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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. The sad part is when you market an app as being "cross-platform" and there's no Linux version.
  2. That's a bit weird because the only difference between the bus and channel versions is the Bus one doesn't have a trim knob. Everything else is the same.
  3. Another alternative which sadly is no longer available would be the ZT Lunchbox, which was a 200W amp into a very small package. It even had an extension cab the same size as it: Heck, even Billy Gibbons used a few of them at some point, as shown by this 8K picture of the event:
  4. The best way to afford impulse buying is not having the necessary resource to make them happen.
  5. Tracktion also has done the ultimate FM synth, called F'.em, which has 11 operators and a freely configurable oscillator matrix.
  6. Yes. You can also use it with full range speakers thanks to the TRS/Speakon connector.
  7. The Ironheart SLS is only slightly larger than the 4 button footswitch it comes with, which is the same one that comes with the full size Ironheart, as it's the same circuitry:
  8. Yes. It's on FabFilter's official channel.
  9. I wonder how some of those courses in teaching platforms measure against the free FabFilter educational videos made with Dan Worral.
  10. In that case it comes with 7, because you also have Sonitus Multiband and Style Dial MAX.
  11. All the apps which do the unmix feature use the exact same MusDB dataset used in Spleeter without any changes done to it. And neither of them have hardware acceleration for that as well. Spleeter uses CUDA if you have a Nvidia card.
  12. Until more information is added in by Bandlab/Cakewalk themselves, I still think they're testing the waters to see how much damage control will be necessary to be done when they invariably introduce a subscription plan for both. Because "fair pricing for everyone" tells you everything you need to know about how the pricing scheme will go, which is a whole lot of nothing.
  13. There's a way of running the most recent Steam build in these versions of Windows and it is required for some DOS games where the developer didn't bother to ship with a properly configured DOSBox environment (Like the first two Tropico games) or changed the game to run in modern OSes (I haven't checked, but JAST seems to be adding their whole dating sim catalog to Steam and the vast majority of those as Win98 games). You essentially install the last version of Steam for that particular OS, then grab some files from the latest Steam and replace them in the old install.
  14. I can't because I am not a "Gibson widow" crying murder. It's good to see someone is taking PR lessons from Uli Behringer.
  15. I'm gonna take your deflecting of the question as a "no."
  16. I won't hold my breath for a product I don't even know the price of, as even if it doesn't disappoint me, who knows if I'll be even able to afford it. Plus, I don't even know what the thing looks like. So the only thing I can do atm is raise my concerns about it, because I'm yet to see good results from vector based scalable UIs. All I care about is not losing my screen space for UI elements. Even if I had a 4k panel, I would still use it in 100% scaling or lower because there's little point in having that many pixels and making everything larger because you can't see jack. You might as well use a monitor with a smaller resolution. But is it backwards compatible? Cause that's my whole point here.
  17. It's important to note the amount of people which don't own 4k displays vastly outnumber the amount of people that do. As long as this is kept in mind, rather than making an interface which requires you to have a 4k display in order to have any semblance of screen space, things should be fine. Because examples so far are either an application which doesn't scale properly for 4k displays or an application which only scales properly on 4 k displays.
  18. And in case you don't want to print the effects in your stems you're gonna have to do the exact same thing you did with a tape setup, so the only real improvement is rendering the audio faster. But the amount of time spent taking note of the settings essentially take away all the time you gained bouncing audio.
  19. Except the question you're responding to was not about pricing.
  20. Then someone should ask in support: "How do I turn the condescending splash screen messages off?"
  21. Don't see any advantages in upgrading to Windows 11, especially considering it might become subscription in the near future. I'd only use it if MS paid me to do so.
  22. Serves people right for upgrading to Windows 11. MS wouldn't be the last company to jump into the SaaS wagon. Don't be surprised if Apple follows suit with MacOS.
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