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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. On 1/16/2020 at 9:06 PM, Zo said:

    Give us a feedback once done ;) 

    I have to say I didn't expect this to be as good as it is. The song files are broken down to each instrument and the drums into each kit piece.  The    Elastik player is  where a lot of the 'magic' happens. There's a lot of flexibility in able to change    keys (without losing any degradation in quality) and the fun part is    mixing/matching various genres/styles/instruments etc... and come up with something very useful/interesting.  There an "Inspire" button that replaces samples from the same instrument group and which looks for   similar    instrument samples to replace    (I suppose the larger your library is, the more variety of samples to be had).   The ELastik player does all of this and whole lot more (still learning how to use it).  

    Yes  they're all loops and not your own creation, but you can get some    very nice backing tracks  (extremely    quickly)   to put your own instrumentation in.   As JB said, they do have a lot of acoustic instruments which sound really good  and it's    quite fun to experiment with different styles. 

    Overall, I'm happy I got this and it's worth it to have in my tool box    and as I  like to write my own stuff,  will try to incorporate this in my tracks as well.

    At these prices, get it I say!! 😉 



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  2. 10 hours ago, Carlos said:

    Do they sound awesome? So far no headphones have satisfied me, they all sound harsh. Even my DT990 ;(

    Carlos, check out the Audio Technica ATH-M50x.   They're pretty good and I'm very happy with mine. 

    Although Amazon   has it for $149 right now,   you can  get it for under    $125   (I paid   around   that   for   mine).  


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  3. I finally caved in and got a few libraries....mostly for my little ones to experiment with. Of course, the site must getting slammed right now as I got a "504 Gateway Time-Out" during a download. 😕

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  4. Speaking of Arturia, I just the V7 Collection over at KVR for a very nice price and now will use my old Alesis 7.1 to control  this buffet of synths. :)

    (back to your local programme) 


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  5. 4 hours ago, Peter Freimann said:

    I wonder how good is this deal - how would you compare Waves SSL with - lets say - plugin alliance SSL E/G plugins or McDSP channel strips ? 

    On a completely different note, I bought Arturia's Analog Lab 4 from a certain Peter Friemann over at KVR and have to say I'm very happy with it. 👍👍👍

    • Like 4
  6. What I like about Spark is it's not overly complex/hard to get a really good tone....just minimal tweak to taste. For pure clean tones, I prefer SS11X  but the Marshall's does have that extra grit.

    Best is to demo it and see how it responds to your playing. I think Triaxis will definitely be on my list to get (on a sale of course). 🍻

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  7. On 12/28/2019 at 11:41 AM, ZincT said:

    Gotta admit @Mesh Mercuriall SS11X sounds pretty great for 27 bucks!

    Here's the link if anyone else wants it... https://mercuriall.com/cms/details_ss-11x 

    I also got Spark and very happy with the 4 amp    tones. It just sounds great straight out of the box and responds really well without any   digital harsh ness.   I like this a lot more than Nembrini's Marshall....quite impressed with Mercuriall's amps.

    Today's the last day for this sale....go get some mateys!!

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  8. Apologies if this has been answered already, but every time I try to update via the BandLab App, it doesn't open (running as Admin). I've had to manually look for the update link (in here) and install it that way. This certainly defeats the purpose of the app.

     Someone suggested to uninstall/reinstall the app and I've done that in the past, but this seems to be a regular occurrence with app not opening. Is there something I need to set in my system or is there a bug in the app itself that needs fixing?

     Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Sergio said:

    This is one of my favorite VA Synths. I paid $100 for it a while ago and never regretted.

    For this price it's a bargain.

    I was afraid of this. I've been frequenting the Arturia website and just got Analog Lab 4. Not sure what's going on, but I seem to be collecting a lot of analogue synths. I may need therapy.....








    NVM....found it @ JRR shop.



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