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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. 13 minutes ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

    Hi Mesh,

    I just received an invoice this morning, so will not have an opportunity to try em out until next week or later, but looking forward to it.

    Right on!

    Will be looking forward to hearing some Van Halenesque tracks from you soon. :)

    (I'm a huge VH fan...DLR era)

  2. I've been using the AeroPress for about 4-5yrs now and although I like how good it is, it does take a bit of time/work to make two cups. The Mrs. & I like the AeroPress as it makes a very nice strong cup of coffee.....just getting lazy to make it lol.

    So now, we're looking for any recommendations on an electric (programmable) machine that's hopefully comparable in quality.

  3. Depending on how good the translation/understanding is in the Voice Commander (if we had this in CbB), I can see it easily misunderstanding CTRL +C for CTRL +Z. :ph34r:





    (I'll get me coat...)

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  4. 22 hours ago, Ashay Arekar said:

    I have all three.....  The Cypress, which I use often is a brilliant amp sim for crunchy 70s rock / old school / classic metal tones..... I got their pre-amp in the BF sale, which I'm gonna try today :)

    Thanks for posting this....will give it a shot. ;)


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  5. 6 hours ago, Grem said:

    I didn't get a whole lot either. But I had grabbed that SS-11X a few months back during a sale.  Really like that sim a lot. It really has a good clean sound. Nice and warm.

    I was pleasantly surprised how good this is. I really like the drive/lots of cabinets included and yeah, those clean tones were very nice/warm sounds indeed. I may have to look into more Mercuriall stuff.    😉




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  6. I didn't get a whole lot and primarily was looking for quality rather than quantity.

    Ended up getting Output's Analog Strings and Mercuriall's SS-11X.

    Forgot I also got Embertone's Blakus and Samples from Mars Bundle.

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