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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. In a strange twist of events, this also throws a wrench in AI algorithms as well. Because you have to train the algorithm with existing data, it could be argued that whatever comes out is not a unique piece of work.
  2. Roland removed Concerto from Roland Cloud a few years ago.
  3. ProTools is worse. Not only it is extremely keyboard heavy with its multiple editing modes and such, the keyboard shortcuts are hard coded by default to the US keyboard layout. While you can remap them nowadays, you'll often have to reinvent shortcuts for several operations because changing the keyboard layout changes shortcuts in a way that conflicts with other shortcuts mapped with the US keyboard in mind.
  4. I've seen both videos and the audio on them is a bit subpar. While that bears no semblance to the great quality of plugins ChowDSP makes, people watching might get the wrong impression.
  5. Whatever you do, don't watch the video demo of it.
  6. I hope NI takes a page of she's book and releases a "legacy" version of their stuff that comes with the old logos instead of whatever they decided to vomit recently.
  7. That user interface is something straight from the hay days of when people used Synth maker to create plugins.
  8. You can't install Zebralette by itself. You have to download and install Zebra, which also add ZRev and Zebrify to your plugins.
  9. I'd love to see how Toontrack will massage their 300+ GB drum library into a mobile app. Most mobile devices don't even have that much internal space.
  10. But do you know what it is when you grab that knob?
  11. A studio without a lava lamp doesn't sound good.
  12. Just as an update, this offer is still available and someone found a way of making it work. You have to disable any adblockers you have when you go to the page. Then you can do the form and it should send an email to you within a few seconds.
  13. At the present moment, Dorico 5 might simply not run on Windows because of reasons unknown. The only thing it might give you are cryptic messages like "audio engine process died." or similar. It seems Steinberb shipped this one sooner than it should've been.
  14. Do they still ship CE with a SSD with all the installers and data? Cause that was a nice backup strategy and didn't require you to spend who knows how long downloading 1TB of stuff.
  15. That's mostly because Hammond organs have no sustain pedal so you can't cheat and hold a chord while your fingers transition. So players have to use all sorts of chord inversions just to keep the sound from cutting. That's more an issue on a physical Hammond or similar units, as most B3 plugins will allow you to make use of the sustain pedal.
  16. Buying a domain name doesn't give you ownership of the site it was attached to.
  17. I hope they remove that annoying feature Zebralette had where you can only get it by installing Zebra along with two other plugins that will be in demo mode. None of their other free plugins do that.
  18. Interesting for them to now include Groove Agent SE on the paid versions. That won't be much of a change for me as I have Cubase LE and that comes with it. Only thing which improved since version 4 SE based solely on looking at specs: - You can now have 8 players. You were limited to 2 in version 4. Things which still make no sense and remain: - You can only adjust vertical spacing in the paid versions. This is a slight improvement over version 4, as you could only do that in the Pro version. - Most of the engrave features are still hidden behind the paid versions. I don't see what's so awesome about a separate mode you use to adjust the layout of your scores that's so precious you can't have it for free, especially considering this is how the program is structured to begin with. - You have to pay in order to have Explode, Reduce and the ability to Paste to a different voice. - Score condensing, cueing and divisi for string sections are hidden behind the paid versions. Even with all these, it still is a more attractive scoring alternative than the free version of Sibelius, which limits you in other ways, like bar numbers and other things. What remains to see if Steinberg fixed things like performance, as Dorico is extremely laggy and unresponsive. Depending on your specs, each command you do may take a few seconds to happen or for you to see a change. They also dedicated a part to introduce the ability to import and export MusicXML which is sad that it took them 4 versions to add the ability to import and export a file format that's the standard for moving scores across notation software.
  19. If you can survive without the OLED displays and knobs, the smaller Linnstrument (128 version) costs 1 grand and the larger ones costs 1400. They can work on bus power as well and on mobile. They also have open source hardware and software and are class compliant.
  20. You don't even need to spend a single cent to emulate Tom Morello's tone. Plus, most of the stuff which gives him his "signature" tone are either modifications he's done to his guitars, like a killswitch or some technique and way of playing than his amp and effects. This is no different than releasing, say, an Archetype Herman Li and include a pedal which makes Pac-Man noises.
  21. I'm waiting for the update which will add documentation, as not everyone wanting to try Bitwig came from Live. Maybe that will arrive in version 6.
  22. This plugin, much like anything Tom Morello has signature versions of, makes no sense. His tone is just a bog standard JCM800 with either a Peavey 4x12 cabinet or a Marshall 1960 one. Then you add a Whammy, two Boss DD-3 delays configured as short and long, a graphic eq, a Crybaby wah, Phase 90 and a Digitech Space Station; On that note, you get two Whammy pedals which could be just one with two modes instead of the Digitech Space Station, which is a pedal you can't get anywhere and there are no plugins of afaik. And to top that off, they even have the audacity to charge 120 bucks for this.
  23. There are also the Micro and Nano versions of the POG, which cost about the same as the mosaic.
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