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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. No extra trouble .. was doing anyway Did you ever buy some of ARTURIAs preset packs, they are very good: https://www.arturia.com/community/presets Some of them are free but it takes a rummage to find .. And BTW A Moroder tribute is one of the preset packs I have a few inc free and bought .. bought Genesis, Tangerine Dream
  2. I have added the SYNCLAVIER presets here now. Large sysx .. Reverb Arturia Presets 3.zip Reverb Arturia Presets 2.zip
  3. No Bother @ZincT .. one of us was going to do it anyway, I got there first Enjoy .. lots of 8ties
  4. Spent a bit of time extracting the ARTURIA presets from various free downloads at: https://reverb.com/marketplace?query="synth sounds of"&make=reverb&sort=price|desc&utm_source=braze&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=curated-gear&utm_source=braze&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200325 D&S US I have attached a zip with all that work done for ye. IF you want it .. feel free to download, of course at own risk, check with your AV .. fine this end though but check for yourself I have not checked them all .. so take as it is given .. SCROLL DOWN A FEW POSTS AND I ADDED 2 ZIPS WITH SYNCLAVIER PRESETS ( SYSX ) Reverb Arturia Presets.zip
  5. Maybe the .aupreset BUT I am finding lots of presets for the arturia instruments like the CS80 and the DX7
  6. For example here: https://reverb.com/ie/software/presets/reverb/3213-the-synth-sounds-of-africa-by-toto-reverb-exclusive-presets The .aupreset is for the DISCODSP OB-XD synth it seems
  7. Just tested some of these downloads with respect to ARTURIA instruments. Most of the files include INDIVIDUAL PRESETS for various Arturia instruments. You simply open the Arturia Instrument and import preset.
  8. I know, I just came across that lot on a spanish muso mag site. This REVERB stuff is unreal .. i must test the Arturia presets and see how they work. Not too worried about the protools kits BUT the presets might be included for arturia etc. Whatever about next few years I can def say thats our WEEKEND screwed trying to get all this stuff setup
  9. https://www.revealedrecordings.com/revealed-producer-support
  10. Especially good if you happen to have ARTURIA stuff Much is ProTools packs, but also many general packs it seems.
  11. https://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/free-music-samples-download-loops-hits-and-multis-627820
  12. https://www.standalone-music.com/product/stay-at-home-free-pack/
  13. https://reverb.com/marketplace?query="synth sounds of"&make=reverb&sort=price|desc&utm_source=braze&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=curated-gear&utm_source=braze&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200325 D&S US
  14. https://reverb.com/software/samples-and-loops/reverb/3514-reverb-drum-machines-the-complete-collection Further down the page it details all the 50 different drum machines included. Download is 1.4GB This looks good
  15. @cclarry If you go to the clustersnd site they dont seem to have any page about the KB-800 .. the closest is the POLY 800? https://www.clustersound.com/products/synths/
  16. I was getting the demo thing. I added the lic file but now its crashing CW with exception error
  17. Fair enuf lads. I did exactly that anyway. Added payment method, got the free subs, turned off autorenew and removed payment method again. At best I had forgotten this. BUT my warning above still stands for say ZINIO Newbs etc With the music mags ( Computer Music Mag ) we again get access to the DVD vaults and more free goodies
  18. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE If you go for any number of these mags, especially if you go for quiet a few. MAKE SURE AFTERWARDS you look at your subscriptions in settings and opposite each of the new mags you added, select MANAGE and turn off AUTORENEW. If you dont do that you: 1. will be charged beyond the free editions until you cancel the sub 2. will NOT be able to delete your PAYMENT METHOD So YOU HAVE to add a payment method before you can "purchase" these free subs. BUT once you turn off autorenew on those recent subs via method above, you can delete the payment method again safely knowing you will not be charged in the future. Quiet an unfair stunt pulled by ZINIO I think
  19. OK .. I see now. In your account you need to add a payment method even if you are getting stuff for free
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