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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. 7 minutes ago, simon said:

    @Mesh  yes I think the phone is too small - but enough to test it out 

    fire tablet might be one of the cheapest ways to get this working

    https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Tablet-Display-Black-auto-renewal/dp/B07NS9SDYG only $49 in the US - haven't tried a fire tablet so at your own risk obvs


    At that price point, it's prolly better to leave Mgmt. out of this. :ph34r:


    Thanks Simon, will look into the Fire Tablet......might as well since I already have a Fire Stick.

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  2. Does this mean I have to get a Tablet to use this?

    I have an Android phone, but the screen size is small to do any mixing etc...I've never wanted to use a Tablet or iPad to control the DAW (since I'm at the DAW), but might be interesting. Justifying it for DAW usage might not go too well with upper management. ;)   

  3. 8 minutes ago, jesse g said:

     My installation of  the Aturia Reverb came with a  trial version of Pigments  Software Synth. and it is NICE!!!!!!!!!!

    It truly is Jesse....I just bought it after demoing it for about a week. The layout is very easy to use (even for a non-synth guy like me) and it sounds fantastic. Got it for $69. 👍

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  4. Thanks Matthew.  I've never really used loop vocals in my tracks as I've only done instrumentals, but wanted to try it out. The only content I'm not interested in is the India stuff   but who knows I might be able to use bits of it. 

    Yeah    I can see these loops being somewhat one dimensional , but possibly I can try building the instruments around the set vocal phrases (just for a fun experiment). Did you find much use for the Pro Pack? I have that in the cart as well, but wondering if they're any good/useful. 

  5. 19 hours ago, InstrEd said:

    Mesh you're going from one extreme to the other 😆

    There are just soooo many options and getting a very good cup is at the top of my list. I might have to get a few different ones....the Bohmer Brazen and possibly another AeroPress (or that simple strainer thingy). The quest continues... :)


  6. 18 minutes ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

    Thought I might try a few. I can get midi packs for $10.00 each. Is this a decent value or too much? How limited are they & how many tunes can you get out of one pack before you start repeating ideas?

    I could imagine hearing the same basic style tune being released by different artists. How do you use these so you don't wind up sounding like a cookie cutter band using the all same keyboard parts?


    The EZKeys midi is actually very useful and you don't have to use the style they come with. There's a lot of variations/styles/genres that can be generated from a midi pack (don't let the title fool you).

    There should be a lot of useful stuff on YTube and also Groove 3 has good videos: https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Songwriting-with-EZKeys 

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