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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. iZotope plugins also use hardware acceleration for the GUI.
  2. In practice, trying to fight piracy with anti-piracy measures is a losing game in most cases. Eventually, your carefully crafted scheme is circumvented and you have to divert more money and resources towards that instead of improving the product...And that's when you don't develop measures which harm legitimate customers because the crack outright bypasses the measure, or removes encryption schemes which cause performance overhead and so on. Looking at how much money Native Instruments makes per year, I question if piracy is really harming them. Or other large companies. Not that I'm advocating for piracy, but you gotta question at which point software issues are either piracy or an excuse used by companies to justify lack of improvements and such.
  3. https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share Works fine here on Windows 10 under Firefox.
  4. Great now I have two licenses of it.
  5. I'm not gonna be a happy camper until we see Cakewalk running as a Reason RE on Minix3.
  6. I'll wait until DirectML happens, then I might take a look.
  7. Because companies teach their users and encourage them to engage in corporate tribalism.
  8. There's also the instance of legitimate customers which use cracked versions of software they own because either the cracked version is easier to install or can be used without some restrictions the official license has, like requiring constant online access and such. What do you do with them? They paid for the software already. Are they stealing it?
  9. The sad part about that particular statement is that if the current Windows offerings are terrible, then every single company which also makes Linux native software and plugins are also terrible because they all have Windows versions. Even Ardour has a Windows version.
  10. Who are they? Microsoft? Microsoft is a software company. If you're talking about modern CPUs running a MINIX 3 server on lower hardware rings...Do you know how complex modern CPUs are? You can almost count on the fingers of your hands the amount of people that truly understand hardware at component level and those people are too busy being well paid by companies to do actual work as opposed to silly little mind games like "spy chips." Disabling hybrid shutdown and hibernation usually solves 100% of those issues but at the cost of taking a bit longer to bring the computer back up from a cold boot or full hibernate. As long as those are concrete examples, unlike your last bit of text... And I'm sure the whole Linux community must be proud of the disservice you're doing to them.
  11. Not to say Microsoft doesn't collect telemetry data, but claiming this is the reason Windows 10 has performance issues is just fear mongering and incorrect.
  12. SpectraLayers 10 uses the Steinberg Activation Manager, not eLicenser Control though.
  13. Take a look at iLok Cloud for example. It solves one problem by creating another, many of the plugins that use iLok are not compatible with it, so you end up having to micromanage your Cloud and local activations, it forces you to have your computer connected to the internet (which is something many people don't want their music computers to be on for several reasons) and, once you lose internet access or iLok experiences some issues which prevent you from accessing the auth servers, you just lost those tools. In Reason's case, they're holding you hostage as a user and taking things you paid for unless you comply with their demands to upgrade to the latest and greatest piece of software according to them.
  14. Oh but Linux has even worse naysayers. This whole "my DAW flavor of the week" argumentation is child's play close to the type of naysayers they have. And people reinventing the square wheel. I feel like some of the more vocal Linux people often pin themselves into a wall with the whole "Linux is better" thing. Linux is different than Windows and has more similarities with MacOS in certain aspects. As per the whole "commercial software cannot thrive in a free software environment" thing, which is perpetrated as a scare tactic by companies like Autodesk when talking about their competitors, the following commercial software have native Linux versions: - Substance Designer - Substance Painter - DaVinci Resolve - Autodesk Maya - Autodesk MudBox - Autodesk MotionBuilder - Arnold - Unreal Engine - Unity3D - Houdini - Modo - RenderMan - V-Ray - Siemens NX As per DAWs, you all know the ones which have native Linux versions. As per the reason why there aren't commercial versions of other DAWs? The reason could range from monetary to lack of knowledge about licensing models (til this day there are people that still believe you cannot sell GPL licensed software and that couldn't be further from the truth) or they believe they'll die a tech support death. The latter can be easily solved by only supporting a specific set of distros (some of the software I mentioned up there are only officially supported on Ubuntu) and people that want it running on something else will have to make it happen and that often ends up being the case. Without knowing how many people are interested in a Mac version, it's hard to tell. It could be that the amount of interest in a Linux version is actually larger than ones from a Mac version. At least we know people interested in a Mac version want a Sonar version and not this newfangled Bandlab inspired DAW which hasn't shown up yet. This is the kind of corporate tribalism modern companies push and it's no different with "the bakers." Just try mentioning their beloved piece of software has a bug or design flaw and you'll be showered with people telling you workarounds (which are a clear admission of the bug/fault without telling so) or saying this is a problem with you and not the software and you should've been more careful with saying those words here. Of course I'm exaggerating a bit but this kind of behavior also encourages developers to not innovate or even fix bugs. Or they'll act the same way towards feature suggestions, as the creator of Ardour often demonstrates in their forums. This doesn't quite work in real life as a comparison because the way smaller companies thrive in the market is filling niches where it wouldn't pay for larger companies to compete on as the profit margins would be too small for them. In a sense, you could argue people that use Linux for music making tend to be more creative in their approach because of the many limitations they have in regards to plugin and hardware support and options. That may change depending on how well the industry takes on CLAP, because you can do VST3 plugins for Linux (u-he has Linux versions for pretty much all the products they make) but you're still at Steinberg's mercy.
