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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. 1 minute ago, ZincT said:

    Thanks Mesh,

    Sounds like it's worth demo'ing (downloading it as I type this). I have also downloaded Algonaut Atlas Demo as it is half the price of XO.

    You mention that the included beats are more for electronic music. Can you, for example, have a separate XO space with all acoustic kit pieces? 

    This morning I was trying to find a kit in amongst all of my stuff for a typical mid-70s Steely Dan drum sound and thought this would be a perfect utility for just that scenario.

    It'll load whatever folder of drum kits you have (once you point it to that folder). So, if you load multiple drum kits (electronic as well as acoustic), all the individual pieces will be laid out in the "Space" section and it sorts out/places similar sounding kits next to each other....i.e. red is for bass drums, blue for snare, yellow hi-hat, pink claps etc.. IIRC, the top of the 'Red' (bass drums) would be for higher tones (towards the top of the screen) while the bottom area would be more deeper/low end tones. Same worked for other kit pieces.

    Check out the demo....a lot of fun it is. :)


    • Thanks 1
  2. 20 hours ago, ZincT said:

    Let us know how you get on! 👍🏻

    I have to say it was a lot of fun using XO and it sounds fantastic whether using your own samples or what comes with it. It's definitely a time saver/super easy in finding a kit that sounds good and you can get some very useable & interesting results very quickly (once you know the colour layout for each kit piece).

    The grooves that came with XO are more suited for electronic based beats, but I think this has potential for acoustic drums as well. It'll load whatever drum samples you have and does it very quickly. I had a 3.5GB library which loaded up in less than a minute. It'd be interesting to load just acoustic drums and see how that plays out.

    XO also has a lot of options to tweak each kit in detail as well and the software is laid out very nicely in getting things done quickly/efficiently. Will definitely demo it some more and go a little deeper, but I'm liking it enough to buy it. IMO, XLN has done a really good job on this.  

    • Thanks 4
  3. 10 minutes ago, ZincT said:

    Funny you mention it Mesh. It's recently been brought to my attention by accident after coming across another video (Zo's is very cool and I recall watching that one also). I was watching this guy's (Baphometrix) long and in-depth stuff on modal interchange and YouTube suggested this one afterwards.... https://youtu.be/zHzgFPCppsw

    The offer in my email is 89.97 EUR which includes VAT for us Europeans 😣 The email said the offer code was exclusively for me. 


    Thanks ZT, I was just about check on that video.

    I also have a lot of XLN drums, kits, midi etc...didn't see it in my email. What's the title of that email ZT? (can only check on my phone atm).

    NVM, Found it in my Spam folder :ph34r:


    With the code it's $89.97 (US)....that might be the ticket. ;)


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  4. 29 minutes ago, mibby said:

    That looks so cool!  I mean that, easy to use and really an "outside the box" approach to drums.  I didn't watch the whole video, how does it do with regular sounding acoustic kits?  ...I'm definitely going to start researching this one!

    Yes Sir, it is very cool indeed!! I've had folder full of drum samples just sitting there for years without much use....this is a perfect tool for those.

    Are there any discount codes for this or is it still $179? ( a bit pricey)


    @Piotr Thanks for the video and of course Zo...should get paid for that vid. ;)


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