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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. They haven't said anything about the 6 month re-activation period nor have they stated they're not prepared to talk about it. They've only said they can't say anything about pricing and subscriptions yet.
  2. So far there's no answer to that. We keep hearing about how current CbB will not be taken away and will remain free with one last update...And no words on if the 6 month period where you're forced to re-activate your license will remain. If yes, then there's nothing preventing Bandlab from pulling the plug on it at any point. Because all they'd have to do is take the license activation server for that version away without any modifications on the software itself.
  3. Don't expect much performance if you don't have a high end machine. Zrythm is built around the GTK4 framework, which is one of the slowest and worst performing graphical toolkits available out there. Most of the bugs from it can and will also emerge from GTK itself, since the devs change the API every 6 months. Unless the developer changes to a more performing framework like Qt, this DAW is next to unusable.
  4. Not quite, unless you have constant tinnitus.
  5. I wonder when will they release an update which takes care of the documentation, which is outdated and essentially does nothing to help users wanting to learn the tool without having to watch videos from someone else.
  6. Thank you Avid for adding features which were already present in other DAWs for over 10 years.
  7. At the present moment, Zrythm is a bit unusable. It's very slow, the UI is gigantic if you don't have a large display and it crashes quite a bit.
  8. The best you can do for tinnitus is lower the volume of what you're hearing, especially when using headphones. If you're not constantly exposing your ear to loud sounds, you're reducing the chance of them ringing.
  9. My concern is not so much with how it looks, but how it will perform. At least in my experience, as soon as the words "vector UI" and "4k" appear in interface discussion, sooner or later you end up losing your space to the interface and you sure can scale it as promised, except you can't scale it down properly or at all. Or the scaling down is a mere act of making the text smaller instead of everything. Then you end with slightly more screen state at all coupled with text you can barely read. And I did download Mixcraft 10 to see it and, see for yourself. This is the default scaling on a 1440x900 display: And, yet another thing I mentioned. I can't make the interface smaller either: At least the interface doesn't seem to be any less responsive than it should be, but I've never used the software. Although it takes about a second for menus to open after I clicked them. And this is Dorico 5 once you start opening stuff to do things. This one doesn't have any scaling options or they only exist in the paid versions: As long as we don't end with these "Fisher Price" style interfaces where everything is so big and robs you of your screen space, things should be fine.
  10. Last time I checked, I was just likening one situation to the other as a display of me questioning the assurance I should trust them with graphics, seeing as the old logo didn't have this issue.
  11. Based on general pricing of DAWs out there, I'd expect to pay between 2000-2400 BRL and 4000-4200 BRL for a perpetual license assuming the currency prices for USD and EUR don't change.
  12. Yet had time to change it to be this pixaleted mess and expect me to trust that you can do vector graphics properly.
  13. Unless Bandlab has come up with some magical way to display vector images at runtime with zero overhead, there's no way you're not causing extra resource usage by using vectors instead of raster graphics, especially considering the monitors we use cannot display pure vectors. Looking at this absolute masterful piece of job, I have my doubts:
  14. Because businesses are not your friends and people usually complain about stuff then end up buying the product/service anyways, so companies learned to just ignore the pissed off peple and continue doing whatever they were doing.
  15. I think the new Cakewalk pricing models might get us before any AI has the chance to do the same at the present moment.
  16. My only concern with vector based UI is that it will introduce extra overhead in the DAW. Dorico uses a vector based interface and the sofware is very unresponsive even on high end machines, as controls only respond a few seconds after you clicked them and the program becomes slower as you start actually doing stuff.
  17. Nah, it's still the same pixelated logo with the new orange.
  18. I believe the people that developed Natron used the same reasoning for requiring you to fill a form in order to give you access to the download and after some small time, they left the project to the community because nobody was using it. I'd love to believe in the whole "small team, finite resources to support the product." But then you have this bandcamp-like service which sells loops, has free AI mastering, song composer and an online DAW which integrates with the one that supposedly has small support. Who are these ninja rockstar coders, cause there will be a bunch of companies lining up with blank checks ready to hire them. "Rent-to-buy" is just another term for a payment plan. What you're describing is a subscription plan which only applies to updates.
  19. As long as you back your claims with actual test data which confirms it, we'll believe in you.
  20. Wasn't Gibson the same company that quite aggressively made a video telling people to let their logos visible in places where their instruments are used completely ignoring the fact they have to pay to have their brand and logo visible?
  21. Considering some of the words said by people like Noel are not official statements despite them working for Bandlab, let's call everyone who did that unreasonable because they can't keep their mouths shut. Sounds fair. But since we can always add yet another gallon to said fire, who knows if the statement was half delivered on purpose so this partially dead forum would have some traffic?
  22. If your PR department directed you to say something which might be interpreted ambiguously by your consumer/user base and that happens, at which point you hold the company accountable?
  23. But is the marketing people we usually have issues with. Companies often don't want engineers and developers calling the shots because they tend to tell the truth.
  24. BMW charges a monthly subscription for their heated seats and steering wheel. Not to install them. They already come installed from the factory. Mercedes Benz requires you to pay subscription in order to give your engine more power. This is only present on their electric cars however. Why do you think the industry is so heavily invested into electric vehicles. Hint, it has absolutely nothing to do with environmental causes.
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