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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. Hello JohnnyV, Bandlab has a distribution service also. I don't know anything about it, but here are some links. https://help.bandlab.com/hc/en-us/articles/16970445724825-What-is-Distribution- https://www.bandlab.com/distribution I did find a little more. There is a free trial. After a free trial you can still use the service but it is an 80/20 split, but if you only make $0.22 from streaming who really cares. https://blog.bandlab.com/how-to-use-bandlab-distribution/ https://blog.bandlab.com/intro-to-bandlab-distribution/
  2. https://tubitv.com/movies/475594/death-by-metal another great workout video
  3. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14645199 Silence is golden 50 will get you nothing
  4. Wookie or Bjorn over in the songs forum. Seriously, they are as good or better than most, including the Mt. Synthmore types.
  5. For the person without much cash this would be a good price to get a lot of stuff. It comes with a bevy of t racks effects, but you can't use them outside of the platform, and there are usable sounds. I am not sure it compares at all to Kontakt, though others may have different opinions. At $49 I would recommend this for sure to someone who just wanted to stick their toe in the water when it comes to sample players.
  6. John, I sometimes forget to turn of the monitors when I live track, and the metronome ends up on the recording, but it never turns out like this, where it fits in the song. I like the lyrics a lot. Time truly does slip away. I thought it was a solid recording, but I don't know much about recording or how to make stuff sound good, I can only comment that the song made me think and feel. Also, I admire the fact that you actually play out live, that is so awesome. I like the video too, something I'll probably never be able to do. Keep on keeping on!
  7. To me, the vocals are muddy. I didn't take any care to record them properly, even less care than usual. So thanks, I will be pleased to know that I am no longer in beef or franks realm, ?
  8. yes It's a machine for spending money!!! Although I know from your history and posts that you find ways to make your music with frugality. For you it seems to be bigger than sneezing out songs, but the nuts and bolts too, and whats going on under the hood. And, you share your learnin.
  9. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14644111 hello everybody, I hope you are doing well we should hold hands and skip into the ether.
  10. I thought this was worth the 90 minutes while I was on the elliptical. https://tubitv.com/movies/100003779/gary-numan-android-in-la-la-land?start=true
  11. Hello Doug, the forum is always a great place to get help. If you really want expert advice for a fee there is always Jim Roseberry. https://www.studiocat.com/collections/consultation
  12. Larry, I really like the sound of the guitar and the bass. I also like the way you explored different paths but always returned to the center. I had cool imaginations of how this all came together.
  13. Hey, I thought you were talking about South Africa?? Great effort, long after people forget about your music they will remember your good deeds, especially if this is an endowment.
  14. I liked everything about it. Nice work, you have every right to be proud!
  15. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14635849 noy yoi
  16. Hello Rex, I am impressed with the quality of your recordings. You are honing your studio skills and your dedication is really starting to show. This is a nice and clean render. I also appreciate that you touched on a subject that can cause distress in some circles. That says a lot about who you are and the chances you will take. If as you say "love is love" then I guess I would also say in a song forum a "song is a song." To my ears this is a well arranged and recorded song, and that is what impresses me the most.
  17. dee dah dah dah dah dee https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14628962
  18. ha I listen to Yoko when I need inspiration. John Lennon loved Yoko, and that's good enough for me. Irascible as that seems. He loved Paul too, and Ringo, and George. Your music reminds me of John
  19. a.k.a Broke in a Moment of Weakness https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14626766 three parts spit, one part dust
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