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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. I didn't watch this because I am under house arrest. Did they show guitar rack that descends with the flip of a switch? You can see some of his acquisitions in the upper right of the thumbnail. Probably a million $ worth. The coolest thing is, his wife occasionally prods him to buy collectable guitars. She has an eye for value, imho.
  2. Venn diagrams just can't escape them my circles too thirteen to the thirty four?
  3. If the worst thing happens we will make sure you get added to the list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_entertainers_who_died_during_a_performance I hope that doesn't happen because I have learned many things about recording and music from you. I would miss your posts and replies.
  4. Hello Free Ear Candy, let me make a few things perfectly clear. I appreciate your honesty in what your tastes are. My expressions lately have been of this sort. I don't think anyone would gravitate towards them or listen to them for any length of time. I am ok with that. Though I wish more people could appreciate what is going on under the hood I understand that it is not going to happen. It is the nature of the form. If you actually double dipped then that says a lot. It says to me that you actually noticed that there was some substance to the expression. Yes it is chaotic, but it is ordered chaos, and you noticed that. That means more than anything to me. I never really knew who Frank Zappa was. I had heard the name, but never had any of his music or listened to any of it, and still don't. The only pieces I can say I listened to was the one about yellow snow, and the dental floss song, other than that I only know about him because I am often compared to him. I am also compared to Captain Beefheart, but again, I have heard the name but never listened to his group, except to figure out what people meant when they compared our styles. So, thanks again for the listen and comment. I did not take it harshly, it is abstract muck, on this we can agree, but that is where I am at. It is great to be alive. Were you really at Woodstock? I did see the movie.
  5. get clean pigs will wallow in the mud they love company do not go all piggy https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=1389225
  6. OJ, I sure do love the links for videos you post in the CH. Thanks! I had to look up rabbit hole and tarts. I've never read that book, but I am going to now. Thanks for the listen, and the tip. "I gave her one, they gave him two, You gave us three or more; They all returned from him to you, Though they were mine before. If I or she should chance to be Involved in this affair, He trusts to you to set them free, Exactly as we were." Hey t, you know, how do you describe something that can't be described. fuzzy science
  7. Jesse Screed

    rolled over

    First, thanks to anyone who bears to listen. I don't get back here much anymore. details Track One mim fender p bass direct in through NI Transient Master-> FF Pro Q3->NI Guitar Rig 6 (drive Invader) Track Two Jamstix 4 tweaked (Bonzo Pak Dry) midi out Track Three Komplete Kontrol (Drum Lab Char Kit)-> NI Transient Master Track Four Komplete Kontrol ( The Grandeur Pop Clean) -> TR5 VC 670 Track Five MIA Strat DI -> NI Transient Master _> Ni Freak-> NI Vari Comp Track 6 IK Sampletron-> TR5 Bus Comp (midi track transposed one octave up) Track 7 Vocals -> AT875R->NI Transient Master-> FF PQ3-> MSpectral Dynamics-> Waves Vocal Rider to buss NI Reacktor with NI the Mouth-> NI The Freak Master Bus-> NI Transient Master-> Izotope Insight Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 gen 3 Cakewalk by bandlab Sure, it's not typical CbB song forum fodder, but it is me, any thoughts are welcome, but if not no matter https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14569744 Oh, it's a song about the arrival of Spring, but could be about the winter too
  8. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14560263 this was done with gs 2
  9. everybody thinks they're so in tune https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14559279
  10. https://tubitv.com/movies/554179/tom-petty-and-the-heartbreakers-runnin-down-a-dream if you like tom petty this is a good one
  11. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14556318 a concept 1. to last forever 2. riding shotgun 3. tingles 4. led supper 5. eye sea ewe 6. blue incense 7. splatter gun 8. foot prints in the snow 9. South Alabama
  12. sometimes it is so dang hard the only other alternative is sticks, stones, and disdain thanks @Bajan Blue and @Lynn Wilson
  13. Hey Simeon, I watched your video about the ordeal I especially liked the story about the boat going to the other side we are we are also, does one of our forum moderators know that you have a hairy rendition to your left? anyway, I hope the best for you
  14. this is the 7th movement of my sos symphony would you push my button.mp3
  15. Thanks Bapu, I just measured my hand from wrist to tip of middle finger and I get 7.75 just like you. Is that considered big or small or medium? I am not able to use my thumb on guitar or base, but maybe it is a problem with flexibility or technique. It just looked like his basses all had thin necks. Thanks for the info on basses. I have a MIM P base.
  16. Well, I watched it during my workout, and I have to say I was more impressed by his credentials than the presentation of the ideas. He is obviously a very smart human, and he was probably rushed for time, but it seemed like maybe he wasn't super prepared for it. Not that it was bad, but if he worked on the delivery a little it could be a whole lot better, that's just me, I get what he means, wonder how it translated in real time for the audience whose first language was not English.
  17. Hey bass players, Are the necks on 4 string basses narrower than on a 6 string guitar?
  18. very nice bass work. The music seemed happy, but the subject seemed sad. I guess it is the absurdity of life right? Nice arrangement and cool use of organ and ?harpsicord? Cool son, can't wait to hear the album.
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