  15. I feel like this "meme" was more perpetrated by old Cakewalk/SONAR users which, according to lore, used the program even before a single line of its source code was written. And the Roland/Gibson/Cakewalk Inc. widows. And that helped create this false notion that people would get this fully featured DAW with all of these instruments for nothing when what they got was only the nothing part of the bargain. Generalizing in this case, but features which require you to find them or are not talked about as much because "everyone" already knows about them are not good selling points, IMO. It only took 5 versions for Presonus to stop being a bunch of penny pinchers in a sense. I'd say that feature wise with some exceptions, CbB is more in line with Studio One Artist 2 than 4 and above.
  16. Because Quick Grouping sometimes doesn't work or doesn't work for everything. I believe there's more than two ways of adding multiple effects in Studio One, but I'll have to check and come up with a response later.
  17. Separate forum section, when overdone in comparison to the amount of users and posting frequency end up alienating users, which may or may not only post in one specific section of the forums and that will generate several duplicate posts all around. Usually, the more generic you make the structure, the better it is. Another solution which is used by Image-Line but creates another problem is your software licenses determine which parts of the forum you can see and post on. Since I have a FL Studio Mobile license, for example, that's the only forum I can post to. I feel any extension of this post for me would end up being several pictures on how the current forum structure contributes to the current level of alienation and how keeping it and just adding new sub forums for the new products would make it worse. As mentioned before, some people often organize community forums in structures which are only condusive to work when you have tens of thousands of users, rather than a few hundreds to thousands total with less than a hundred active.
  18. While Quick Grouping is one feature that sure not many people know about, Studio One ups it a bit by having it on by default. Want to change the volume of multiple tracks at once? Just select those tracks and move the faders. You can also create selection groups or have a VCA track, which makes the process set once and forget. As of version 6, there's several ways of adding effects. Dragging and dropping is only one of them. There are multiple places where you can access the track window (which a sort of throwback to the channel window Cubase has) without having to open the mixer or any inspector. You can also select all tracks you want to send, right click and go "Add FX/Bus for selected tracks." This is a feature which has been present since version 2. But Studio One also has templates. You have project templates, track templates, instrument templates, macros...And since you can do the dreaded "Copy only certain stuff from other projects" thing which Cubase and ProTools do, you may not have to create templates at all depending on your workflow.
  19. I did download Mixcraft at some point to try and these were not present in it at all. Though, is the scaling true scaling or does it just make the fonts smaller?
  20. If you have BiasFX LE, you cannot use MIDI to control stuff.
  21. This one I'm a bit on the fence on, cause it could fill both posts depending on how you look at it.
  22. If even shows in the video that the scaling menu starts on 100% and only goes up.
  23. Now you have my interest, because usually whenever the terms "hardware acceleration" are mentioned, it's usually yet another software jumping into the CUDA bandwagon because of supposed widespread support or because nVidia decided it wants to care about that particular piece of software because of rea$ons.
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