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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. Interestingly there's only 1 plugin that's for sale as well as Mic clips, everything else is free (for the Christmas season). These are the types of vendors I like to support...they're not there just to DeBleed you from your wallet. ;)


    Good find Carlos!! 

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  2. 1 hour ago, paulo said:

    I already have this, but if I didn't, I'd only have it if it was free and then I still wouldn't use it.

    Is it really that bad? Generally, most Izotope products are top notch.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

    Right now, it's not on UTube, but on my CD player

    Beethoven Symphonies #4 and #7 - The Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell conducting.

    Great renditions of my two very favorite Beethoven symphonies on one CD.

    Because life is too short to enjoy only one genre of music.

    Is it this?



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  4. I was looking at Eyal Levis & Joey Sturgis vids.....any recommendations for someone who solely works 'in the box'?


    EDIT: Ordered the Studio Pass with Joey S. and the Metal Bootcamp (cover all grounds ;))


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