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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. After some fiddling and maybe I didn't wait for Live to finish setting up completely. But I was wrong. Drift actually is available in Live Lite 11.3.2.
  2. So far, companies are still prototyping MIDI 2.0 this year, so that shouldn't be a worry as there are no products in the market which are MIDI 2.0.
  3. And you'd be hard pressed to find a person who's gonna confuse "De-Verb Pro" with "ClarityVx DeReverb." While Waves might be author of several questionable decisions, I don't think a company this old would be this stupid. They're not Unison Audio.
  4. Yeah. Why get something like the X-Touch One, which has about the same number of controls as this and is 600 bucks cheaper? Or maybe the X-Touch Universal, which has more controls and faders than this and is 200 bucks cheaper...
  5. I remember the illustriuous Duende Native collection (which is essentially a predecessor of their current plugins) selling for around 5 grand.
  6. Well well....I wonder what kind of drugs Plugin Alliance are smoking at this rate. I'm seeing a price of 27 thousand dollars here. Even if you paid full price on the Collector's Edition of Komplete 14, it would cost less than 1/10 of that.
  7. The last time I got a plugin from SoundToys (Little Radiatior), they only gave me a code I had to redeem at the iLok license manager. No option of doing that other activation.
  8. Sadly, there's no trademark infringement, as the Waves plugin is not just called "De-Verb," but "ClarityVx DeReverb."
  9. The plugin you mention has automatic output compensation. You should try that. Some wah pedals like the old Crybaby wah pedals made by JEN (which is what this plugin probably emulates based on the look of the interface and the description) may boost the signal at the frequency the pedal is set, even in bypass.
  10. Because you rarely have people choosing dither algorithms, as most of the differences between them are impossible to hear even when you measure them at the hundreds of dB below the signal or doing real-time exports. Maybe in ProTools, but they have offline rendering since version 11.
  11. There's also once caveat with this feature: just because you clicked on it, doesn't mean it will actually work. Some plugins will simply not receive any keystrokes, even if you press the button.
  12. AI called and told you to stop using whatever controlled substance you happened to own before posting.
  13. Well, now I have three delay plugins and two distortion plugins to compliment the other delays and distortion plugins...I already had. But I can see some brain dead moves being played. Like why they moved SPL Attacker Plus to the 25 USD price bracket when Transient Designer Plus is the same price and has all the functionality of the former plus more?
  14. You also have the always neglected Drum Replacer, which also converts its trigger detection to midi...If you manage to have Melodyne not attempting to convert the audio to midi at the same time (because to convert the triggers to midi you have to drag the audio track with Drum Replacer to a MIDI or instrument track).
  15. There are better paid meters in the market which cost less than that. Pass.
  16. Whenever people discovered becoming offended gave them power, more and more people are becoming offended.
  17. The reason some people get annoyed about clickbait is you still fall for it even if you know exactly how it works. Which is it why it's so effective.
  18. Why are you skipping the amount of time and money buying multiple reels until you found one that sounded good?
  19. The more I look at it, the more it reminds me of Ozone, especially with the added features which no sane limiter should have, like dithering.
  20. CbB also comes with a Limiter called Boost11. Whilst not adaptive, it's there. I presume the Adaptive Limiter was as resource intensive as the Linear Phase EQ and Multiband.
  21. The figures you quoted are polyphony for the internal sounds of each keyboard. MIDI is just a data protocol and only sends events such as "note on", "note off" and such and those are interpreted by your VSTi of choice as they see fit, usually following the General MIDI standard. Yamaha and Roland also have super sets of the GM Standard called XG and GS, but those are only relevant if you're sending MIDI data to a device of those brands or plugin which supports it.
  22. Also check if you didn't receive a Reason update which did that, as ReWire has been discontinued by Reason Studios.
  23. There's multiple ways of doing that effect, which is essentially some level of saturation and a filter. One way you could do that is with some EQ and high or bandpass filter, then add a saturation plugin like Saturation Knob or Style Dial Grit, which can be both found in the ProChannel. This is done using a compressor on the reverb track after the reverb, then sending the voice as a sidechain to that compressor, so the voice determines how much compression or ducking is applied. Once the voice lowers in volume, you get more reverb or whatever effect you have in your send. Now, the way it operates is a bit inverse as to what you'd expect. The track with the pen icon selected is the one that will show up as a ghost on the track you have selected on the name, rather than it being the track you're editing. Once you do your selection, you can edit both tracks at once, by simply selecting the notes. You also have to select the track you want to appear ghosted first by clicking on the pen, then select the track you want to edit. If you don't want to edit both, activate "Auto Lock." Once you have your automation curves written, the only gain setting the volume fader will follow is the one present in the automation. Ideally, you'd want to automate once you have a nice static mix and are certain you're not gonna change any faders after the fact, because you'll have to rewrite all of your automation or part of it otherwise.
  24. Well, MS still didn't give permission for WinWorld to have XP listed in their site because there's still a lot of legacy hardware that still runs some version of XP. https://winworldpc.com/product/windows-xp/final
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