changing channels again to see if that will help but I may need to get a new router that gives me the option to use 5Ghz when I want to rather than on the whim of the device!
  8. Anyone know why the GS-V is sooooo big compared to the others? At an installation rate of 1Mb/s it's going to take me a lifetime (though I'm going to reboot my router and see if that speeds things up!)
  9. Stay friendly people! We don't want this very useful thread closing!
  10. After installing the multis they all seem to be dated 2017! Are these the new ones - seems unlikely. Perhaps the new ones have been extracted elsewhere on the PC by the Product Manager but I can't imagine where!
  11. Mine didn't appear immediately on opening the page but I refreshed and there it was!
  12. Thanks - yes I'd noticed they were smaller - I am wondering if they will get installed automatically whilst I'm downloading the instruments - which is proving to be exceptionally slow process especially as one decided to pause itself whilst I was away from the PC!
  13. After we have downloaded the synths do we have to download the Sounds Updater files? It's a slow process for me so far at 1.1Mb / s!
  14. Yes I kept losing track of where I was in the list but got there ok in the end!
  15. I've got a few queued up for tonight ? Doesn't help that my wifi is only giving me 10Mps from the 96 I'm getting coming into the house! Must upgrade this BT Smart Hub 2 sometime! Too much congestion and can't choose 5Ghz channel it just randomly allocates channels to devices on a whim!
  16. It's going to be a long 180 days ?
  17. Ah thanks - of course that is why they are all saying installed! I was confused! So 'Reinstall Library is the thing to do? It doesn't help that not all of the Syntronik 2 sounds are labelled as Syntronik 2!
  18. Thanks - Do I have to add and download replacements to my old synths to get the new Syntronik 2 presets? - I think I read earlier that I would not need to re download these Edit - I've bitten the bullet and bought!
  19. Tallied up and I'd get 15 new synths so still a very good deal! The promised multis are a sweetener too.
  20. Thanks - I have Syntronik 2CS and also Syntronik 1 (which I got through a Total Studio 2 Max deal) but haven't used them that much (mainly due to lack of time!) - just counting up how many synths I already have from Syntronik 1 (20) and just about to compare that with the ones in the group buy to see what I would gain.
  21. I may be guilty as charged - still dithering though!
  22. I got a hissing sound when using the Tone Net Brian May presets - doesn't happen on others Amplitude presets.
  23. Don't bite the hand that feeds you ?
  24. Thanks - so I do not have to reinstall the ones I already have - the Syntronik 2 samples are the same as Syntronik 1? - so basically what I would be getting would just be the new synths that are not in Syntronik 1? Plus the multis if it goes all the way
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