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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. I gave up on my brain awhile back....that's why I do well on 'no brainer deals'.  :ph34r:

    Any suggestions on a good verb?

    I already have Abbey Road Chambers, Trueverb, and H-Series.



  2. Might be a good time for me to get oVox (not that I need it, but want to be like the kewl kids on the block). Most plugins are $26.98....are those the $29 variety that gets the $1 deal?  

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, BassDaddy said:

    Catnip!! Exactly! I'm pretty sure someone in Sweden was cleaning out a (virtual) closet and...    I figure it will go on sale it's first time November of 2022. What kind of midi would come with this?

    One hit wonders?


    @simon: Don't be suspicious.....it took a long time to get those kit piece out of the (virtual) closest

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Larry Graham Alexander said:

    One of the forum members sent me a private message complaining that I have posted too many of my original compositions.

    This is my answer to him:

    I have been composing and teaching music theory for seventy years since I was sixteen-years-old.  I am professionally trained in music composition, counterpoint, harmony, music history and various other aspects of the art.  I am not posting my works on this forum to promote myself.   I am doing it in the hopes that young music creators will listen to it and perhaps learn something they may not know about composing.   At my advanced age I have no need for self-promotion.  I receive no financial compensation for it and I do not require it.  I make my compositions available on my music site.   I make monthly payments for the use of my Internet domain.   I receive little to no income from my music works from any source.

    How about just listening to what I have to offer (maybe even liking some of it) and perhaps absorbing some methods and techniques for your own use. 

    Best Regards.

    Larry Graham Alexander


    What say you?




    Well said Larry!!

    As someone else stated, the whole idea of the Songs forum is to post our compositions and for someone to say 'you're posting too many'?  Certainly shows a lack of understanding and proper judgement.

    All your work is much appreciated in these forums......keep it up my good man!! :)


  5. ZT, I remember having some issue getting it to work in CbB (well in Sonar) and gave up on it. Also remember seeing SoniVox's developers didn't want to do anything about it. Did you do anything special to get it to work?  

  6. Going against all medical,   psychological, and moral advice, I went ahead and got Neo Piano/ installed it (18.4GB).  There are 5 piano's included and the registration process is a bit of a pain (once the initial VST is installed, then I had to email the developer my machine ID that generated by the VST and then they sent me the 'key codes' for each instrument).

    Not being a pianist or very knowledgeable in pianos, I do like the sounds of each piano and they all have their own characteristics.   The tones  can be customized to suit your fancy, but generally not very bright (like the EZ Keys Grand). However,  you can adjust that in the Key Dynamics section and make it brighter.  The included reverb isn't all that, but then again I have some good reverbs in my toolbox.

    Overall, I'm happy with what I paid for this and will try to use it    in a track....of course, it may not be your cup of tea or up to your standards.  

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