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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. That's a really good price you got Yan. Initially I also only had Movement, but it was something like $589 for the bundle and I only had my eye/budget on Exhale & Signal. I've been playing both of these this whole weekend and truly love it...very inspirational indeed and can go deep as you want to.

    Mind you I'm not a keyboardist and having an easy access to immediate inspiration with such excellent sounds, it's truly a valuable tool for me. Then again, I've always like synth sounds that have 'movement' (so to speak), so this works well for me. Looking forward to getting under the hood learn to use it better. I do wish Output had license transfers....you know, one man's junk is another man's treasure. ;) 


  2. 1 hour ago, John Maar said:

    His amp sims!

    I have Vermilion, Caliburn and Creme for guitars, and Cerberus for bass. All good, except that Creme is more difficult to fit in a mix.


    Cerberus is surprisingly quite good and sits in the mix really well. Although the guitar amps are good, I like using fx's and like to have them handy....so, my go to has been Bias Fx.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Michael A.D. said:

    Chord Potion is my favorite plug-in of 2019.  

    I am a crappy keyboard player, but I know how to play chords and I know how to voice lead from one chord to another.  If you can do that, then Chord Potion will make your crappy keyboard playing come alive.     Check out the demo and you might be shocked at what it can do.

    And of course  you are not restricted to keyboard sounds - I can make elaborate symphonic stuff using Chord Potion to trigger programs like Amadeus, The Orchestra, Elysion, etc.

    Thanks Michael!

    That's about the extent of my keyboard playing as well. Looking forward to giving the demo a try (and possibly buy ;) ). 

  4. Just now, ZincT said:

    Yes I am keeping an eye on that one too Mesh. Don't think they had a BF deal last year so fingers crossed for this year.

    Just trying chordpotion demo and really like it. Just..... gotta.... hang..... on.... for..... BF  😣


    Do you need the read the manual get it going or is it easy (for us non-manual readers)?

  5. 25 minutes ago, Monomox said:

    LOL, all of a sudden everybody's discovering that they really need portal when two days ago most of us didn't even know it existed

    Output just makes excellent products and although this wasn't on my list to get, I was lucky to get it early. However, I did get Signal last night and I'm just blown away at how good it is/how musical it is. Today, I'm going to take a deep breath and get Exhale. :D



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